David Becker (M. A. Pol.)
David Becker
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
+49 371 531-39305
Wilhelm-Raabe-Straße 43, 09120 Chemnitz
Bitte nur schriftlich und unter Angabe von Namen und E-Mail-Adresse kontaktieren
Aktuelle Lehrveranstaltungen
- B.Sc.-Seminar für Grundlagen der Entwicklungspsychologie: Determinanten der Intelligenz- und Kompetenzentwicklung
- B.Sc.-Seminar für Anwendungsbereich III - Pädagogische Psychologie: Internationale und nationale Schulleistungsstudien im Vergleich
Hilfsmaterialien für Studentinnen und Studenten
- https://tuc.cloud/index.php/s/6iYeqPnNtcGSQgp
Neuste Publikationen
- Becker, D., Coyle, Th. R. & Rindermann, H. (2024). Unraveling the nexus: Culture, cognitive competence, and economic performance across 86 nations (2000–2018). Intelligence, 106, 101845. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2024.101845
- Becker, D., Bakhiet, S. F., Alshahomee, A. A., Gadour, A., Elmenfi, F., Essa, Y. A. S., & Dutton, E. (2023). Opinions on intelligence: An Arab perspective. Intelligence, 97, 101731. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2023.101731
- Rindermann, H. & Becker, D. (2023). The future of intelligence: A prediction of the FLynn effect based on past student assessment studies until the year 2100. Personality and Individual Differences, 206, 112110.
- Becker, D., Coyle, Th. R., Minnigh, T. Y., & Rindermann, H. (2022). International differences in math and science tilts: The stability, geography, and predictive power of tilt for economic criteria. Intelligence, 92, 101646. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2022.101646
- Internationale Unterschiede in kognitiven Fähigkeiten
- Kognitive Fähigkeiten und politische Stabilität
- Spannungsfeld zwischen Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft
- Becker, D., (2019). Expert opinions on modifiability of cognitive ability. Vortrag auf der ICPS-Convention 2019 in Paris, 7.-9. März 2019.
- Becker, D., (2017). National IQs revisited: The first steps of a long-term project. Vortrag am 12. Mai 2017 auf der 4. London Conference on Intelligence in London, 12.-14. Mai 2017.
- Becker, D., & Rindermann, H. (2016). Population genetics in intelligence research: How much can it help to retrace the evolution of intelligence? Vortrag am 14. Mai 2016 auf der 3. London Conference on Intelligence in London, 13.-15. Mai 2016.
- Becker, D., & Rindermann, H. (2014). Genetic distances and IQ-differences: A cross-national study. Poster am 12. Dezember 2014 auf der 15. Tagung der International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR) in Graz, Österreich.
- Rindermann, H., Coyle, Th. R., & Becker, D. (2013). 2013 survey of expert opinion on intelligence. Vortrag am 14. Dezember 2013 auf der 14. Tagung der International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR) in Melbourne, Australien.
- Becker, D., Rindermann, H., & Coyle, Th. R. (2013). Expert opinion on the causes of international differences in intelligence – 2013 Survey of Expert Opinion on Intelligence. Poster am 12. Dezember 2013 auf der 14. Tagung der International Society for Intelligence Research (ISIR) in Melbourne, Australien.
- Becker, D., Coyle, Th. R. & Rindermann, H. (2024). Unraveling the nexus: Culture, cognitive competence, and economic performance across 86 nations (2000–2018). Intelligence, 106, 101845. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2024.101845
- Becker, D., Bakhiet, S. F., Alshahomee, A. A., Gadour, A., Elmenfi, F., Essa, Y. A. S., & Dutton, E. (2023). Opinions on intelligence: An Arab perspective. Intelligence, 97, 101731. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2023.101731
- Rindermann, H. & Becker, D. (2023). The future of intelligence: A prediction of the FLynn effect based on past student assessment studies until the year 2100. Personality and Individual Differences, 206, 112110.
- Becker, D., Coyle, Th. R., Minnigh, T. Y., & Rindermann, H. (2022). International differences in math and science tilts: The stability, geography, and predictive power of tilt for economic criteria. Intelligence, 92, 101646. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2022.101646
- Becker, D., Kiel, C. & Rindermann, H. (2023). Cross-national associations of IQ and infectious diseases: Is the prevalence of Corona an exceptional case? Qeios. https://doi.org/10.32388/YAEGXV
- Lovis-Schmidt, A., Peterfy, M., Schaub, A., Becker, D., & Rindermann, H. (2022). Bildschirmkonsum und kognitive Kompetenzen im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1024/2235-0977/a000367
- Alhossein, A., Abaoud, A. A., Becker, D., Aldabas, R., Bakhiet, S. F., Al Jaffal, M., Alsufyani, M., Abdu Elrahim, N. M. & Alzrayer, N. (2022). Psychometric properties of ADHD Rating Scale—5 for Children and Adolescents in Sudan—School Version. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 883578. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.883578
- Almuaqel, I. A. A., Dutton, E., Bakhiet, S. F. A., Becker, D., & Ahmed, Z. A. R. E. H (2021). Regional and sex differences on the Standard Progressive Matrices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Mankind Quarterly, 62(2), 288–300. https://doi.org/10.46469/mq.2021.62.2.5
- Dutton, E., Becker, D., & Shibaev, V. (2021). Why do Finns, Estonians and Finno-Ugric Peoples in Russia have such high intelligence? Mankind Quarterly, 61(4), 1000–1024. https://doi.org/10.46469/mq.2021.61.4.12
- AlMerab, M. M., Dutton, E., Becker, D., Farah Attallah Bakhiet, S., Essa, Y. A. S., & Meisenberg, G. (2021). Sex differences in personality in Saudi Arabia. Mankind Quarterly, 61(3), 497–517. https://doi.org/10.46469/mq.2021.61.3.7
- Rindermann, H., Becker, D., & Coyle, Th. R. (2020). Survey of expert opinion on intelligence: Intelligence research, experts' background, controversial issues, and the media. Intelligence, 78, 101406. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2019.101406
- Husain, N. I. A. E., Meisenberg, G., Becker, D., Bakhiet, S. F., Essa, Y. Ah. S., Lynn, R., & Al Julayghim, F. M. H. (2019). Intelligence, family income and parental education in the Sudan. Intelligence, 77, 101402. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2019.101402
- Bakhiet, S. F. A., Becker, D., Mohamed, H. F. A., Abdoulaye, H. A., Ahmed, S. A. E. S., & Lynn, R. (2019). Intelligence in the West African State of Benin. Mankind Quarterly, 60(1), 75–92. https://doi.org/10.46469/mq.2019.60.1.6
- Bakhiet, S. F. A., Becker, D., Ahmed, S. A. E. S., & Lynn, R. (2019). A study of intelligence in the state of Ash Shamaliyah, Sudan. Mankind Quarterly, 60(1), 99–105. https://doi.org/10.46469/mq.2019.60.1.8
- Dutton, E., Bakhiet, S. F. A., Osman, H. A., Becker, D., Essa, Y. Ah. S., Blahmar, T. A. M., Lynn, R., & Hakami, S. M. (2018). A Flynn effect in Khartoum, the Sudanese capital, 2004–2016. Intelligence, 68, 82–86. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2018.03.007
- Rindermann, H., & Becker, D. (2018). FLynn-effect and economic growth: Do national increases in intelligence lead to increases in GDP? Intelligence, 69, 87–93. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2018.05.001
- Ziada, Kh. E., Becker, D., & Bakhiet, S. F., Dutton, E., & Essa, Y. Ah. S. (2018). Impulsivity among young adults: Differences between and within Western and Arabian populations in the BIS-11. Current Psychology, 39, 464–473. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-018-0032-3
- Dutton, E., Becker, D., Osman, H. H., Bakhiet, S. F., Essa, Y. Ah. S., Ali, H. A. A., Alqafari, Sh. M., Hamdi, A. H. M. N., & Alfaleh, A. S. H. (2018). The Raven's test performance of South Sudanese samples: A validation of criticisms of the utility of Raven's among Sub-Saharan Africans. Personality and Individual Differences, 128, 122–126. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2018.02.018
- Dutton, E., Essa, Y. Ah. S., Bakhiet, S. F., Ali, H. A. A., Alqafari, Sh. M., Alfaleh, A. S. H., & Becker, D. (2018). Brain drain in Syria's ancient capital: No Flynn Effect in Damascus, 2004–2013/14. Personality and Individual Differences, 125, 10–13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2017.12.025
- Rindermann, H., Becker, D., & Thompson, J. (2018). Honesty, rule violation and cognitive ability: A reply to Gächter and Schulz. Intelligence, 68, 66–69. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2018.03.005
- Woodley of Menie, M. A., Sarraf, M. A., Peñaherrera-Aguirre, M., Fernandes, H. B. S., & Becker, D. (2018). What Caused over a Century of Decline in General Intelligence? Testing Predictions from the Genetic Selection and Neurotoxin Hypotheses. Evolutionary Psychological Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40806-017-0131-7
- Kirkegaard, E. O. W., & Becker, D. (2017). Immigrant crime in Germany 2012-2015. Open Quantitative Sociology & Political Science. https://doi.org/10.26775/OQSPS.2017.02.11
- Becker, D. & Rindermann, H. (2017). Cognitive sex differences: Evolution and history. Mankind Quarterly, 58(1), 83–92. https://doi.org/10.46469/mq.2017.58.1.6
- Rindermann, H., Becker, D. & Coyle, T. R. (2017). Survey of expert opinion on intelligence: The FLynn effect and the future of intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences, 106(2), 242–247. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2016.10.061
- Becker, D. & Rindermann, H. (2016). The relationship between cross-national genetic distances and IQ-differences. Personality and Individual Differences, 98, 300–310. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2016.03.050
- Rindermann, H., Becker, D. & Coyle, Th. R. (2016). Survey of expert opinion on intelligence: Causes of international differences in cognitive ability tests. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(399), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00399
- Woodley of Menie, M. A., Peñaherrera, M. A., Fernandes, H. B. F., Becker, D. & Flynn, J. R. (2016). It's getting bigger all the time: Estimating the Flynn effect from secular brain mass increases in Britain and Germany. Learning and Individual Differences, 45, 95–100. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lindif.2015.11.004
- Becker, D., & Rindermann, H. (2017). Rezension von Fischbach & Niggeschmidt (2016), Erblichkeit der Intelligenz. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 31(2), 161-163.
- Lynn, R., & Becker, D. (2019). The Intelligence of Nations. London: Ulster Institute for Social Research.