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GAMM Student Chapter
3.6.2016: Vortrag Tommy Etling

Vortrag Tommy Etling

  • Tommy Etling
  • NM Logo
  • GAMM Logo

Datum: Freitag, 3.6.2016 Calendar-Feed

Zeit: 11:30 bis 12:30

Ort: Raum B202, Reichenhainer Straße 70


Tommy Etling

Professur Numerische Mathematik (Partielle Differentialgleichungen)
TU Chemnitz

„Formoptimierung für die Parameteridentifikation in der linearen Elastizität“

Optimum Experimental Design (OED) is an established technique in various scientific disciplines in order to optimize the parameter identification by experiments, e.g., in the modeling of chemical processes. In this talk we consider the identification of the material parameters in linear elasticity, i.e., Young’s modulus and the Poisson ratio. A novelty of our approach is that we use the geometry of the specimens in order to optimize the precision of the parameter estimation. We formulate an associated shape optimization problem and derive an appropriate volume representation of the shape derivative using the Lagrange method and a material derivative free approach. Numerical experiments are included.

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