main member function
IloCplex::CallbackI class
makeBranch member function
IloCplex::BranchCallback::NodeId class ,
Markowitz tolerance
allocating when reading files
branch & cut tree limit
memory growth
controlling for constraints
controlling for variables
limiting in Q matrix
adding destination file for a channel via CPXaddfpdest
adding trap function for a channel via CPXaddfuncdest
controlling screen display
MIN file format
accessing best integer solution node via CPXgetnodeint
accessing best remaining node via CPXgetbestobjval
accessing clique cut count via CPXgetclqcnt
accessing clique inequality count using CPXgetgenclqcnt
accessing cover cut count via CPXgetcovcnt
accessing cutoff value via CPXgetcutoff
accessing node count via CPXgetnodecnt
accessing remaining node count via CPXgetnodeleftcnt
accessing simplex iteration count via CPXgetmipitcnt
accessing slack values via CPXgetmipslack
accessing solution objective value via CPXgetmipobjval
accessing solution values via CPXgetmipx
accessing subproblem solution status via CPXgetsubstat
change problem type using CPXchgprobtype
changing variable type via CPXchgctype
copying SOS data via CPXcopysos
copying start info via CPXreadcopymipstart
copying variable declarations via CPXcopyctype
optimizing via CPXmipopt
MIP problem
changing variable type
solution status codes
MIP start file ,
MIP start values
accessing via CPXgetmipstart
copying via CPXcopymipstart
file format for entering
MIP strategy
variable selection
MIPCallbackI nested class of IloCplex ,
MIPCallbackI::NodeId class of IloCplex
MIPEmphasisType nested enumeration of IloCplex
mipopt Interactive Optimizer command
MIR cuts
controlling generation
mixed integer optimizer
absolute mipgap tolerance
applying LP presolve to root relaxation
backtracking tolerance
best bound node selection interval
bound strengthening indicator
branch & cut tree memory limit
branch direction selector
branching variable selection
choosing subproblem LP algorithm
clique cuts indicator
constraint aggregation cut limit
controlling parallel threads for strong branching
cover cuts indicator
cutting plane pass limit
disjunctive cuts indicator
emphasis indicator
flow cover cuts indicator
flow path cuts indicator
generating priority order
Gomory fractional cuts indicator
GUB cuts indicator
implied bound cuts indicator
integrality tolerance
limit on number of solutions
limiting number of added cuts
limiting number of nodes solved
limiting probing on variables
MIR cuts indicator
node cutoff lower bound
node cutoff upper bound
node log display
node log interval
objective difference cutoff
priority order indicator
relative mipgap tolerance
relative objective difference cutoff
selecting starting LP algorithm
setting display
setting node presolve
setting node selection strategy
simplex iterations for strong branching
solution status codes
solving with
strong branching candidate list
using advanced starting values
Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) problem
see MIP
mixed integer rounding (MIR)
see MIR
constituents of problems solved ,
see also IloCplex class
transforming into LPs and MIPs
and constraint clauses
numeric variables
objective function
range constraints
semi-continuous variables
semi-integer variables
SOS type 1
SOS type 2
variable type conversion
moving best bound
emphasize in solution
MPS file format , to
advanced basis in
BAS file format ,
BOUNDS section
COLUMNS section
CPLEX extensions ,
data records
DUA format
embedded network format
explicit dual format
generic names format
indicator records
integer variables in
`MARKER' line
objective function name
objective function sense
proprietary information in
quadratic coefficients in
RANGES section
REFROW section
REW format ,
RHS section
ROWS section
saving basis
saving dual formulation
saving embedded network
sense of rows
SOS in
write command
MPS files
writing via CPXwriteprob
MST file format ,

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