Chemnitz University of Technology

Anglistische Literaturwissenschaft/

English Literature(s)


English Literature(s)     WS 05/06     John Ford

Mission Statement


Current Semester


For Students




Proseminar: John Ford: ´Tis Pity She´s a Whore

Course Description

In this course we will study John Ford’s famous and very violent tragedy ´Tis Pity She´s a Whore, which was first published in 1633. Subjects of interest will be plot overview, source(s), analysis of major characters, themes, emblems, motifs, and symbols. Among the themes will be those of incest, religious conflict, intrigue and bloody revenge. Ford’s tone is serious and precise, and his verse was described as a „slow solemn rhythm which is Ford’s distinct contribution to the blank verse of the period“ (T.S. Eliot). The Chemnitz production (Schauspielhaus) of this typical Jacobean tragedy, which premièred in June 2005, is a spectacular success and will still be in repertoire in the autumn.

Required Reading:

  • Text of ´Tis Pity She´s a Whore in any scholarly English edition, e.g. the annotated edition prepared by A. and C. Black in the New Mermaid Series (ISBN 0-7136-5060-5, price c. 8.90 EUR)


  • "Introduction to the Study of Literature".

Requirements for credit:

  • Regular attendance, oral presentation, term paper.


  • To register, please send an e-mail to Dr. Hermes before 15 September 2005, stating your name, semester standing, and subjects.


 Copyright © 2002 by TU Chemnitz

Last Update: February 2006