Gateways to Interpretation: How to Write an Essay on English Literature
Course Description
Even though students are highly interested in the subject of their course and participate in class with energy, they often feel at a loss when it comes to writing a satisfactory term paper on a chosen subject or literary text. Awed by the task of filling up to 15 pages with academic discussion, they frequently find it hard even to begin so formidable a task, let alone to organise their paper, incorporate the relevant sources and reference books, and arrive at an original and convincing conclusion. This course, therefore, intends to offer help in preparing a term paper on texts of the English canon by proceeding in a systematic way. Starting with the basics such as bibliography, quotations, and questions of style, we will proceed to practising the skills of literary analysis and interpretation on the basis of extracts of works of English literature.
Requirements for credit:
To register, please send an e-mail to Dr. Baltes before 15 March, stating your name, semester standing, and subjects.