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Chemical Physics Lab
Professor Robert Magerle

Professor Robert Magerle

Robert Magerle

Phone: +49-371-531-38033
Office: C60.162

Research Interests

  • Nanobiomechanics of collagen fibrils and connective tissues
  • Chemical physics of biological and polymeric materials at surfaces and in thin films 
  • Atomic force microscopy and 3D depth profiling with atomic force microscopy
  • Multi-sensory displays for nanomedicine


  • 1985–1991: Study of physics at the University of Konstanz.
  • 1991–1997: Research Assistant at the University of Konstanz (with Prof. E. Recknagel, Nuclear Solid State Physics).
  • 1995: Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) at the University of Konstanz.
  • 1997–1998: Postdoctoral researcher at the Weizmann Institute of Science (with Prof. J. Klein, Materials and Interfaces).
  • 1998–2002: Research Assistant at the University of Bayreuth (with Prof. G. Krausch, Physical Chemistry II).
  • 2002: Habilitation in Experimental Physics and appointment as Privatdozent at the University of Bayreuth.
  • 2002–2004: Head of an independent junior research group at the University of Bayreuth (funded by the Volkswagen Foundation).
  • Since 2004: Full professor (C4) at the Chemnitz University of Technology.

Selected Publications

Full list available at ORCID ORCID iD icon0000-0001-7277-8020