Prof. Dr. Karin Leistner
Photo: Jacob Müller
Education and professional career
since 01.02.2025 University Professor for Electrochemical Sensing and Energy Storage (W3) at the University of Technology Chemnitz, Germany
07/2024 Call (W3, Physical Chemistry) from TU Dresden, declined
06/2024 Call (W3, Physical Chemistry) from RWTH Aachen University, declined
05/2021-01/2025 University Professor for Electrochemical Sensing and Energy Storage (W2) at the University of Technology Chemnitz, Germany
06/2017-05/2021 Research group leader of the “Nanoscale Electrodeposition and Magneto-ionics” group at the Institute for Metallic Materials (IMW) of the Leibniz-Institute of Solid State and Materials Research (IFW) Dresden, Germany
2010-2017 Scientist in the “Chemical Materials Synthesis” group (DFG Eigene Stelle) at the IFW Dresden, Germany
01-06/2016 Visiting scientist in the Kavanagh group, Department of Physics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada
2007-2010 Post-doc at the IMW, Electrodeposition of magnetic nanowires and alloy films, IFW Dresden, Germany
2004-2007 PhD in Materials Science (Degree Dr.-Ing., “summa cum laude“) on “Hard magnetic FePt films prepared by electrochemical deposition for microelectromechanical systems”, TU Dresden, Germany
1998-2004 Study of Materials Science, TU Dresden (Degree Dipl.-Ing.) and at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint Etienne, Saint Etienne, France
1998 Abitur, Carl-von-Bach-Gymnasium Stollberg, Sachsen, Germany
1995-1996 Exchange year at Grand Centre High School, Grand Centre, Alberta, Canada
Invited talks/Grants/Awards
11/2023 ERC Consolidator Grant ACTIONS
2017/18 Mentee of the Leibniz Mentoring Program
2014 Research Price of the Institute for Metallic Materials, IFW Dresden
2008 „Deutsche-Bank-Nachwuchspreis“ of the IFW Dresden 2007
2005-2007 Grant for EU Marie Curie Courses Micro and Nano Deposition
> 35 invited talks (incl. ECS and ISE meetings, MMM-Intermag, DPG Spring meeting, IEEE Nano)
Conference Organisation
2023 Program Co-Chair 68. MMM Conference, Dallas, USA
2022 Program Subcomittee Team Lead for MMM 2022, Topic Magnetoelectronic Materials and Phenomena
2019/2020 Organizer of the 712. Heraeus Seminar Energy efficient magnetoelectric materials by ionic approaches, 01/2020, Bad Honnef, Germany
2018/19 Program committee member (Structured Materials), Session Chair (Multi-layered Films) Joint MMM/Intermag 2019, Washington, USA
2018 Chair of the Magnetic Materials Processes and Devices symposium at AiMES (Electrochemical Society) 2018, Cancun, Mexico
2017/18 Organizer of the Symposium Voltage Control of Functional Interfaces at the German Physical Society Spring Meeting 2018 in Berlin, Germany
Reviewing activities
Reviewer for Nature Comm., Adv. Mater., Science Advances, Small, ACS Appl. Mater. Interf., Nanoscale, Electrochim. Acta, Phys. Rev. B.; Reviewer for the CNRS (France); Remote reviewer for the Consolidator Grant 2019 call of the ERC, CNRS, France, U.S Department of Energy