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JCF Chemnitz
About Us

About us

The Young Chemists Forum (JCF) is organized by the young, mostly student members of the GDCh. Here, young chemists coordinate and organize their interests and activities. All student and other trainees, as well as those regular GDCh members who are classified as young members according to the membership regulations, form the Young Chemists Forum.

The JCF aims to provide young chemists with a platform for networking, for example through international exchanges with the European Young Chemists` Network (EuChemS) or the Northeastern Section Younger Chemists Commitee (NSYCC). Furthermore, it serves as a bridge between school, university, and professional life. For this reason, the Young Sprit project was launched, which aims to spark children's interest in the sciences from a young age through engaging experiments. In collaboration with "MINT Zukunft schaffen," STEM-friendly schools are recognized, and close contact between the JCF and schools is established. The transition to professional life is supported through organized job fairs and the GDCh's mentoring program, CheMento .

Additionally, membership for young chemists in the GDCh offers many other benefits, such as free access to the monthly specialist journal "Nachrichten aus der Chemie," travel scholarships, reduced participation fees for GDCh conferences and training events (funding and free spots for young chemists available), and a career service. The membership fee for young chemists is only €30 per year (no separate registration for the JCF required!), and the first calendar year is even free. Become a membernow! If you have any questions, feel free to ask us!

In general, the JCF is divided into about 50 regional groups, where all young GDCh members can actively participate and are represented by an elected speakers' team. Through the active collaboration of the individual regional groups, the organization of job fairs, the annual spring symposium, and the speakers' meeting held in autumn is made possible. Moreover, close cooperation between the JCF regional groups and the respective GDCh local chapters is sought.

The JCF in Chemnitz was founded in June 2004. In addition to lectures and industrial excursions, we also organize other events, such as the annual doctoral seminar, where a doctoral candidate or staff member from each research group at the Institute of Chemistry presents their group in a short talk to provide students with insights into research activities.To keep the JCF Chemnitz vibrant, we are always happy to welcome active members. Get involved and become part of the JCF! If you have questions, ideas for events, or need help with a scholarship application or similar, just ask us or send an .  You can also find us on Facebookand Instagram - check us out! We look forward to seeing you!

Your JCF Team