%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Jacopo Recipe % LaTeX Template % Version 1.0 (February 15, 2022) % % This template originates from: % https://www.LaTeXTemplates.com % % Author: % Vel (vel@latextemplates.com) % % License: % CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % PACKAGES AND OTHER DOCUMENT CONFIGURATIONS %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \documentclass[ a4paper, % Paper size, use 'a4paper' for A4 (default) or 'letterpaper' for US letter (you may want to adjust margins afterwards) 11pt, % Default font size, available sizes are: 8pt, 9pt, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt, 17pt and 20pt ]{CSJacopoRecipe} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % RECIPE INFORMATION %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \usepackage{url} \recipetitle{Bhindi Masala (Okra Curry)} % Recipe title, will be made uppercase automatically \recipedescription{https://www.teaforturmeric.com/bhindi-okra-curry/} % Recipe description, leave command empty (i.e. \recipedescription{}) if not required \recipeserves{} % Number of servings, leave command empty (i.e. \recipeserves{}) if not required \recipepreptime{} % Preparation time, leave command empty (i.e. \recipepreptime{}) if not required \recipecookingtime{} % Cooking time, leave command empty (i.e. \recipecookingtime{}) if not required \recipedifficulty{} % Difficulty, leave command empty (i.e. \recipedifficulty{}) if not required \extramethodinfo{} % Extra information, tips, variations, storage instructions, etc to appear under the methods, leave command empty (i.e. \extramethodinfo{}) if not required %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{document} \columnratio{0.32, 0.68} % Set the relative widths of the ingredients and methods columns, change these values to adjust the width of each column \begin{paracol}{2} % Multi-column environment that automatically splits across pages %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % HEADER %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \outputrecipeheader % Output the recipe header, automatically created using the information entered in the RECIPE INFORMATION block above %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % INGREDIENTS %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{recipeingredients} \ingredient{500 gram okra} \ingredient{300 gram yellow onions} \ingredient{2 medium tomatoes, cubed} \ingredient{} \ingredient{1 green chili} \ingredient{Vegetable oil} \ingredient{ginger} \ingredient{garlic} \ingredient{cumin} \ingredient{coriander powder} \ingredient{red chili or cayenne powder} \ingredient{turmeric} \ingredient{lemon juice} \end{recipeingredients} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % METHODS %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{recipemethods} \method{Thaw, wash, dry okra, cut into 1-2 centimeter pieces, discard stems. Sprinkle salt. Set aside, wait, dry.} \method{Heat oil, add the okra (500 gram) and saut\'e until crispy (ca. 5 minutes). \label{step-fry-okra} } \method{\textbf{Meanwhile.} Heat oil, saut\'e onions until golden (10 minutes).} \method{Add ginger, garlic (2-3), saut\'e for 30 seconds.} \method{Add cubes tomatoes (2 piece), 3 minutes.} \method{Add 3/4 TL salt, 1 TL cumin, 1 TL coriander, 1/2 TL turmeric, 1/2 TL red chili powder).} \method{Add okra from step~\ref{step-fry-okra} .} \method{Simmer for a few minutes. Add lemon juice (1/2 TL) if required.} \end{recipemethods} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \end{paracol} \end{document}