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Institut für Soziologie
SEM Working Group
Institut für Soziologie 

Structural Equation Modeling Working Group

2025 Meeting at the TU Chemnitz

The next meeting of the SEM Working Group will take place on 19-21 March 2025 at the University of Technology Chemnitz, see the conference page for more information.

Important announcement

With the retirement of Jost Reinecke, the responsibility of the SEM Working Group has passed to Jochen Mayerl and Henrik Andersen of the University of Technology Chemnitz. Due to privacy concerns, we cannot pass Working Group members’ contact information to the TU Chemnitz without your permission. To continue to be a member of the Working Group and receive the newsletter, please use this form (enter your e-mail address and name and click on "Subscribe" at the bottom under "subscribe without creating an account").

History of the SEM Working Group

The Working Group “Structural Equation Modeling” was founded in 1986 and had its first meeting at ZUMA (now GESIS) in Mannheim. Meetings are held in yearly, either in March, April or May. Members of the group come from various disciplines, for example Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Economy. The Working Group has an informal character. It has no affiliation to any research organization.

The main goal of the group is the exchange and presentation of methodological problems in structural equation modeling and related fields. The meetings are discoursive in nature; they foster a collaborative environment where researchers are encouraged to present unsolved problems and works in progress. It serves as a forum for sharing emerging ideas and challenges, with an emphasis on constructive feedback and mutual learning.

The original letter from Peter Schmidt addressed to Jost Reinecke about the formation of an informal working group for advancing and discussing structural equation modeling (German) along with some photos of the first meetings can be found below.

Download: first_meeting.pdf


There are currently around 150 members on the list. It is easy to become a member: use this form (enter your e-mail address and name at the bottom under "subscribe without an account").