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Austauschprogramm ICCS
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Tele Lecture "Practice-Oriented Introduction to Computer Graphics" (PDF)

The Faculty of Computer Science offers a practice-oriented introduction to fundamental hardware and software methods and concepts as well as software tools in the field of computer graphics (CG) and virtual reality (VR).

  • LECTURE with practical exercises
  • APPLICATION DEADLINE: notice as early as possible
  • SCHEDULE: notice as early as possible
  • EXAM: Programming project, 3 credits

This course is part of the exchange program ICCS - International Courses of Computer Science.
The lecture provides a general overview of the knowledge domain of computer graphics as well as in-depth knowledge of the OpenGL graphics library.
The focuses of the lessons are:
  • Introduction to basic terms and concepts
  • Basic hardware architectures
  • Basic concepts of graphical standards and libraries
  • OpenGL rendering pipeline
  • In-depth OpenGL programming
  • Illumination techniques
  • Real time shadow computation
  • Animation techniques

The lectures will be offered as video releases which contain commented slides of the different topics. In addition, practical exercises are given as recommended homeworks. There, the programming of OpenGL is to be trained on simple examples.

Although the OpenGL basics are independent from platforms, the preferred programming framework to complete the exercises is MS Visual Studio C/C++ running under the Windows operating system.

Requested skills:
  • Basic programming skills
  • Experiences in language C/C++
Requested systems:
  • MS Visual Studio
  • 3D content creation suite (e.g. BLENDER)
  • Registration online
  • PC with videostreaming qualified internet connection required
  • Correspondence via webcam / video conferencing system
Participants get registration at Chemnitz University of Technology with full online access to university library and computer network.