Example: Diet.java Source Code

Here is the entire source code listing for the example we have been presenting. It is available in the distributed files for ILOG CPLEX Java

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // File: examples/src/Diet.java
  // Version 8.1
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  //  Copyright (C) 2001-2002 by ILOG.
  //  All Rights Reserved.
  //  Permission is expressly granted to use this example in the
  //  course of developing applications that use ILOG products.
  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // A dietary model.
  // Input data:
  // foodMin[j]          minimum amount of food j to use
  // foodMax[j]          maximum amount of food j to use
  // foodCost[j]         cost for one unit of food j
  // nutrMin[i]          minimum amount of nutrient i
  // nutrMax[i]          maximum amount of nutrient i
  // nutrPerFood[i][j]   nutrition amount of nutrient i in food j
  // Modeling variables:
  // Buy[j]          amount of food j to purchase
  // Objective:
  // minimize sum(j) Buy[j] * foodCost[j]
  // Constraints:
  // forall foods i: nutrMin[i] <= sum(j) Buy[j] * nutrPer[i][j] <= nutrMax[j]
  import ilog.concert.*;
  import ilog.cplex.*;
  public class Diet {
     static class Data {
        int        nFoods;
        int        nNutrs;
        double[]   foodCost;
        double[]   foodMin;
        double[]   foodMax;
        double[]   nutrMin;
        double[]   nutrMax;
        double[][] nutrPerFood;
        Data(String filename) throws IloException, java.io.IOException,
                                     InputDataReader.InputDataReaderException {
           InputDataReader reader = new InputDataReader(filename);
           foodCost = reader.readDoubleArray();
           foodMin  = reader.readDoubleArray();
           foodMax  = reader.readDoubleArray();
           nutrMin  = reader.readDoubleArray();
           nutrMax  = reader.readDoubleArray();
           nutrPerFood = reader.readDoubleArrayArray();
           nFoods = foodMax.length;
           nNutrs = nutrMax.length;
           if ( nFoods != foodMin.length  ||
                nFoods != foodMax.length    )
              throw new IloException("inconsistent data in file " + filename);
           if ( nNutrs != nutrMin.length    ||
                nNutrs != nutrPerFood.length  )
              throw new IloException("inconsistent data in file " + filename);
           for (int i = 0; i < nNutrs; ++i) {
              if ( nutrPerFood[i].length != nFoods )
                 throw new IloException("inconsistent data in file " + filename);
     static void buildModelByRow(IloModeler    model,
                                 Data          data,
                                 IloNumVar[]   Buy,
                                 IloNumVarType type) throws IloException {
        int nFoods = data.nFoods;
        int nNutrs = data.nNutrs;
        for (int j = 0; j < nFoods; j++) {
           Buy[j] = model.numVar(data.foodMin[j], data.foodMax[j], type);
        model.addMinimize(model.scalProd(data.foodCost, Buy));
        for (int i = 0; i < nNutrs; i++) {
                          model.scalProd(data.nutrPerFood[i], Buy),
     static void buildModelByColumn(IloMPModeler  model,
                                    Data          data,
                                    IloNumVar[]   Buy,
                                    IloNumVarType type) throws IloException {
        int nFoods = data.nFoods;
        int nNutrs = data.nNutrs;
        IloObjective cost       = model.addMinimize();
        IloRange[]   constraint = new IloRange[nNutrs];
        for (int i = 0; i < nNutrs; i++) {
           constraint[i] = model.addRange(data.nutrMin[i], data.nutrMax[i]);
        for (int j = 0; j < nFoods; j++) {
           IloColumn col = model.column(cost, data.foodCost[j]);
           for (int i = 0; i < nNutrs; i++) {
              col = col.and(model.column(constraint[i], data.nutrPerFood[i][j]));
           Buy[j] = model.numVar(col, data.foodMin[j], data.foodMax[j], type);
     public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
           String          filename  = "../../../examples/data/diet.dat";
           boolean         byColumn  = false;
           IloNumVarType   varType   = IloNumVarType.Float;
           for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
              if ( args[i].charAt(0) == '-') {
                 switch (args[i].charAt(1)) {
                 case 'c':
                    byColumn = true;
                 case 'i':
                    varType = IloNumVarType.Int;
              else {
                 filename = args[i];
           Data data = new Data(filename);
           int nFoods = data.nFoods;
           int nNutrs = data.nNutrs;
           // Build model
           IloCplex     cplex = new IloCplex();
           IloNumVar[]  Buy   = new IloNumVar[nFoods];
           if ( byColumn ) buildModelByColumn(cplex, data, Buy, varType);
           else            buildModelByRow   (cplex, data, Buy, varType);
           // Solve model
           if ( cplex.solve() ) {
              System.out.println("Solution status = " + cplex.getStatus());
              System.out.println(" cost = " + cplex.getObjValue());
              for (int i = 0; i < nFoods; i++) {
                 System.out.println(" Buy" + i + " = " + cplex.getValue(Buy[i]));
        catch (IloException ex) {
           System.out.println("Concert Error: " + ex);
        catch (InputDataReader.InputDataReaderException ex) {
           System.out.println("Data Error: " + ex);
        catch (java.io.IOException ex) {
           System.out.println("IO Error: " + ex);
     static void usage() {
        System.out.println(" ");
        System.out.println("usage: java Diet [options] <data file>");
        System.out.println("options: -c  build model by column");
        System.out.println("         -i  use integer variables");
        System.out.println(" ");
  /*  Sample output
  Solution status = Optimal
  cost   = 14.8557
    Buy0 = 4.38525
    Buy1 = 0
    Buy2 = 0
    Buy3 = 0
    Buy4 = 0
    Buy5 = 6.14754
    Buy6 = 0
    Buy7 = 3.42213
    Buy8 = 0

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