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Professur Anorganische Chemie
Professur Anorganische Chemie 

Khaybar Assim

Dr. Khaybar Assim


Research Topics

  1. Darstellung und Charaktersierung von Precursoren zur Abscheidung dünner Mangan- und Palladium-basierte Schichten mittels CVD

  2. Synthese von Co3O4-basierten Nanopartikel und –Nanokomposite mittels Zwillingspolymerisation


  1. Atomic layer deposition of ultrathin Cu2O and subsequent reduction to Cu studied by in situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
    D. Dhakal, K. Assim, H. Lang, P. Bruener, T. Grehl, C. Georgi, T. Waechtler, R. Ecke, S. E. Schulz, T. Gessner
    J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 2015, 34 01A111-1–12.

  2. Chemical vapor deposition of ruthenium-based layers by a single-source approach.
    J. Jeschke, S. Möckel, M. Korb, T. Rüffer, K. Assim, M. Melzer, G. Herwig, C. Georgi, S. E. Schulz, H. Lang
    J. Mater. Chem. C 2016, 4, 2319–2328 .

  3. Manganese half-sandwich complexes as metal-organic chemical vapor deposition precursors for manganese-based thin films.
    K. Assim, J. Jeschke, A. Jakob, D. Dhakal, M. Melzer, C. Georgi, S.E. Schulz, T. Gessner, H. Lang
    Thin Solid Films 2016, 619, 265–272 .

  4. Bis(β-diketonato)- and allyl-(β-diketonato)-palladium(II) complexes: synthesis, characterization and MOCVD application.
    K. Assim, M. Melzer, M. Korb, T. Rüffer, A. Jakob, J. Noll, C. Georgi, S.E. Schulz, H. Lang, RSC Adv. 2016, 6, 102557–102569 .

  5. Co(II) ethylene glycol carboxylates for Co3O4 nanoparticles and nanocomposites formation.
    K. Assim, S. Schulze, M. Pügner, Martin Uhlemann, T. Gemming, L. Giebeler, M. Hietschold, T. Lampke, H. Lang, Submitted in Journal of Materials Science. , , .

  6. [Y(dbm)3(H2O)]: Synthesis, Thermal Behaviour and Spin-Coating Precursor for Y2O3 Layer Formation.
    E. Pousaneh, A. Preuß, K. Assim, J. Noll, A. Jakob, T. Rüffer, H. Lang, J. Rare Earth 2017 eingereicht


  1. Manganese Complexes: Synthesis and Properties.
    K. Assim , H. Lang, IRTG Summer School 2013, Shanghai.

  2. MMOCVD manganese precursors: synthesis and characterization.
    K. Assim , H. Lang, IRTG Summer School 2013, Warnemünde.

  3. Interial Sensors; capacitive accelerometer – functionality & application.
    K. Assim, Graduiertenkolleg 1215 “ Materials and Concepts for Advanced Interconnects and Nanosystems”, TU-Chemnitz, 2014.

  4. Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured materials.
    K. Assim, Fudan University in Shanghai (China), 2014.


  1. Manganese precursors for the chemical vapor deposition process.
    K. Assim, H. Lang, Mitteldeutsches Anorganiker-Nachwuchssymposium, Chemnitz, 2015.