In This Manual

Chapter 1, ILOG Concert Technology for C++ Users introduces the Concert Technology Library. It provides an overview of the design of the library, explains modeling techniques, and offers an example of programming with the Concert Technology Library. It also provides information on controlling parameters.

Chapter 2, ILOG Concert Technology for Java Users explores the full range of features the ILOG CPLEX Java API offers to solve mathematical programming problems. An overview of the architecture is given, then techniques for creating models are explained.

Chapter 3, The ILOG CPLEX Callable Library introduces the ILOG CPLEX Callable Library. It describes the architecture of the product, explains the relation between the Interactive Optimizer and the Callable Library, and offers an example of programming with the Callable Library. It also provides an overview about the parameters you control in ILOG CPLEX.

Chapter 4, Further Programming Considerations provides tips on developing applications with ILOG CPLEX, suggests ways to debug your applications built around ILOG CPLEX, and provides a checklist to help avoid common programming errors.

Chapter 5, Solving Linear Programming Problems goes deeper into aspects of linear programming with ILOG CPLEX. It explains how to tune performance, how to diagnose infeasibility in a model, and how to use the primal-dual logarithmic barrier algorithm implemented in the ILOG CPLEX Barrier Optimizer on large, sparse linear programming problems. It also offers an example showing you how to start optimizing from an advanced basis.

Chapter 6, Solving Network-Flow Problems describes how to use the ILOG CPLEX Network Optimizer on linear programming problems based on a network model.

Chapter 7, Solving Quadratic Programming Problems takes up programming problems in which the objective function may be quadratic. It, too, includes examples.

Chapter 8, Solving Mixed Integer Programming Problems shows you how to handle MIPs. It particularly emphasizes performance tuning and offers a series of examples.

Chapter 9, More About Using ILOG CPLEX includes several sections on working with important aspects of the ILOG Component Libraries:

Appendix B, Interactive Optimizer Commands lists the commands available in the ILOG CPLEX Interactive Optimizer with cross-references to examples of their use in this manual. It also provides an overview about controlling parameters with the Interactive Optimizer.

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