Vorlesung/Übung: Introduction to the Study of Literature(Theories and Methods)
Course Description
As an introduction to the study of literature, this lecture-cum-seminar course tries to lay the necessary foundations for a scholarly approach to literature and texts in general. That is, the study of literature will be situated in a wider context, i.e. the network of literary communication. This entails
- a discussion of literary genres and their specifics (fiction, poetry, drama, nonfiction)
- an introduction to the basic tools for the study of literature (bibliography, stylistics, rhetorical figures, imagery, metrics, poetics)
- a survey of important critical approaches and methods – as the special focus of this course.
During each unit, sufficient time will be set aside for practical course work, which will include discussion of exemplary texts and student presentations on a selection of important topics. This course, which requires active participation and which concludes with a written test during the penultimate week, is obligatory for beginners ('Grundstudium') and a prerequisite for 'Proseminare' and the intermediate exam ('Zwischenprüfung').
Required Reading:
- Korte, Barbara / Klaus P. Müller / Josef J. Schmied (2004). Einführung in die Anglistik. Stuttgart und Weimar: Metzler. (ISBN: 3476018946)