Comparing Program Comprehension of Physically and Virtually Separated Concerns





MobileMedia is a software product line for the manipulation of multi media data on mobile devices. Both versions can be downloaded:

Ifdef version
FeatureHouse version

Experimental Setup

To present source code, tasks, and questionnaires to participants, we used the tool PROPHET, which consists of two jar files. The ExperimentViewer starts the experiment, and with the ExerpimentEditor, the settings of an experiment can be changed. For both the ifdef and FeatureHouse version, two experiment sources exist. To start the experiment, the file ExperimentViewer.jar has to be started. Ifdef version of experiment (zip)
FeatureHouse version of experiment (zip)

To edit an experiment, the ExperimentEditor.jar needs to be started and the according experiment file (default.xml) has to be loaded:
ExperimentEditor of PROPHET (jar)


The results are summarized in this csv file.
The search behavior per task is in this csv file.

Programming Experience

Since we our subjects were enrolled at a German university, we administered the questionnaire in German: German (pdf)
An English version can be downloaded, as well: English (pdf)