2025 Meeting of the SEM Working Group at the TU Chemnitz
The next meeting of the SEM Working Group will take place on 19-21 March 2025 at the TU Chemnitz. The meeting is organized by Prof. Dr. Jochen Mayerl and Dr. Henrik Andersen of the University of Technology Chemnitz, Institut of Sociology and in cooperation with the Methods Competency Center (Methodenkompetenzzentrum, MKZ).
Keynote addresses will be given by Prof. Bart Meuleman (KU Leuven) and Prof. Jost Reinecke (University of Bielefeld) together with Prof. Peter Schmidt (University of Giessen).
There is no conference fee. Participation is free for active and passive participants.
Conference Programme
The preliminary conference programme can be found here.
Pre-Conference Workshop
Prof. Yves Rosseel (University of Ghent), author of the lavaan package for SEM in R, will be giving a pre-conference workshop on the Structural After Measurements Approach to Structural Equation Modeling. The workshop will take place from 14:00-17:00 on 19 March, 2025. Both speakers and passive participants are invited to take part in the workshop. Use the link below to register.
The conference, as well as the pre-conference workshop by Yves Rosseel is open to passive participants. Please register via the following form. Therein you can select what parts of the conference you would like to participate in.
For questions and concerns, please contact local organizer Henrik Andersen (henrik.andersen@soziologie.tu-chemnitz.de).
Structural Equation Modeling Working Group
Important announcement
With the retirement of Jost Reinecke, the responsibility of the SEM Working Group has passed to Jochen Mayerl and Henrik Andersen of the University of Technology Chemnitz. Due to privacy concerns, we cannot pass Working Group members’ contact information to the TU Chemnitz without your permission. To continue to be a member of the Working Group and receive the newsletter, please use this form (enter your e-mail address and name and click on "Subscribe" at the bottom under "subscribe without creating an account").
Past Conferences
"Open Science and Replicability in the Behavioural Social Sciences" Conference of MethodenKompetenzZentrum, Faculty of Behavioural and Social Science, Chemnitz University of Technology, 30 April 2021
Welcome to the official website of the virtual Open Science conference “Open Science and Replicability in the Behavioural Social Sciences”, which was be hosted by the University of Technology, Chemnitz (Germany, 30 April 2021).
Open Science practices offer increasing access to open data and research literature. Further, research processes including all steps of statistical analysis are becoming more transparent. Open Science also promises to have an impact on fundamental procedures in peer review processes (incl. pre-registration and avoidance of publication bias) as well as transparency and replicability of research processes and results. In addition, Open Science increases the possibility for international collaboration even during the ongoing research process and enables a large number of researchers to join forces and work together on one research question.
To ensure that these exciting contributions and the accumulation of this body of knowledge on this important timely topic are not lost, all contributions will - as far as possible - be made available to the scientific community on the Open Science platform OSFMEETINGS (https://osf.io/meetings/OSCTUC2021/). Below you will also find the video recordings of the keynotes, the conference programme and participants by region.