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Professur Geometrie
Professur Geometrie 


Excursions into Combinatorial Geometry

Vladimir Boltyanski, Horst Martini, Petru S. Soltan
© 1997 Springer-Verlag

  1. Convexity
  2. d-convexity in normed spaces
  3. H-convexity
  4. The Szőkefalvi-Nagy Problem
  5. Borsuk's partition problem
  6. Homothetic covering and illumination
  7. Combinatorial geometry of belt bodies
Excursions Into Combinatorial Geometry Front Cover

Geometric Methods and Optimization Problems

Vladimir Boltyanski, Horst Martini, Valeriu Soltan
© 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers

  1. Nonclassical variational calculus
  2. Median problems in location science
  3. Minimum convex partitions of polygonal domains
Geometric Methods and Optimization Problems Front Cover

Discrete Geometry in Normed Spaces

Margarita Spirova
© 2011 Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften

  1. Introduction
  2. Ball-intersection bodies
  3. Kissing spheres. Coverings and packings by balls
Discrete Geometry in Normed Spaces Front Cover

Bodies of Constant Width: An Introduction to Convex Geometry with Applications

Horst Martini, Luis Montejano, Déborah Oliveros
© 2019 Springer-Verlag

  1. Introduction
  2. Convex geometry
  3. Basic properties of bodies of constant width
  4. Figures of constant Width
  5. Systems of lines in the plane
  6. Spindle convexity
  7. Complete and reduced convex bodies
  8. Examples and constructions
  9. Sections of bodies of constant width
  10. Bodies of constant width in Minkowski spaces
  11. Bodies of constant width in differential geometry
  12. Mixed volumes
  13. Bodies of constant width in analysis
  14. Geometric inequalities
  15. Bodies of constant width in discrete geometry
  16. Bodies of constant width in topology
  17. Concepts related to constant width
  18. Bodies of constant Width in art, design, and engineering
Bodies of Constant Width Front Cover

Circles, Spheres and Spherical Geometry

Hiroshi Maehara, Horst Martini
© 2024 Birkhäuser Advanced Texts Basler Lehrbücher

  1. Inversion and Stereographic Projection
  2. Bend Formulas
  3. Graphs and Circle-Systems
  4. Spherical Geometry I
  5. Spherical Geometry II
  6. The Problem of Thirteen Balls
  7. Spherical Geometry III
  8. Geometric Probability on the Sphere
  9. Intersection Graphs of Spherical Caps
  10. Quartets on a Sphere
  11. Higher Dimensions
  12. The Cayley-Menger Determinant
  13. Casey's Theorem
  14. Solutions to the Selected Exercises
Circles, Spheres and Spherical Geometry

Convexity from the Geometric Point of View

Vitor Balestro, Horst Martini, Ralph Teixeira
© 2024 Springer Nature Switzerland

  1. Convex functions
  2. Convex sets
  3. A first look into polytopes
  4. Volume and area
  5. Classical inequalities
  6. Mixed volumes
  7. Mixed surface area measures
  8. The Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality
  9. Affine convex geometry - Part 1
  10. Affine convex geometry - Part 2
  11. Further selected topics
  12. Historical steps of development of convexity as a field
  13. A Measure theory for convex geometers
Convexity from the Geometrc Point of View