Architecture of the ILOG CPLEX Callable Library

ILOG CPLEX includes a callable C library that makes it easier to develop applications to optimize, to modify, and to interpret the results of mathematical programming problems whether linear, mixed integer, or convex quadratic ones.

You can use the Callable Library to write applications that conform to many modern computer programming paradigms, such as client-server applications within distributed computing environments, multithreaded applications running on multiple processors, applications linked to database managers, or applications using flexible graphic user interface builders, just to name a few.

The Callable Library together with the ILOG CPLEX database make up the ILOG CPLEX core, as you see in Figure 3.1. The ILOG CPLEX database includes the computing environment, its communication channels, and your problem objects. You will associate the core with your application by calling library routines.

Figure 3.1 A View of the ILOG CPLEX Callable Library

The ILOG CPLEX Callable Library itself contains routines organized into several categories:

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