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Professorship Circuit and System Design
Applied Circuit Design and Testing

Course Applied Circuit Design and Testing

The challenge of the course is an intensive examination with the design and test steps of digital hardware as well as the efficient usage of the available hardware resources. Therefore a closer look at specific conditions in terms of synthesis and testability for FPGA as well as for ASICs will be taken. Finally the implementation of a digital design based on a FPGA should be realized and the solution must be verified. Interdisciplinary knowledge can be acquired through extended answering of different questions, such as:

  • How is it possible to model a design environment in detail?
  • How should the VHDL code be structured to create the desired hardware structure?
  • Which test structures exist for digital circuits?
  • How can I use an industrial test system (ATE)?

The course Applied Circuit Design and Testing consists of seminar and practice session and covers the practical use of commercial design and test tools. It requires the knowledge from "Design of Heterogeneous Systems" and "Test of digital and mixed-signal Circuits." The practice covers complex design tasks based on the knowledge about design, modelling, test and synthesis of complex systems. The seminar provides the necessary theoretical knowledge about tools and algorithms.

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