*** Okray curry *** A half-dry indian curry *** Indregients *** 500 gram okra 300 gram yellow onions 2 medium tomatoes, cubed 1 green chili vegetable oil ginger garlic cumin coriander powder red chili or cayenne powder turmeric lemon juice a bit of sugar *** Steps *** 1. Thaw, wash, dry okra, cut into 1-2 centimeter pieces, discard stems. Sprinkle salt. Set aside, wait, dry. 2. Heat oil, add the okra (500 gram) and sauté until crispy (ca. 5 minutes). 3. Meanwhile heat oil, sauté onions until golden (10 minutes). 4. Add ginger, garlic (2-3), sauté for 30 seconds. 5. Add cubes tomatoes (2 piece), 3 minutes. 6. Add 3/4 TL salt, 1 TL cumin, 1 TL coriander, 1/2 TL turmeric, 1/2 TL red chili powder). 7. Add okra from step 2. 8. Simmer for a few minutes. Add lemon juice (1/2 TL) if required. Source: Teaforturmeric.org