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Chemical Physics Lab
Collagen fibrils

Collagen fibrils

Nanomechanical properties of the most abundant structural protein in vertebrates

Collagens are a major component of the connective tissue of vertebrates and provide mechanical strength to tissues. The most abundant type is type I collagen, which forms fibrils 30 to 300 nm in diameter and has a periodic structure with a lattice constant of 67 nm along the fibril axis. The amount and distribution of water, lipids (fats), and molecular bonds between collagen molecules determine and control the mechanical properties of collagen fibrils.

We study the nanoscale mechanical properties of hydrated collagen fibrils using atomic force microscopy and force spectroscopy, whereby the water content of the fibrils can be controlled through the level of humidity. The swelling behavior of the fibrils provides direct information about the local content of free water molecules in the overlap and gap regions of the D-band [1]. Furthermore, we can reconstruct spatial depth profiles of the tip-sample interaction force and thus distinguish the contribution of capillary force and adhesion from the viscoelastic properties of the collagen fibrils [2]. This allows us to study the nanomechanical properties of individual collagen fibrils in natural tendons with a spatial resolution of 10 nm [3]. We have also used atomic force microscopy-based nanotomography to image the spatial arrangement of individual collagen fibrils in bone [4].

[1]  E.-C. Spitzner, S. Röper, M. Zerson, A. Bernstein, R. Magerle, ACS Nano 9, 5683–5694 (2015).
[2]  M. R. Uhlig, R. Magerle, Nanoscale 9, 1244–1256 (2017); free author manuscript: arXiv:1910.00794.
[3]  R. Magerle, M. Dehnert, D. Voigt, A. Bernstein, Analytical Chemistry 92, 8741–8749 (2020).
[4]  S. Röper, Dissertation, TU Chemnitz (2010).  PDF