Zeit: | Donnerstag, 11.11.1999, 17:00 Uhr |
Ort: | Reichenhainer Straße 70, B202 |
Vortragender: | P. Tichy (Prag) |
Thema: | The shadow vector in the Lanczos method |
Lanczos method for solving the system of linear
algebraic equations Ax=b consists in constructing
a sequence of vectors xk in such a way that
![]() and ![]() where ![]() It will be shown that, by the choice of shadow vector, it is possible, in certain sense, to make the Lanczos method to be closer to some other Krylov subspace method (KSM) like GMRES, and that almost every three-term KSM can be implemented by the Lanczos method within first [n/2] iterations where n is the rank of the matrix A. | |
Das Seminar wird von Herrn Prof. Mehrmann geleitet. Interessenten sind herzlich eingeladen. |