Smart City
Innovative Approach Towards a Master Program on Smart Cities Technologies
Project Summary:
The aim of the project is to increase the possibilities for KZ, MN, RU to improve the quality of living in the big cities, reduce costs and resource consumption, to improve contact between citizens and government by implementing of the Smart City technologies (SCT) using urban informatics and technology – by starting preparation of the new breed of multidisciplinary ICT-skills graduates. At the moment in all these countries in spite of governments’ ambitious plans no university prepares such specialists. Development of the Double Degree Master Program in the SCT (DDMP) allows to prepare highly qualified professionals and to implement ECTS, EU principles of assessment what will make the graduates internationally recognized. The students will get the possibility to obtain RU, KZ, MN MS degree in SC and MS Degree of one of EU universities. This objective will be achieved through major Outcomes/Outputs: D1.1.Business community needs and expectations analyzed, D2.1.New curricula developed, D2.2.New syllabi developed, D2.3.Partners' network established legally, D3.1.Skills upgraded and methodological support of the teaching process is ensured, D3.2.Teaching materials and training guide developed, D4.1.PC universities staff upgraded in quality assurance, D4.2.QAS and user guide developed, D4.3.QAS in operation, D5.1.PC universities staff upgraded in e-learning and new technologies, D5.2.IHLS in operation, equipped (an innovative approach to teaching includes: web-portal, remote/virtual labs, e-learning, access to the EU databases), D6.1.Students' training implemented; and other Outcomes/Outputs relevant to the project’s realization. DDMP development includes development of the curriculum, content, teaching materials for 18 subjects, assessment methodology and signing bilateral agreements with EU universities on DDMP realization. Guide for the new students’ admission to the DDMP will be developed. Links with business guarantee that the DDMP will follow PC business demands.