Creating a Model - IloModel

After creating the environment, we are ready to create one or more optimization models. Doing so consists of creating a set of modeling objects to describe each optimization model.

Modeling objects, like IloEnv objects, are handles to implementation objects. Though you will be dealing only with the handle objects, it is the implementation objects that contain the data that specifies the optimization model. If you need to remove an implementation object from memory, you need to call the end() method for one of its handle objects.

We also refer to modeling objects as extractables. This is because it is the individual modeling objects that are extracted one by one when you extract an optimization model to IloCplex. So, extractables are characterized by the possibility of being extracted to algorithms such as IloCplex. In fact, they all are inherited from the class IloExtractable. In other words, IloExtractable is the base class of all classes of extractables or modeling objects.

The most fundamental extractable class is IloModel. Objects of this class are used to describe a complete optimization model that can later be extracted to an IloCplex object. You create a model by constructing a variable of type IloModel. For example, to construct a modeling object named model, within an existing environment named env, you would do the following:

  IloModel model(env);

At this point we would like to point out that the environment is passed as a parameter to the constructor. There is also a constructor that does not use the environment parameter, but this constructor creates an empty handle, the handle corresponding to a NULL pointer. Empty handles cannot be used for anything but for assigning other handles to them. We mention this, because it is a common mistake to try to use empty handles for other things.

Once an IloModel object has been constructed, it is populated with the extractables that define the optimization model. The most important classes here are:

representing modeling variables;
describing constraints of the form l <= expr <= u, where expr is some sort of linear expression; and
representing an objective function.

You create objects of these classes for each variable, constraint, and objective function of your optimization problem. Then you add the objects to the model by calling


for each extractable obj. There is no need to explicitly add the variable objects to a model, as they are implicitly considered when they are used in the range constraints (instances of IloRange) or the objective. At most one objective can be used in a model with IloCplex.

Modeling variables are constructed as objects of class IloNumVar, by defining variables of type IloNumVar. Concert Technology provides several constructors for doing this; the most flexible version, for example, is:

  IloNumVar x1(env, 0.0, 40.0, ILOFLOAT);

This definition creates the modeling variable x1 with lower bound 0.0, upper bound 40.0 and type ILOFLOAT, which indicates the variable is continuous. Other possible variable types include ILOINT for integer variables and ILOBOOL for boolean variables.

For each variable in the optimization model a corresponding object of class IloNumVar must be created. Concert Technology provides a wealth of ways to help you construct all the IloNumVar objects.

Once all the modeling variables have been constructed, they can be used to build expressions, which in turn are used to define objects of class IloObjective and IloRange. For example,

  IloObjective obj = IloMinimize(env, x1 + 2*x2 + 3*x3);

This creates the extractable obj of type IloObjective which represents the objective function of the example presented in Introducing ILOG CPLEX.

Let us look in more detail what this line does. The function IloMinimize takes the environment and an expression as arguments, and constructs a new IloObjective object from it that describes the objective function to minimize the expression. This new object is returned and assigned to the new handle obj.

After an objective extractable is created, it must be added to the model. As noted above this is done with the add() method of IloModel. If this is all we need variable obj for, we can instead write more compactly:

  model.add(IloMinimize(env, x1 + 2*x2 + 3*x3));

This way there is no need for the program variable obj and the program is shorter. If in contrast, the objective function is needed later, for example, to change it and reoptimize the model when doing scenario analysis, the variable obj must be created in order to refer to the objective function. (From the standpoint of algorithmic efficiency, the two approaches are comparable.)

Creating constraints and adding them to the model can be done just as easily with the following statement:

  model.add(-x1 + x2 + x3 <= 20);

The part -x1 + x2 + x3 <= 20 creates an object of class IloRange that is immediately added to the model by passing it to the method IloModel::add(). Again, if a reference to the IloRange object is needed later, an IloRange handle object must be stored for it. Concert Technology provides flexible array classes for storing data, such as these IloRange objects. As with variables, Concert Technology provides a variety of constructors that help create range constraints.

While the above examples use expressions with modeling variables directly for modeling, it should be pointed out that such expressions are themselves represented by yet another Concert Technology class, IloExpr. Like most Concert Technology objects, IloExpr objects are handles. Consequently, method end() must be called when the object is no longer needed. The only exceptions are implicit expressions, where the user does not create an IloExpr object, such as when writing (for example) x1 + 2*x2. For such implicit expressions, method end() should not be called. The importance of the class IloExpr becomes clear when expressions can no longer be fully spelled out in the source code but need instead to be built up in a loop. Operators like += provide an efficient way to do this.

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