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Professur Nachrichtentechnik
Professur Nachrichtentechnik

Pedestrian activity classification based on measurements of a smart device

Today available smart devices are equipped with accelerometers, magnetometers, cameras, GPS sensors such as relative powerful processors. These mobile sensorial systems can be used in traffic research to collect information about the behaviour of pedestrians.


- literature research
- measurement acquisition with a smart phone
- development of an algorithm
- implementation of the algorithm in C#
- evaluation
- discussion/conclusion

Art der Arbeit: Research Project / Bachelor / Master

Vorkenntnisse/Anforderungen: working independently, good knowledge in programming language C++/C#, basic knowledge/experiences in programming mobile applications for Android e.g. with Xamarin

Kontakt: Timo Pech

For Research Projects

The registration for the Research Projects can only be done online, via the OPAL learning-platform .