- Friedrich, Michael ; Schlosser, Tobias ; Kowerko, Danny*: Simulation of semiconductor wafer dicing induced faults on chips and their application as augmentation method for a deep learning based visual inspection system. In: Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. - Springer Nature. 2025
- e Silva, André Luiz Vieira ; Simões, Francisco ; Kowerko, Danny ; Schlosser, Tobias ; Battisti, Felipe ; Teichrieb, Veronica: Attention Modules Improve Image-Level Anomaly Detection for Industrial Inspection: A DifferNet Case Study. IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Jan 4-8 2024, Waikoloa, Hawai, pp. 8246-8255, 2024. - Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)
- Schlosser, Tobias* ; Beuth, Frederik ; Meyer, Trixy ; Kumar, Arunodhayan Sampath ; Stolze, Gabriel ; Furashova, Olga ; Engelmann, Katrin ; Kowerko, Danny*: Visual acuity prediction on real-life patient data using a machine learning based multistage system. In: Scientific Reports. - Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 14 (2024), Artikel Nummer: 5532, S. 1 - 18
- Vogel, Richard* ; Schlosser, Tobias* ; Manthey, Robert ; Ritter, Marc ; Vodel, Matthias ; Eibl, Maximilian ; Schneider, Kristan Alexander: A Meta Algorithm for Interpretable Ensemble Learning: The League of Experts. In: Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction. - MDPI AG. - 6. 2024, 2, S. 800 - 826
- Schlosser, Tobias: Biologically Inspired Hexagonal Deep Learning for Hexagonal Image Processing. Chemnitz : Universitätsverlag Chemnitz, 2024. - xxvii, 272 S.
- Moniri, Sara* ; Schlosser, Tobias ; Kowerko, Danny: Investigating the Challenges and Opportunities in Persian Language Information Retrieval through Standardized Data Collections and Deep Learning. In: Computers. - MDPI. - 13. 2024, 8, 212
- Platte, Benny ; Kowerko, Danny ; Langner, Holger ; Anastassis Skuras, Jan ; Ritter, Marc ; Roschke, Christian: âSynthetic-Seed-Saturationâ Concept: Overcome Nonresponse-Bias in Retrospective Medical Studies. 2024 IEEE 12th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 03-06 June 2024, Orlando FL USA, pp. 534 - 537. - IEEE, 2024
- Sampathkumar, Arunodhayan* ; Schlosser, Tobias ; Kowerko, Danny: TUC Media Computing at BirdCLEF 2024: Improving Birdsong Classification Through Single Learning Models. CLEF 2024 Working Notes Working Notes of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2024) Grenoble, France, 9-12 September, 2024. - CEUR Workshop Proceedings ; 3740
- Hu, Zhining ; Schlosser, Tobias ; Friedrich, Michael ; Vieira e Silva, Andre Luiz ; Beuth, Frederik ; Kowerko, Danny: Utilizing Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Data Augmentation and Classification of Semiconductor Wafer Dicing Induced Defects. 2024 IEEE 29th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 10.-13.09.2024 Padua Italien - IEEE, 2024
- Kumar, Arunodhayan Sampath ; Schlosser, Tobias ; Kahl, Stefan ; Kowerko, Danny*: Improving learning-based birdsong classification by utilizing combined audio augmentation strategies. In: Ecological Informatics. - Elsevier BV. - 82. 2024, 102699
- Schlosser, Tobias* ; Friedrich, Michael ; Meyer, Trixy ; Eibl, Maximilian ; Kowerko, Danny: Hexagonal Image Processing for Computer Vision With Hexnet: A Hexagonal Image Processing Data Set and Generator. In: IEEE Access. - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 2024, S. 1 - 1
- Stolze, Gabriel* ; Kakkassery, Vinodh ; Kowerko, Danny ; Bartos, Martin ; Hoffmann, Katja ; Sedlmayr, Martin ; Engelmann, Katrin: MiHUBx: ein Digitaler FortschrittsHub zur Nutzung von intersektoralen klinischen Datensätzen am Beispiel des diabetischen Makulaödems. In: Die Ophthalmologie. - Springer Science and Business Media LLC. 2024
- Schlosser, Tobias* ; Beuth, Frederik ; Meyer, Trixy ; Sampath Kumar, Arunodhayan ; Stolze, Gabriel ; Furashova, Olga ; Engelmann, Katrin ; Kowerko, Danny: Visual Acuity Prediction on Real-Life Patient Data Using a Machine Learning Based Multistage System
- Schlosser, Tobias ; Friedrich, Michael ; Meyer, Trixy ; Kowerko, Danny ; Eibl, Maximilian: Biologically Inspired Hexagonal Deep Learning for Hexagonal Image Processing With The Hexagonal Image Processing Framework Hexnet
- Schlosser, Tobias* ; Friedrich, Michael* ; Meyer, Trixy* ; Kowerko, Danny*: A Consolidated Overview of Evaluation and Performance Metrics for Machine Learning and Computer Vision
- Sampath Kumar, Arunodhayan ; Schlosser, Tobias ; Langner, Holger ; Ritter, Marc ; Kowerko, Danny*: Improving OCT Image Segmentation of Retinal Layers by Utilizing a Machine Learning Based Multistage System of Stacked Multi-Scale Encoders and Decoders. In: Bioengineering. - MDPI. - 10. 2023, 10, S. 1177 - 1197
- Sampath Kumar, Arunodhayan* ; Schlosser, Tobias* ; Kahl, Stefan* ; Kowerko, Danny*: Improving Learning-Based Birdsong Classification by Utilizing Combined Audio Augmentation Strategies
- Schlosser, Tobias ; Friedrich, Michael ; Beuth, Frederik ; Kowerko, Danny*: Improving automated visual fault inspection for semiconductor manufacturing using a hybrid multistage system of deep neural networks. In: Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. - Springer Science and Business Media LLC. - 33. 2022, 4, S. 1099 - 1123
- John, Björn ; Maqbool, Fawad ; Kowerko, Danny ; Buhl, Johannes ; Härtel, Sebastian* ; Hensel, Jonas: Modification of the weld penetration characteristics in laser deep welding by the use of instationary gas flows. In: Journal of Applied Engineering Design and Simulation. - Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). - 2. 2022, 2, S. 22 - 38
- Ritter, Marc ; Kowerko, Danny ; Eibl, Maximilian ; Köhler, Thomas ; Hösel, Michael ; Helle, Kristina: 2nd Interdisciplinary Workshop of Media and ComputerScience 2020: Medieninformatik trifft Sozialwissenschaften. Dresden : TUDpress, 2022. - 140 S. - IBS Scientific workshop proceedings ; Band 15
- Beuth, Frederik ; Schlosser, Tobias ; Friedrich, Michael ; Kowerko, Danny*: Improving Automated Visual Fault Detection by Combining a Biologically Plausible Model of Visual Attention with Deep Learning. This work is an extended arXiv version of the original conference article published in "IECON 2020": this https URL . The work has been extended regarding visual attention
- Sampathkumar, Arunodhayan* ; Kowerko, Danny*: TUC Media Computing at BIRDCLEF 2021: Noise augmentation strategies in bird sound classification in combination with DenseNets and ResNets. LifeCLEF 2021 Workshop at CLEF Conference 21.09. bis 24.09.2021 Bukarest, Rumänien. - pp. 1617-1626. - CLEF Working Notes 2021 ; 2936
- Krenkel, Lisa ; Schlosser, Tobias ; Kowerko, Danny ; Börner, Richard: Sorting of Single-Molecule Trajectories by means of Machine Learning - a status update on the annotation procedure. 26. Interdisziplinäre Wissenschaftliche Konferenz Mittweida (IWKM 2021), Mittweida, 14.04.2021-15.04.2021. - Scientific reports
- Beuth, Frederik* ; Kowerko, Danny ; Hamker, Fred H.: Contrasting attentional processing in visual search, object recognition, and complex tasks. In: Journal of Vision. - Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). - 21. 2021, 9, 2753
- Novin, Shabnam ; Fallah, Ali* ; Rashidi, Saeid ; Beuth, Frederik ; Hamker, Fred H.*: A neuro-computational model of visual attention with multiple attentional control sets. In: Vision Research. - Elsevier BV. - 189. 2021, S. 104 - 118
- Novin, Shabnam ; Fallah, Ali ; Beuth, Frederik ; Hamker, Fred H.: The underlying mechanisms of processing multiple attentional control sets: a neuro-computational modeling study. ECVP 2021, 22-27 August, virtual conference, to be published in Perception journal, 2021
- Steffen, Fabio D. ; Khier, Mokrane ; Kowerko, Danny ; Cunha, Richard A. ; Börner, Richard* ; Sigel, Roland Karl Oliver*: Metal ions and sugar puckering balance single-molecule kinetic heterogeneity in RNA and DNA tertiary contacts. In: Nature Communications. - Springer Nature. - 11. 2020, 1
- Sampath Kumar, Arunodhayan ; Kowerko, Danny: Sound Event Detection and Localization Using CRNN Models. DCASE2020 Challenge - Technical Report, 2020
- Sampathkumar, Arunodhayan ; Kowerko, Danny: Automated Audio Captioning. DCASE2020 Challenge - Technical Report, 2020, S. 1 - 3
- Sampath Kumar, Arunodhayan ; Kowerko, Danny: Low Complexity Acoustic Scene Classification Using Aalnet-94. DCASE2020 Challenge - Technical Report, 2020, S. 1 - 4
- Kowerko, Danny ; Ritter, Marc ; Köhler, Thomas ; Helle, Kristina: Proceedings of the 1st Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop of Media Computer Science 2019. Deutschland : TUDpress, 2020. - IBS Scientific Workshop Proceedings ; Band 8
- Schlosser, Tobias* ; Beuth, Frederik* ; Kowerko, Danny*: Biologically Inspired Hexagonal Deep Learning For Hexagonal Image Generation. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 10/2020, S. 848 - 852. - IEEE, 2020
- Udas, Nisnab ; Beuth, Frederik ; Kowerko, Danny: Concept Detection in Medical Images using Xception Models - TUC_MC at ImageCLEFmed 2020. ImageCLEF at the CLEF 2020 Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, 22-25.09.2020, Working Notes of CLEF 2020 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum Seiten 1-11
- Beuth, Frederik* ; Schlosser, Tobias* ; Friedrich, Michael* ; Kowerko, Danny*: Improving Automated Visual Fault Detection by Combining a Biologically Plausible Model of Visual Attention with Deep Learning. IECON 2020 - 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 18.-21.10.2020, Singapore, IECON 2020 , S. 5323- 5 330. - IEEE, 2020
- Schlosser, Tobias ; Friedrich, Michael ; Kowerko, Danny: Hexagonale Bildverarbeitung im Kontext maschineller Lernverfahren: Konzeption eines biologisch inspirierten hexagonalen Deep Learning Frameworks. 1st Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop of Media Computer Science 2019, Laubusch, 05.-07.01.2019, Proceedings, S. 27-38. - 2020. - IBS Scientific Workshop Proceedings ; 8
- Sampathkumar, Arunodhayan ; Erler, René ; Kowerko, Danny: CNN-based Audio Classification for Environmental Sounds, Ambient Assisted Living and Public Transport Environments using an Extensive Combined Dataset. Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2019 - LocalizeIT Workshop, 03/2019, Chemnitzer Informatik Berichte 2020 ; CSR-20-01, S. 29-66
- Schlosser, Tobias ; Beuth, Frederik ; Friedrich, Michael ; Kowerko, Danny: Fehlerdetektion und -klassifikation bei Laserschneidprozessen mittels Deep Neural Networks. Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2019 - LocalizeIT Workshop, 03/2019, Chemnitzer Informatik Berichte 2020 ; CSR-20-01 S. 67-81, 2020
- Kretzschmar, Tom ; Kowerko, Danny: Image related metadata generation, storage and retrieval for big datasets. Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2019 - LocalizeIT Workshop, 03/2019, Chemnitzer Informatik Berichte 2020 ; CSR-20-01 S. 9-28
- Schmidsberger, Falk ; Kowerko, Danny: Objektverfolgung durch Sensorfusion in Multisensorumgebungen. Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2019 - LocalizeIT Workshop, 03/2019, Chemnitzer Informatik Berichte 2020 ; CSR-20-01 S. 82-96
- Kowerko, Danny ; Manthey, Robert ; Erler, René ; Schlosser, Tobias ; Beuth, Frederik ; Kronfeld, Thomas ; Kretzschmar, Tom ; Hussein, Hussein ; Heinz, Marcel ; Ritter, Marc ; Eibl, Maximilian ; Schmidsberger, Falk: Schlussbericht zum InnoProfile-Transfer Begleitprojekt localizeIT. TU Chemnitz, 2020. - Chemnitzer Informatik-Berichte ; CSR-20-02
- Manthey, Robert* ; Kowerko, Danny: Hexagonal Image Generation by Virtual Multi-grid-Camera. 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration: Integrating People and Intelligent Systems. - Springer, Cham, 2019, pp. 17-22. - Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC) ; volume 903
- Manthey, Robert* ; Thomanek, Rico ; Roschke, Christian ; Rolletschke, Tony ; Platte, Benny ; Ritter, Marc ; Kowerko, Danny: Visual System Examination Using Synthetic Scenarios. International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration IHSI 2019. - San Diego, CA : Springer International Publishing, 2019, S. 418 - 422. - Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ; 903
- Zenkevich, E. I. ; Stupak, A. S. ; Kowerko, D. ; Blaudeck, Thomas ; von Borczyskowski, Christian: Surface effects and photoinduced relaxation processes in nanocomposites based on semiconductor quantum dots CdSe/ZnS and organic dye molecules. Internationale Konferenz "Probleme der Wechselwirkung von Strahlung mit Materie", 5, 2018, Homel, pp 20-25. - 2019
- Thomanek, Rico ; Roschke, Christian ; Platte, Benny ; Rolletschke, Tony ; Schlosser, Tobias ; Heinzig, Manuel ; Kowerko, Danny ; Vodel, Matthias ; Zimmer, Frank ; Eibl, Maximilian ; Ritter, Marc*: University of Applied Sciences Mittweida and Chemnitz University of Technology at TRECVID Instance Search 2019. TRECVID 2019, 23th International Workshop on Video Retrieval Evaluation, 12-13 Novembre 2019, Gaithersburg, Ma, USA, 1-9, 2019
- Thomanek, Rico ; Roschke, Christian ; Platte, Benny ; Rolletschke, Tony ; Schlosser, Tobias ; Heinzig, Manuel ; Vodel, Matthias ; Kowerko, Danny ; Zimmer, Frank ; Eibl, Maximilian ; Ritter, Marc: University of Applied Sciences Mittweida and Chemnitz University of Technology at TRECVID ActEv 2019. TRECVID 2019, 23th International Workshop on Video Retrieval Evaluation, 12-13 Novembre 2019, Gaithersburg, Ma, USA, 1-7, 2019
- Schlosser, Tobias ; Friedrich, Michael ; Kowerko, Danny: Hexagonal Image Processing in the Context of Machine Learning: Conception of a Biologically Inspired Hexagonal Deep Learning Framework. 2019 18th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 16.-19.12.2019, Boca Raton, United States, 1-8, 2019
- Schlosser, Tobias ; Beuth, Frederik ; Friedrich, Michael ; Kowerko, Danny: A Novel Visual Fault Detection and Classification System for Semiconductor Manufacturing Using Stacked Hybrid Convolutional Neural Networks. 2019 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 10.09.2019 - 13.09.2019, pp. 1511-1514. - IEEE, 2019
- Sampath Kumar, Arunodhayan ; Erler, René ; Kowerko, Danny: A Real-Time Demo for Acoustic Event Classification in Ambient Assisted Living Contexts. Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia - MM '19, 21.-25.10.2019, Nizza/Frankreich, pp. 2205-2207. - ACM Press, 2019
- Manthey, Robert* ; Schmidsberger, Falk ; Thomanek, Rico ; Roschke, Christian ; Rolletschke, Tony ; Platte, Benny ; Ritter, Marc ; Kowerko, Danny: An Exploratory Inspection of the Detection Quality of Pose and Object Detection Systems by Synthetic Data. HCII: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 21st International Conference, HCII 2019, Orlando, FL, USA, July 26â31, 2019, Proceedings, Part II. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2019, S. 287 - 294. - Communications in Computer and Information Science ; vol 1033
- Engelmann, Katrin* ; Furashova, Olga* ; Jochmann, C. ; Kowerko, Danny ; Hanefeld, Markolf ; Birkenfeld, A L: Netzhaut- Komplikationen bei Diabetes mellitus - Aktuelle und zukünftige Strategien zur Behandlung und Prävention. In: Ãrzteblatt Sachsen. - Sächsische Landesärztekammer. - 10. 2019, S. 23 - 28
- Engelmann, Katrin* ; Furashova, Olga* ; Hanefeld, Markolf ; Birkenfeld, A L ; Jochmann, C. ; Kowerko, Danny: Netzhaut-Komplikationen bei Diabetes mellitus - Aktuelle Strategien zur Behandlung und Prävention. In: Ãrzteblatt Sachsen. - Sächsische Landesärztekammer. - 11. 2019, S. 21 - 25
- Taubert, Stefan ; Kahl, Stefan ; Kowerko, Danny ; Eibl, Maximilian: Automated Lifelog Moment Retrieval based on Image Segmentation and Similarity Scores. CLEF 2019, 9.-12. September 2019, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Switzerland
- Beuth, Frederik: Visual attention in primates and for machines - neuronal mechanisms. Chemnitz : Universitätsverlag Chemnitz, 2019. - xxvii, 255 S.
- Börner, Richard* ; Kowerko, Danny ; Hadzic, Mélodie Charlotte Anne-Sophie ; König, Sebastian Lothar Björn ; Ritter, Marc ; Sigel, Roland Karl Oliver*: Simulations of camera-based single-molecule fluorescence experiments. In: PLOS ONE. - Public Library of Science. - 13. 2018, 4, S. 1 - 23
- Hadzic, Mélodie Charlotte Anne-Sophie ; Börner, Richard* ; König, Sebastian Lothar Björn ; Kowerko, Danny ; Sigel, Roland Karl Oliver*: Reliable State Identification and State Transition Detection in Fluorescence Intensity-Based Single-Molecule FRET Data. In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. - American Chemical Society. 2018
- Erler, René ; Manthey, Robert ; Hussein, Hussein ; Siegel, Richard ; Kowerko, Danny: Realisation of an Audio & Video Laboratory for Precise Object Localisation and Tracking. 29th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing, Ulm University, March 7â9, 2018
- Heinz, Marcel ; Brunnett, Guido ; Kowerko, Danny: Camera-based color measurement of DLP projectors using a semi-synchronized projector camera system. SPIE Photonics Europe; Optics, Photonics, and Digital Technologies for Imaging Applications V; 24.04.-26.04.2018; Strasbourg; Frankreich
- Manthey, Robert ; Thomanek, Rico ; Roschke, Christian ; Ritter, Marc ; Kowerke, Danny: Synthetic Ground Truth Generation for Testing, Technology Evaluation and Verification (SyntTEV). British HCI, 4.-6.7.2018
- Thomanek, Rico ; Roschke, Christian ; Manthey, Robert ; Platte, Benny ; Rolletschke, Tony ; Heinzig, Manuel ; Vodel, Matthias ; Kowerko, Danny ; Kahl, Stefan ; Zimmer, Frank ; Eibl, Maximilian ; Ritter, Marc*: University of Applied Sciences Mittweida and Chemnitz University of Technology at TRECVID 2018. TRECVID WorkÂshop, 13.-15.11.2018, GaithersÂburg, MaryÂland, USA, 2018
- Manthey, Robert ; Kowerko, Danny: Visuelle Szenendiskretisierung mittels wahlfreien Bildrastern am Beispiel von Drei-, Vier- und Sechseckpixeln. Forum Bildverarbeitung 2018, 29.-30.11.2018, Karlsruhe, S. 95-104. - Karlsruhe : KIT Scientific Printing, 2018
- Haupt, Josef ; Kahl, Stefan ; Kowerko, Danny ; Eibl, Maximilian: Large-Scale Plant Classification using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. CLEF 2018, September 10-14, Avignon, France, 2018
- Kahl, Stefan ; Wilhelm-Stein, Thomas ; Klinck, Holger ; Kowerko, Danny ; Eibl, Maximilian: A Baseline for Large-Scale Bird Species Identification in Field Recordings. CLEF 2018, September 10-14, Avignon, France, 2018
- Taubert, Stefan ; Mauermann, Max ; Kahl, Stefan ; Kowerko, Danny ; Eibl, Maximilian: Species Prediction based on Environmental Variables using Machine Learning Techniques. CLEF 2018, September 10-14, Avignon, France, 2018
- Kahl, Stefan ; Wilhelm-Stein, Thomas ; Klinck, Holger ; Kowerko, Danny ; Eibl, Maximilian: BirdNET: Real-time Bird Sound Identification using Convolutional Neural Networks. 10th International Conference on Ecological Informatics (ICEI), September 24-28, Jena, Germany, 2018
- Kahl, Stefan ; Wilhelm-Stein, Thomas ; Klinck, Holger ; Kowerko, Danny ; Eibl, Maximilian: Recognizing Birds from Sound - The 2018 BirdCLEF Baseline System
- Kowerko, Danny ; Kahl, Stefan: WS34 - Deep Learning in heterogenen Datenbeständen. GI Edition Proceedings Band 275 INFORMATIK 2017: 25.-47. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) 25.-29.9.2017 Chemnitz, S. 2141. - (GI-Edition. Proceedings / Lecture Notes in Informatics) (Englisch) CD-ROM
- RöÃner, Miriam ; Kahl, Stefan ; Engelmann, Katrin ; Kowerko, Danny: Preparing clinical ophthalmic data for research application. INFORMATIK 2017, 25.-29.09.2017, S. 2231-2240
- Kowerko, Danny ; Manthey, Robert ; Heinz, Marcel ; Kronfeld, Thomas ; Brunnett, Guido: Fast and accurate creation of annotated head pose image test beds as prerequisite for training neural networks. GI Edition Proceedings Band 275 INFORMATIK 2017. - 47. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) 25.-29.9.2017 Chemnitz, S. 2221-2229
- Kowerko, Danny ; Richter, Daniel ; Heinzig, Manuel ; Kahl, Stefan ; Helmert, Stefan ; Brunett, Guido: Evaluation of CNN-based algorithms for human pose analysis of persons in red carpet scenarios. INFORMATIK 2017, 25.-29.09.2017, S. 2201-2209
- Stefan, Kahl ; Hussein, Hussein ; Fabian, Etienne ; SchloÃhauer, Jan ; Thangaraju, Enniyan ; Kowerko, Danny ; Eibl, Maximilian: Acoustic Event Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks. INFORMATIK 2017, 25.-29.09.2017, S. 2177-2188
- Kowerko, Danny ; RöÃner, Miriam ; Kahl, Stefan ; Herms, Robert ; Eibl, Maximilian ; Engelmann, Katrin: Aufbereitung augenmedizinischer Bild-, Patienten-und Diagnosedaten zum Zwecke der Forschung - Ethikrichtlinien und deren praktische Umsetzung. Mensch und Computer, 10. bis 13. September 2017. Regensburg, 2017, S. 311-318
- Manthey, Robert ; Schlosser, Tobias ; Kowerko, Danny: Generation of Images with Hexagonal Tessellation using Common Digital Cameras. IBS International Summerschool on Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Education Technology 2017, Laubusch, S. 47-50. - TUDpress, 2017. - IBS Scientific Workshop Proceedings 4
- Manthey, Robert* ; Ritter, Marc ; Heinzig, Manuel ; Kowerko, Danny: An Exploratory Comparison of the Visual Quality of Virtual Reality Systems Based on Device-Independent Testsets. Cham : Springer, 2017. - Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: 9th International Conference, VAMR 2017, Held as Part of HCI I
- Hussein, Hussein ; Manthey, Robert ; Hasan, Abul ; Heinzig, Manuel ; Ritter, Marc ; Kowerko, Danny ; Eibl, Maximilian: Design of a Laboratory for Audio and Video Based Object Localization and Tracking. IBS International Summerschool on Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Education Technology 2017, Laubusch, 25.-29.06.2017. - TUDpress, 2017, S. 28-29. - IBS Scientific Workshop Proceedings 4
- Keller, Titus ; Kowerko, Danny: A web-based application for data visualisation and non-linear regression analysis including error calculation for laboratory classes in natural and life sciences. IBS International Summerschool on Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Education Technology 2017, Laubusch, 03.-07.07.2017, 12-15. - TUDpress, 2017. - IBS Scientific Workshop Proceedings; 4
- Zietlow, Timon ; Hussein, Hussein ; Kowerko, Danny: Acoustic Source Localization in Home Environments - The Effect of Microphone Array Geometry. 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing Saarland University, Saarbrücken, March 15–17, 2017. - TUDpress, 2017. - Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung 2017 (ESSV 2017), Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation ; 86
- Kahl, Stefan ; Wilhelm-Stein, Thomas ; Hussein, Hussein ; Klinck, Holger ; Kowerko, Danny ; Ritter, Marc ; Eibl, Maximilian: Large-Scale Bird Sound Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks. ImageCLEF / LifeCLEF - Multimedia Retrieval in CLEF, 11.-14.09.2017, Dublin. - CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Working Notes of CLEF 2017 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation) ; 1866
- John, Björn ; Markert, Daniel ; Englisch, Norbert ; Grimm, Michael ; Ritter, Marc ; Hardt, Wolfram ; Kowerko, Danny: Quantification of geometric properties of melting zones in laser welding processes. LIM Conference 26. – 29. Juni 2017, München. - Proceedings of Lasers in Manufacturing 2017, München, 2017, pp. 1-9
- Manthey, Robert* ; Kowerko, Danny: Device-Independent testsets for inspection of virtual reality devices. IBS International Summerschool on Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Education Technology, 03.-07.07.2017, Laubusch, S. 34-35. - IBS Scientific Workshop Proceedings; 4
- Hussein, Hussein* ; Ritter, Marc ; Manthey, Robert ; SchloÃhauer, Jan ; Fabian, Etienne ; Heinzig, Manuel: Acoustic Event Classification for Ambient Assisted Living and Healthcare Environments. Conference: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV), 2016
- Manthey, Robert* ; Conrad, Steve ; Ritter, Marc: A Framework For Generation of Testsets for Recent Multimedia Workflows. Conference: Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Part of Human Computer Interaction International (HCII) 2016, At Toronto, Canada, Volume: LNCS, t.b.a.
- Ritter, Marc* ; Kowerko, Danny ; Hussein, Hussein ; Heinzig, Manuel ; Schlosser, Tobias ; Manthey, Robert ; Bahr, Gisela Susanne: Simplifying Accessibility Without Data Loss: An Exploratory Study on Object Preserving Keyframe Culling. Conference: Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Part of Human Computer Interaction International (HCII) 2016, At Toronto, Canada, Volume: LNCS, t.b.a
- Schlosser, Tobias* ; Manthey, Robert ; Ritter, Marc: Entwurf und Implementierung von Optimierungs- und Funktionserweiterungen der hexagonalen Bildrasterung in der Videokompressionssoftware x264HMod. Conference: Technische Universität Chemnitz - Studierendensymposium Informatik, At Technische Universität Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany, 2016, S. 63-74
- Keller, Titus* ; Kowerko, Danny ; Ritter, Marc: Entwicklung eines webbasierten Curve-fitting Tools für komplexe Multiparameter-Funktionen. Studierendensymposium Informatik Chemnitz 2016, At Chemnitz
- Rosenthal, Paul*, Marc Ritter, Danny Kowerko, und Christian Heine: OphthalVis - Making Data Analytics of Optical Coherence Tomography Reproducible. EuroVis Workshop on Reproducibility, Verification, and Validation in Visualization (EuroRV3), 06.-10.06.2016, Groningen, S. 1-5
- Kahl, Stefan ; Roschke, Christian ; Rickert, Markus ; Richter, Daniel ; Zywietz, Anna ; Hussein, Hussein ; Manthey, Robert ; Heinzig, Manuel ; Kowerko, Danny ; Eibl, Maximilian ; Ritter, Marc*: Technische Universitat Chemnitz at TRECVID Instance Search 2016. TRECVID WorkÂshop, 14.-16.11.2016, GaithersÂburg, MaryÂland, USA, 2016
- Hadzic, Mélodie C. A. S.* ; Kowerko, Danny ; Börner, Richard ; Zelger-Paulus, Susann ; Sigel, Roland K.O.: Detailed analysis of complex single molecule FRET data with the software MASH. Proc. SPIE 9711, Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues IX, 971119 (April 6, 2016), S. 971119-1 - 971119-8
- Fiscus, Jonathan* ; Joy, David ; Michel, Martial ; Awad, George ; Smeaton, Alan F. ; Jones, Gareth J.F. ; Kraaij, Wessel ; Quenot, Georges ; Ritter, Marc ; Eskevich, Maria ; Ordelman, R. ; Huet, Benoit ; Larson, Martha: TRECVID 2016: Evaluating Video Search, Video Event Detection, Localization, and Hyperlinking. 2016 TREC Video Retrieval Evaluation Notebook Papers and Slides, 2016
- Börner, Richard* ; Kowerko, Danny ; Guiset Miserachs, Helena ; Schaffer, Michelle F. ; Sigel, Roland K.O.*: Metal Ion Induced Heterogeneity in RNA Folding Studied by smFRET. In: Coordination Chemistry Reviews. - Elsevier B.V. - 327–328. 2016, S. 123 - 142
- Kowerko, Danny: Interrelation of Assembly Formation and Ligand Depletion in Colloidal Quantum Dots. Self-Assembled Organic-Inorganic Nanostructures: Optics and Dynamics. - Singapore : Pan Stanford, 2016, S. 149 - 191
- Englisch, Norbert ; Mittag, Roland ; Hänchen, Felix ; Khan, Owes ; Masrur, Alejandro ; Hardt, Wolfram: Efficiently Testing AUTOSAR Software Based on an Automatically Generated Knowledge Base. Simulation and Testing for Vehicle Technology. - Berlin : Springer International Publishing, 2016, S. 87 - 97. - 7th Conference on Simulation and Testing for Vehicle Technology
- Zietlow, Timon* ; Heinz, Marcel ; Brunnett, Guido: Advanced luminance control and black offset correction for multi-projector display systems. In: Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting. - Hochschule Duesseldorf. - 12. 2016, 4, S. 1 - 13
- Kowerko, Danny ; Ritter, Marc ; Manthey, Robert ; John, Björn ; Grimm, Michael: Quantifizierung der geometrischen Eigenschaften von Schmelzzonen bei LaserschweiÃprozessen. Forum Bildverarbeitung 2016, 1.-2.12.2016, Karlsruhe, S. 285-296
- Klinck, Holger ; Ritter, Marc: Automated identification of blue and fin whale vocalizations using an ensemble-based classification system. The 7th International DCLDE [Detection, Classification, Localization, and Density Estimation] Workshop July 13 - 16, 2015 ⢠La Jolla, CA
- Ritter, Marc* ; Storz, Michael ; Heinzig, Manuel ; Eibl, Maximilian: Rapid Model-Driven Annotation and Evaluation for Object Detection in Videos. HCI International 2015 Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2.-7.August 2015, S.464-474. - Switzerland : Springer International Publishing, 2015. - Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. - Lecture notes in computer science ; 9175
- Herms, Robert* ; Richter, Daniel ; Eibl, Maximilian ; Ritter, Marc: UnsuÂperÂvised LanÂguage Model AdapÂtaÂtion using Utterance-based Web Search for ClinÂiÂcal Speech RecogÂniÂtion. ConÂferÂence and Labs of the EvalÂuÂaÂtion Forum (CLEF), 08.-11.09.2015, Toulouse (France), 2015
- Ritter, Marc* ; Bahr, Gisela Susanne: An exploratory study to idenÂtify relÂeÂvant cues for the deleÂtion of faces for mulÂtiÂmeÂdia retrieval. IEEE InterÂnaÂtional ConÂferÂence on MulÂtiÂmeÂdia & Expo WorkÂshops on Human Memory-Inspired MulÂtiÂmeÂdia OrgaÂniÂzaÂtion and PreserÂvaÂtion, 29.06.-03.07.2015, Turin (Italy), S.1â6
- Vodel, Matthias* ; Ritter, Marc ; Hardt, Wolfram: AdapÂtive SenÂsor Data Fusion for EffiÂcient CliÂmate ConÂtrol SysÂtems. UniÂverÂsal Access in Human-Computer InterÂacÂtion. Access to InterÂacÂtion, Part II. LecÂture Notes in ComÂputer SciÂence, Nr. 9176. SwitzerÂland : Springer InterÂnaÂtional PubÂlishÂing. HCI InterÂnaÂtional, 02.-07.08.2015, Los AngeÂles (CA, USA), S.582â593
- Bahr, Gisela Susanne* ; Wood, Stephen L. ; Ritter, Marc: CogÂniÂtive Tools for Design EngiÂneers: A FrameÂwork for the DevelÂopÂment of IntelÂliÂgent CAD SysÂtems. In: i-com. - 14. 2015, 2, S. 138 - 146
- Ritter, Marc* ; Rickert, Markus ; Juturu Chenchu, Lokesh ; Kahl, Stefan ; Herms, Robert ; Hussein, Hussein ; Heinzig, Manuel ; Manthey, Robert ; Richter, Daniel ; Bahr, Gisela Susanne ; Eibl, Maximilian: TechÂnisÂche UniÂverÂsität ChemÂnitz at TRECVID Instance Search 2015. TRECVID WorkÂshop, 16.-18.11.2015, GaithersÂburg, MaryÂland, USA, 2015
- Ritter, Marc*: Sustainable Analysis of Large Audiovisual Data Collections. ProÂceedÂings of SymÂpoÂsium on ComÂpuÂtaÂtional SusÂtainÂabilÂlity 2014, 27.-29.11.2014, GörÂlitz, SachÂsen, 2015. - LNCS, Springer, 10 S., In press.
- Wilhelm-Stein, Thomas ; Herms, Robert ; Ritter, Marc ; Eibl, Maximilian: Improving Transcript-Based Video Retrieval Using Unsupervised Language Model Adaptation. CLEF 2014, 15.-18. September 2014, Sheffield, UK, 110-115. - Springer International Publishing, 2014. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 8685
- Kahl, Stefan ; Ritter, Marc ; Rosenthal, Paul: Automatisierte Beurteilung der Schädigungssituation bei Patienten mit altersbedingter Makuladegeneration (AMD). Forum Bildverarbeitung, 27.11. - 28.11.2014, Regensburg, S. 179 - 190. - Karlsruhe : KIT Scientific Publishing, 2014
- Ritter, Marc ; Heinzig, Manuel ; Herms, Robert ; Kahl, Stefan ; Richter, Daniel ; Manthey, Robert ; Eibl, Maximilian: Technische Universität Chemnitz at TRECVID Instance Search 2014. TRECVID Workshop 2014, 10.-12.11.2014, Orlando, Florida, 8 S, 2014. - TRECVID, 2014
- Zenkevich, Eduard I. ; Blaudeck, Thomas ; Kowerko, Danny ; Stupak, Alexander P. ; Cichos, Frank ; von Borczyskowski, Christian: Ligand Exchange Dynamics and Temperature Effects Upon Formation of Nanocomposites Based On Semiconductor CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots and Porphyrins: Ensemble and Single Object Measurements. In: Macroheterocycles. - 5. 2012, 2, S. 98 - 114
- Börner, Richard ; Kowerko, Danny ; Krause, Stefan ; von Borczyskowski, Christian ; Hübner, Christian G.: Efficient simultaneous fluorescence orientation, spectrum, and lifetime detection for single molecule dynamics. In: Journal of Chemical Physics. - 137. 2012, 16, 164202-1 - 164202-11
- Zenkevich, Eduard I. ; Stupak, Alexander P. ; Kowerko, Danny ; von Borczyskowski, Christian: Influence of single dye molecules on temperature and time dependent optical properties of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots: Ensemble and single nanoassembly detection. In: Chemical Physics. - 406. 2012, S. 21 - 29
- Blaudeck, Thomas ; Zenkevich, Eduard I. ; Abdel-Mottaleb, Mohamed ; Szwaykowska, Klementyna ; Kowerko, Danny ; Cichos, Frank ; von Borczyskowski, Christian*: Formation Principles and Ligand Dynamics of Nanoassemblies of CdSe Quantum Dots and Functionalised Dye Molecules. In: ChemPhysChem. - 13. 2012, 4, S. 959 - 972
- Börner, Richard ; Kowerko, Danny ; von Boczyskowski, Christian ; Hübner, Christian G.: Time resolved 3D orientation spectroscopy: experimental realization and simulation. Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Imaging. - Cardiff : SPIE, 2011. - 79050D
- Zenkevich, Eduard I. ; Blaudeck, Thomas ; Kowerko, Danny ; von Borczyskowski, Christian ; Cichos, Frank: FRET and non-FRET processes in nanoassemblies : Bulk experiments and detection of single objects. Proceedings "Physics, Chemistry and Applications of Nanostructures. Reviews and Short Notes to Nanomeeting 2011â, Minsk, May 24-27, 2011, p. 185-188. - New Jersey, London, Singapore, Bejing, Shanghai, Hong-Kong, Taipei, Chennai : World Scientific Publishing Co., 2011
- Börner, Richard ; Kowerko, Danny ; von Borczyskowski, Christian ; Hübner, Christian G.: Time resolved 3D orientation spectroscopy: experimental realization and simulation . Proc. Single Molecules Spectroscopy and Imaging. - SPIE, 2011. - 7905
- Krause, Stefan ; Kowerko, Danny ; Börner, Richard ; Hübner, Christian G. ; von Borczyskowski, Christian: Spectral Diffusion of Single Molecules in a Hierarchial Energy Landscape. In: ChemPhysChem. - 12. 2011, 2, S. 303 - 312
- Kowerko, Danny ; Schuster, Jörg ; Amecke, Nicole ; Abdel-Mottaleb, Mohammed ; Dobrawa, Rainer ; Würthner, Frank ; von Borczyskowski, Christian: FRET and ligand related NON-FRET processes in single quantum dot-perylene bisimide assemblies. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 16.2010, 12, S. 4112-4123
- Börner, Richard ; Kowerko, Danny ; von Borczyskowski, Christian ; Hübner, Christian G.: Time resolved 3D orientation spectroscopy - experimental realisation and simulation. DPG Spring Meeting 2010 of the Condensed Matter Section, Regensburg, March 21-26, 2010, Seite 120. - Bad Honnef : Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft E. V. , 2010. - Reihe VI, Band 45
- Gerlach, Frank ; Täuber, Daniela ; Kowerko, Danny ; von Borczyskowski, Christian: Investigation of Assembly formation of quantum dots and dyes on a single molecule particle level in thin liquid films. 74th Annual Meeting 2010 and DPG-Spring Meeting of the Division Condensed Matter - Regensburg - 45. 2010, 3, S. 165. - Bad Honnef : DPG, 2010. - Verhandlungen der DPG
- Börner, Richard ; Kowerko, Danny ; Krause, Stefan ; von Borczyskowski, Christian ; Hübner, Christian G.: Time resolved 3D orientation spectroscopy of functionalized perylene bisimide(PBI) molecules. DPG Spring Meeting 2010 of the Condensed Matter Section, Regensburg, March 21-26, 2010. - Bad Honnef : Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft E. V., 2010. - Reihe VI, Band 45, Seite 126
- Krause, Stefan ; Kowerko, Danny ; Börner, Richard ; Hübner, Christian ; von Borczyskowski, Christian: Single Molecule Orientation and Binding on Surfaces. DPG Spring Meeting 2010 of the Condensed Matter Section, Regensburg, March 21-26, 2010. - Bad Honnef : Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft E. V., 2010. - Reihe VI, Band 45, Seite 138
- Kowerko, Danny ; Krause, Stefan ; Börner, Richard ; von Borczyskowski, Christian: Group-specific Motion of Single Perylene Bisimide Molecules at Interfaces. DPG Spring Meeting 2010 of the Condensed Matter Section, Regensburg, March 21-26, 2010. - Bad Honnef : Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft E. V., 2010. - Reihe VI, Band 45, Seite 161
- Kowerko, Danny ; Schuster, Jörg ; von Borczyskowski, Christian: New Insights to Photo-destructive Effects on Quantum Dots. DPG Spring Meeting 2010 of the Condensed Matter Section, Regensburg, March 21-26, 2010. - Bad Honnef : Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft E. V., 2010. - Reihe VI, Band 45, Seite 172
- Kowerko, Danny ; Schuster, Jörg ; Amecke, Nicole ; Abdel-Mottaleb, Mohammed ; Dobrowa, Rainer ; Würthner, Frank ; von Borczyskowski, Christian: FRET and ligand related NON-FRET processes in single quantum dot-perylene bisimide assemblies. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 12.2010, 16, 4112 - 4123
- Kowerko, Danny: Dynamische Prozesse in funktionalisierten Perylenebisimid-Molekülen, Halbleiternanokristallen und Aggregaten
- Kowerko, Danny ; Schuster, Jörg ; von Borczyskowski, Christian: FRET and Non-FRET processes in quantum dot - dye nanoassemblies -. Verhandlungen der DPG, Spring Meeting 2009 of the Condensed Matter, 22. - 27. März 2009, Dresden, S. 73. - Bad Honnef : DPG, 2009. - Reihe VI, Band 44, Nr. 5
- Kowerko, Danny ; Schuster, Jörg ; von Borczyskowski, Christian: Spectroscopic fingerprints of photodegrading CdSe/ZnS quantum dots. Verhandlungen der DPG, Spring Meeting 2009 of the Condensed Matter, 22. - 27. März 2009, Dresden, S. 83. - Bad Honnef : DPG, 2009. - Reihe VI, Band 44, Nr. 5, 2009
- Schubert, Sebastian ; Täuber, Daniela ; Kowerko, Danny ; Schuster, Jörg ; von Borczyskowski, Christian: Orientation and spatial distribution of dyes binding to SiO2 surfaces. Verhandlungen DPG (VI) 44, 5 (2009) S.105. - Bad Honnef : DPG, 2009
- Kowerko, Danny ; Krause, Stefan ; Amecke, Nicole ; Abdel-Mottaleb, Mohamed ; Schuster, Jörg ; von Borczyskowski, Christian: Identification of Different Donor-Acceptor Structures via FRET in Quantum-Dot-Perylene Bisimide Assemblies. In: International Journal of Molecular Science. - 10. 2009, 12, S. 5239 - 5256
- Kowerko, Danny ; Schuster, Jörg ; von Borczyskowski, Christian: Restricted conformation dynamics of single functionalized perylene bisimide molecules on SiO<sub>2</sub> surfaces and in thin polymer films. In: Molecular Physics. - 107. 2009, 18, S. 1911 - 1921
- Kowerko, Danny ; Schuster, Jörg ; von Borczyskowski, C.: Spectroscopic fingerprints of single dye - quantum dot nanoassemblies. In: Verhandlungen der DPG, 72st Annual Meeting 2008 and DPG-Spring Meeting of the Division Condensed Matter - Bad Honnef. - 43. 2008, 1, S. 102
- Kowerko, Danny ; Blaudeck, Thomas ; Zenkevich, Eduard I. ; Cichos, Frank ; von Borczyskowski, Christian: Surface Reorganisation of Quantum Dot Luminescence Labels. International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences (LALS-2008), December 4-6, 2008, Taiwan, Seite 16. - Taipei : National Yang-Ming University
- von Borczyskowski, Christian ; Kowerko, Danny ; Schuster, Jörg: Single molecule spectroscopy of dye - quantum dot nanoassemblies on surfaces. Verhandlungen der DPG, 71st Annual Meeting 2007 and DPG -Spring Meeting of the Division Condensed Matter. - Bad Honnef : DPG, 2007, S. 119. - Verhandl. DPG (VI) 42, 1/..., 2/..., 3/..., 4/...
- von Borczyskowski, Christian ; Täuber, Daniela ; Kowerko, Danny ; Schuster, Jörg: Photophysics of functionalized perylenbisimides as building blocks for dye - quantum dot nanoassemblies. Verhandlungen der DPG, 71st Annual Meeting 2007 and DPG-Spring Meeting of the Division Condensed Matter. - Bad Honnef : DPG, 2007, S. 164. - Verhandl. DPG (VI) 42, 1/..., 2/..., 3/..., 4/....