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Career Service 
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TUC Alumni - Ask me Anything

Zur Anmeldung

 Für Studierende (TU Chemnitz)
Zeit:18:30 - 20:00 Uhr
Trainer/-in:André Claren (Career-Service-Mitarbeiter, Bereich Individuelle Berufseinstiegsberatung, Schwerpunkt: Internationale Studierende)
max. Teilnehmer:30

You have the chance to talk to former students of TUC who are now working full-time in the private sector and ask them all the questions you have about how they found their way on the job market (and potential learning they want to share with you).

At the moment, we have the participation confirmation of a former student of Advanced Manufacturing. Alumni of ofther studies (Advanced Functional Materials, Automotive Software Engineering, Embedded Systems, Mechanical Engineering) are currently considering to participate. Check back here to see updates on that. Our career coach André will accompany the event and add his perspective as well.

We'll announce the BBB room to the registered participants the day before the event.