Complete Code of

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // File: examples/src/
  // Version 8.1
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by ILOG.
  //  All Rights Reserved.
  //  Permission is expressly granted to use this example in the
  //  course of developing applications that use ILOG products.
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // - Entering and optimizing an LP problem
  // Demonstrates different methods for creating a problem.  The user has to
  // choose the method on the command line:
  //    java LPex1  -r     generates the problem by adding constraints
  //    java LPex1  -c     generates the problem by adding variables
  //    java LPex1  -n     generates the problem by adding expressions
  import ilog.concert.*;
  import ilog.cplex.*;
  public class LPex1 {
    static void usage() {
      System.out.println("usage:   LPex1 <option>");
      System.out.println("options:       -r   build model row by row");
      System.out.println("options:       -c   build model column by column");
      System.out.println("options:       -n   build model nonzero by nonzero");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      if ( args.length != 1 || args[0].charAt(0) != '-' ) {
      try {
        // Create the modeler/solver object
        IloCplex cplex = new IloCplex();
        IloNumVar[][] var = new IloNumVar[1][];
        IloRange[][]  rng = new IloRange[1][];
        // Evaluate command line option and call appropriate populate method.
        // The created ranges and variables are returned as element 0 of arrays
        // var and rng.
        switch ( args[0].charAt(1) ) {
        case 'r': populateByRow(cplex, var, rng);
        case 'c': populateByColumn(cplex, var, rng);
        case 'n': populateByNonzero(cplex, var, rng);
        default:  usage();
        // write model to file
        // solve the model and display the solution if one was found
        if ( cplex.solve() ) {
          double[] x     = cplex.getValues(var[0]);
          double[] dj    = cplex.getReducedCosts(var[0]);
          double[] pi    = cplex.getDuals(rng[0]);
          double[] slack = cplex.getSlacks(rng[0]);
          cplex.out().println("Solution status = " + cplex.getStatus());
          cplex.out().println("Solution value  = " + cplex.getObjValue());
          int ncols = cplex.getNcols();
          for (int j = 0; j < ncols; ++j) {
             cplex.out().println("Column: " + j +
                                " Value = " + x[j] +
                                " Reduced cost = " + dj[j]);
          int nrows = cplex.getNrows();
          for (int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i) {
             cplex.out().println("Row   : " + i +
                                " Slack = " + slack[i] +
                                " Pi = " + pi[i]);
      catch (IloException e) {
        System.err.println("Concert exception '" + e + "' caught");
    // The following methods all populate the problem with data for the following
    // linear program:
    //    Maximize
    //     x1 + 2 x2 + 3 x3
    //    Subject To
    //     - x1 + x2 + x3 <= 20
    //     x1 - 3 x2 + x3 <= 30
    //    Bounds
    //     0 <= x1 <= 40
    //    End
    // using the IloMPModeler API
    static void populateByRow(IloMPModeler model,
                              IloNumVar[][] var,
                              IloRange[][] rng) throws IloException {
      double[]    lb = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
      double[]    ub = {40.0, Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE};
      IloNumVar[] x  = model.numVarArray(3, lb, ub);
      var[0] = x;
      double[] objvals = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
      model.addMaximize(model.scalProd(x, objvals));
      rng[0] = new IloRange[2];
      rng[0][0] = model.addLe(model.sum(, x[0]),
                               1.0, x[1]),
                               1.0, x[2])), 20.0);
      rng[0][1] = model.addLe(model.sum( 1.0, x[0]),
                              , x[1]),
                               1.0, x[2])), 30.0);
    static void populateByColumn(IloMPModeler model,
                                 IloNumVar[][] var,
                                 IloRange[][] rng) throws IloException {
      IloObjective obj = model.addMaximize();
      rng[0] = new IloRange[2];
      rng[0][0] = model.addRange(-Double.MAX_VALUE, 20.0);
      rng[0][1] = model.addRange(-Double.MAX_VALUE, 30.0);
      IloRange r0 = rng[0][0];
      IloRange r1 = rng[0][1];
      var[0] = new IloNumVar[3];
      var[0][0] = model.numVar(model.column(obj,  1.0).and(
                               model.column(r0,  -1.0).and(
                               model.column(r1,   1.0))),
                               0.0, 40.0);
      var[0][1] = model.numVar(model.column(obj,  2.0).and(
                               model.column(r0,   1.0).and(
                               model.column(r1,  -3.0))),
                               0.0, Double.MAX_VALUE);
      var[0][2] = model.numVar(model.column(obj,  3.0).and(
                               model.column(r0,   1.0).and(
                               model.column(r1,   1.0))),
                               0.0, Double.MAX_VALUE);
    static void populateByNonzero(IloMPModeler model,
                                  IloNumVar[][] var,
                                  IloRange[][] rng) throws IloException {
      double[]    lb = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
      double[]    ub = {40.0, Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE};
      IloNumVar[] x  = model.numVarArray(3, lb, ub);
      var[0] = x;
      double[] objvals = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
      model.add(model.maximize(model.scalProd(x, objvals)));
      rng[0] = new IloRange[2];
      rng[0][0] = model.addRange(-Double.MAX_VALUE, 20.0);
      rng[0][1] = model.addRange(-Double.MAX_VALUE, 30.0);
      rng[0][0].setExpr(model.sum(, x[0]),
                         1.0, x[1]),
                         1.0, x[2])));
      rng[0][1].setExpr(model.sum( 1.0, x[0]),
                        , x[1]),
                         1.0, x[2])));

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