Selecting a Write File Format

When you type the write command in the Interactive Optimizer, ILOG CPLEX displays a menu of options and prompts you for a file format, like this:

File Type Options:

bas INSERT format basis file

bin Binary solution file

dpe Binary format for dual-perturbed problem

dua MPS format of explicit dual of problem

emb MPS format of (embedded) network

iis Irreducibly inconsistent set (LP format)

lp LP format problem file

min DIMACS min-cost network-flow format of (embedded) network

mps MPS format problem file

mst MIP start file

net CPLEX network format of (embedded) network

ord Integer priority order file

ppe Binary format for primal-perturbed problem

pre Binary format for presolved problem

qp Quadratic coefficient matrix file

rew MPS format problem with generic names

sav Binary matrix and basis file

sos Special ordered sets file

tre Branch-and-bound treesave file

txt Text solution file

vec Vector solution format file

File type:

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