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Professur Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
Professur Wissenschaftliches Rechnen 

Research Seminar Numerics (2S)

Prof. F. Bertrand, Prof. O. Ernst, Prof. M. Stoll, Dr. M. Winkler SS2024


The Seminar addresses the researchers and students of the workgroups Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computing. Furthermore, students can use this seminar to pass the module "Hauptseminar Angewandte Mathematik" (module M-Ma11 for MSc Mathematics) or "Hauptseminar Numerik" (module S03 for Diplom Mathematics).


Seminar Wednesday 11:30 – 13:00 2/B202


Some talks take place in the seminars FS Scientific Computing and FS PDEs and Inverse Problems.

Date Speaker Topic
Talks given in the past:
24.04.2024 Fleurianne Bertrand Kleine Missgeschicke und große Pannen Mathematik (Probevortrag Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft)
08.05.2024 Moritz Poguntke Normalizing Flows - An Overview of Current Methods
22.05.2024 Max Winkler Dirichlet boundary control problems with uncertain data
Pelin Çilo?lu Adaptive Stochastic Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for PDE with Random Coefficients
29.05.2024 Theresa Wagner Fast Kernel Evaluations with Fourier Acceleration
Tugay Da?li Mixed finite element for Stokes eigenvalue problem
12.06.2024 Minli Zeng Preconditioned sine transform for diagonal-plus-Toeplitz linear systems from spatial fractional diffusion equations
19.06.2024 Eun-Jae Park Staggered DG methods on general polygonal meshes
Mi-Young Kim Discontinuous Galerkin method with Lagrange multiplier (DGLM) for elliptic problems
26.06.2024 Philipp Zilk Can one hear the shape of a crack? Gaining insights through spectral geometry, simulations and machine learning

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