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Chemical Physics Lab


Rate-independent hysteretic energy dissipation in collagen fibrils
R. Magerle, P. Zech, M. Dehnert, A. Bendixen, A. Otto
Soft Matter, 20, 2831–2839 (2024)

Probing local lateral forces of focal adhesions and cell–cell junctions of living cells by torsional force spectroscopy
K. Walter, J. Bourquin, A. Amiri, N. Scheer, M. Dehnert, A. L. Eichhorn, C. Dietz
Soft Matter 19, 4772–4779 (2023) (open access)

Organogels from Diketopyrrolopyrrole Copolymer Ionene/Polythiophene Blends Exhibit Ground-State Single Electron Transfer in the Solid State
D. Stegerer, M. Pracht, F. Günther, H. Sun, K. Preis, M. Zerson, W. Maftuhin, W. L. Tan, R. Kroon, C. R. McNeill, S. Fabiano, M. Walter, T. Biskup, S. Gemming, R. Magerle, C. Müller, M. Sommer
Macromolecules 55, 4979–4994 (2022)

Dynamics of a driven harmonic oscillator coupled to pairwise interacting Ising spins in random fields
P. Zech, A. Otto, G. Radons
Phys. Rev. E 104, 054212 (2021)

Memristive devices based on mass printed organic resistive switching layers
J. Strutwolf, Y. Chen, J. Ullrich, M. Dehnert, A. C. Hübler
Appl. Phys. A 127, 709 (2021); (open access)

Hydrogen Bonds Control Single-Chain Conformation, Crystallinity, and Electron Transport in Isoelectronic Diketopyrrolopyrrole Copolymers
Q. Wang, S. Böckmann, F. Günther, M. Streiter, M. Zerson, A. D. Scaccabarozzi, W. L. Tan, H. Komber, C. Deibel, R. Magerle, S. Gemming, C. R. McNeill, M. Caironi, M. R. Hansen, M. Sommer
Chem. Mater. 33, 2635–2645 (2021)

Electron Mobility of Diketopyrrolopyrrole Copolymers Is Robust against Homocoupling Defects
Q. Wang, S. Vazirieh Lenjani, O. Dolynchuk, A. D. Scaccabarozzi, H. Komber, Y. Guo, F. Günther, S. Gemming, R. Magerle, M. Caironi, M. Sommer
Chem. Mater. 33, 668–677 (2021)

Nanomechanical 3D Depth Profiling of Collagen Fibrils in Native Tendon
R. Magerle, M. Dehnert, D. Voigt, A. Bernstein
Anal. Chem. 92, 8741–8749 (2020)

Dynamics of a driven harmonic oscillator coupled to independent Ising spins in random fields
P. Zech, A. Otto, G. Radons
Phys. Rev. E 101, 042217 (2020)

Liquid-Crystalline Order and Film Thickness Determine the Semicrystalline Morphology in Diketopyrrolopyrrole-Based Copolymers
S. Vazirieh Lenjani, M. Zerson, Q. Wang, M. Sommer, R. Magerle
ACS Macro Lett. 8, 1611–1616 (2019)

Laminar chaos in experiments: nonlinear systems with time-varying delays and noise
J. D. Hart, R. Roy, D. Müller-Bender, A. Otto, G. Radons
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 154101 (2019)

Resonant Doppler effect in systems with variable delay
D. Müller-Bender, A. Otto, G. Radons
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 377, 20180119 (2019).

Nonlinear dynamics of delay systems: an overview
A. Otto, W. Just, G. Radons
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 377, 20180389 (2019).

Nanomechanical sub-surface mapping of living biological cells by force microscopy
L. Stühn, A. Fritschen, J. Choy, M. Dehnert, C. Dietz
Nanoscale 11, 13089–13097 (2019)

Conformational selection in anion recognition: cGMP-selective binding by a naphthalimide-functionalized amido-amine macrocycle
A. S. Oshchepkov, T. A. Shumilova, M. Zerson, R. Magerle, V. N. Khrustalev, E. A. Kataev
J. Org. Chem. 84, 9034–9043 (2019)

3D depth profiling of the interaction between an AFM tip and fluid polymer solutions
M. Dehnert, R. Magerle
Nanoscale 10, 5695–5707 (2018).

Pathways to equilibrium orientation fluctuations in finite stripe-forming systems
C. Riesch, G. Radons, R. Magerle
Phys. Rev. E 96, 052224 (2017); free PDF

Scaling Properties of Ageing Orientation Fluctuations in Stripe Phases
C. Riesch, G. Radons, R. Magerle
Interface Focus 7, 20160146 (2017) (free access)

Unraveling Capillary Interaction and Viscoelastic Response in Atomic Force Microscopy of Hydrated Collagen Fibrils
M. R. Uhlig, R. Magerle
Nanoscale 9, 1244–1256 (2017); accepted manuscript: arXiv:1910.00794

Interplay Between Microscopic Structure and Intermolecular Charge-Transfer Processes in Polymer–Fullerene Bulk Heterojunctions
V. Dyakonov, H. Kraus, A. Sperlich, R. Magerle, M. Zerson, M. Dehnert
in: K. Leo (Ed.), Elementary Processes in Organic Photovoltaics, Advances in Polymer Science, Vol. 272, pp 139–155, Springer, 2017.

Subsurface Imaging of Functionalized and Polymer-Grafted Graphene Oxide
M. Dehnert, E.-C. Spitzner, F. Beckert, C. Friedrich, R. Magerle
Macromolecules 49, 7415–7425 (2016).

Surface Structure of Semicrystalline Naphthalene Diimide-Bithiophene Copolymer Films Studied with Atomic Force Microscopy
M. Zerson, M. Neumann, R. Steyrleuthner, D. Neher, R. Magerle
Macromolecules 49, 6549–6557 (2016).

Monitoring Nanoscale Deformations in a Drawn Polymer Melt with Single-Molecule Fluorescence Polarization Microscopy
S. Krause, M. Neumann, M. Fröbe, R. Magerle, C. von Borczyskowski
ACS Nano 10, 1908–1917 (2016).

Monitoring Demineralization and Subsequent Remineralization of Human Teeth at the Dentin-Enamel Junction with Atomic Force Microscopy
B.-D. Lechner, S. Röper, J. Messerschmidt, A. Blume, R. Magerle
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7, 18937–18943 (2015).

Nanoscale Swelling Heterogeneities in Type I Collagen Fibrils
E.-C. Spitzner, S. Röper, M. Zerson, A. Bernstein, R. Magerle
ACS Nano 9, 5683–5694 (2015).

The Effect of Diiodooctane on the Charge Carrier Generation in Organic Solar Cells Based on the Copolymer PBDTTT-C
A. Zusan, B. Gieseking, M. Zerson, V. Dyakonov, R. Magerle, C. Deibel
Scientific Reports 5, 8286 (2015); (open access) 

Bimodal Frequency-Modulated Atomic Force Microscopy with Small Cantilevers
C. Dietz, M. Schulze, A. Voss, C. Riesch, R. W. Stark
Nanoscale 7, 1849–1856 (2015); (open access)

Aging of Orientation Fluctuations in Stripe Phases
C. Riesch, G. Radons, R. Magerle
Phys. Rev. E 90, 052101 (2014); free PDF

Optical Tracking of Single Ag Clusters in Nanostructured Water Films
S. Krause, M. Hartmann, I. Kahle, M. Neumann, M. Heidernätsch, S. Spange, C. von Borczyskowski
J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 24822 (2013).

Hierarchically Structured Microfibers of “Single  Stack” Perylene Bisimide and Quaterthiophene Nanowires
R. Marty, R. Szilluweit, A. Sánchez-Ferrer, S. Bolisetty, J. Adamcik, R. Mezzenga, E.-C. Spitzner, M. Feifer, S. N. Steinmann, C. Corminboeuf, and H. Frauenrath
ACS Nano 7, 8498 (2013).

Development of a Robust Supramolecular Method to Prepare Well-Defined Nanofibrils from Conjugated Molecules
L. Tian, R. Szilluweit, R. Marty, L. Bertschi, M. Zerson, E.-C. Spitzner, R. Magerle, H. Frauenrath
Chem. Sci. 3, 1512 (2012).

Multi-Set Point Intermittent Contact (MUSIC) Mode Atomic Force Microscopy of Oligothiophene Fibrils
E.-C. Spitzner, C. Riesch, R. Szilluweit, L. Tian, H. Frauenrath, R. Magerle
ACS Macro Letters 1, 380 (2012); see the cover page

Subsurface Mapping of Amorphous Surface Layers on Poly(3-hexylthiophene)
M. Zerson, E.-C. Spitzner, C. Riesch, R. Lohwasser, M. Thelakkat, R. Magerle
Macromolecules 44, 5874 (2011).

Locally Auxetic Behavior of Elastomeric Polypropylene on the 100 nm Length Scale
M. Franke, R. Magerle
ACS Nano 5, 4886 (2011).

Subsurface Imaging of Soft Polymeric Materials with Nanoscale Resolution
E.-C. Spitzner, C. Riesch, R. Magerle
ACS Nano 5, 315 (2011)Press release (in German).

Physikalisches Praktikum
W. Schenk, F. Kremer, G. Beddies, T. Franke, P. Galvosas, P. Rieger, W. Schenk (Hrsg.), F. Kremer (Hrsg.)
14., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage (Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden 2014),
Softcover ISBN 978-3-658-00665-5, eBook ISBN 978-3-658-00666-2.

Surface Properties of Elastomeric Polypropylenes Studied with Atomic Force Microscopy
C. Dietz, M. Zerson, C. Riesch, M. Franke, R. Magerle
Macromolecules 41, 9259 (2008).

Nucleation of Branches in Elastomeric Polypropylene
M. Franke, N. Rehse
Polymer 49, 4328 (2008).

Characterization of the dynamics of block copolymer microdomains with local morphological measures
S. Rehse, K. Mecke, R. Magerle
Phys. Rev. E 77, 051805 (2008); free PDF

Nanotomography with enhanced resolution using bimodal atomic force microscopy
C. Dietz, M. Zerson, C. Riesch, A. M. Gigler, R. W. Stark, N. Rehse, R. Magerle
Applied Physics Letters 92, 143107 (2008); free PDF

Frequency modulated torsional resonance mode atomic force microscopy on polymers
A. Yurtsever, A. M. Gigler, C. Dietz, R. W. Stark
Applied Physics Letters 92, 143103 (2008); free PDF

Three-dimensional structure formation of polypropylene revealed by in situ scanning force microscopy and nanotomography
M. Franke and N. Rehse
Macromolecules 41, 163 (2008).

Time evolution of surface relief structures in thin block copolymer films
A. Horvat, A. Knoll, G. Krausch, L. Tsarkova, K. S. Lyakhova, G. J. A. Sevink, A. V. Zvelindovsky, R. Magerle
Macromolecules 40, 6930 (2007).

Visualizing the dynamics of complex spatial networks in structured fluids
S. Scherdel, H. G. Schoberth, R. Magerle
J. Chem. Phys. 127, 014903 (2007); free PDF

Nanoscale compositional mapping with gentle forces
R. García, R. Magerle, R. Perez
Nature Materials 6, 405 (2007).

Automatization of nanotomography
C. Dietz, S. Röper, S. Scherdel, A. Bernstein, N. Rehse, R. Magerle
Review of Scientific Instruments 78, 053703 (2007); free PDF

Identification of nanoscale dissipation processes by dynamic atomic force microscopy
R. Garcia, C. J. Gómez, N. F. Martinez, S. Patil, C. Dietz, R. Magerle
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 016103 (2006); free PDF

Defect evolution in block copolymer thin films via temporal phase transitions
L. Tsarkova, A. Horvat, G. Krausch, A. V. Zvelindovsky, G. J. A. Sevink, R. Magerle
Langmuir 22, 8089 (2006).

Rapid transitions between defect configurations in a block copolymer melt
L. Tsarkova, A. Knoll, R. Magerle
Nano Letters 6, 1574 (2006).

Substrate-induced phase transitions in thin films of cylinder-forming diblock copolymer melts
L. Tsarkova, A. Knoll, G. Krausch, R. Magerle
Macromolecules 39, 3608 (2006).

Large scale alignment of a lamellar block copolymer thin film via electric fields: A time-resolved SFM study
V. Olszowka, M. Hund, V. Kuntermann, S. Scherdel, L. Tsarkova, A. Böker, G. Krausch
Soft Matter 2, 1089 (2006).

Non-linear registration of scanning probe microscopy images
S. Scherdel, S. Wirtz, N. Rehse, R. Magerle
Nanotechnology 17, 881 (2006).

Three-dimensional imaging of semicrystalline polypropylene with 10 nm resolution
N. Rehse, S. Marr, S. Scherdel, R. Magerle
Advanced Materials 17, 2203 (2005); see press release (in German).

Thin polymer films on chemically patterned, corrugated substrates
M. Geoghegan, C. Wang, N. Rehse, R. Magerle, G. Krausch
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17, S389 (2005).

Phase behavior of ABC triblock terpolymers in thin films: Mesoscale simulations
S. Ludwigs, G. Krausch, and R. Magerle, A. V. Zvelindovsky, G. J. A. Sevink
Macromolecules 38, 1859 (2005).

Combinatorial mapping of the phase behavior of ABC triblock terpolymers in thin films: Experiments
S. Ludwigs, K. Schmidt, C. M. Stafford, E. J. Amis, M. J. Fasolka, A. Karim, R. Magerle, G. Krausch
Macromolecules 38, 1850 (2005)

Direct imaging and mesoscale modelling of phase transitions in a nanostructured fluid
A. Knoll, A. Horvat, K. S. Lyakhova, G. Krausch, G. J. A. Sevink, A. V. Zvelindovsky, R. Magerle
Nature Materials 3, 886 (2004).

Phase behavior in thin films of cylinder-forming ABA block copolymers: Experiments
A. Knoll, R. Magerle, G. Krausch
J. Chem. Phys. 120, 1105 (2004); free PDF

Phase behavior in thin films of cylinder-forming ABA block copolymers: Mesoscale modeling
A. Horvat, K.S. Lyakhova, G.J.A. Sevink, A.V. Zvelindovsky, R. Magerle
J. Chem. Phys. 120, 1117 (2004); free PDF

Role of dissimilar interfaces in thin films of cylinder-forming block copolymers
K.S. Lyakhova, G.J.A. Sevink, A.V. Zvelindovsky, A. Horvat, R. Magerle
J. Chem. Phys. 120, 1127 (2004); free PDF

Self-Assembly of Functional Nanostructures from ABC Triblock Copolymers
S. Ludwigs, A. Böker, A. Voronov, N. Rehse, R. Magerle, G. Krausch
Nature Materials 2, 744 (2003).

Surface Reconstruction of Lamellar ABC Triblock copolymer Mesostructures
N. Rehse, A. Knoll, R. Magerle, G. Krausch
Macromolecules 36, 3261 (2003).

Nanotomography: Real-space Volume Imaging with Scanning Probe Microscopy
R. Magerle
in: K. R. Mecke and D. Stoyan (eds.), "Morphology of Condensed Matter. Physics and Geometry of Spatial Complex Systems", Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 600 (Springer, 2002).

Phase Behavior in Thin Films of Cylinder Forming Block Copolymers
A. Knoll, A. Horvat, K.S. Lyakhova, G. Krausch, G.J.A. Sevink, A.V. Zvelindovsky, R. Magerle
Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 035501 (2002); free PDF

Surface Reconstruction of an Ordered Fluid: An Analogy with Crystal Surfaces
N. Rehse, M. Konrad, A. Knoll, R. Magerle, G. Krausch
Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 035505 (2001); free PDF

Tapping Mode Atomic Force Microscopy on Polymers: Where is the True Sample Surface?
A. Knoll, R. Magerle, G. Krausch
Macromolecules 34, 4159 (2001).

Volume Imaging of an Ultra-thin SBS Triblock Copolymer Film
M. Konrad, A. Knoll, G. Krausch, R. Magerle
Macromolecules 33, 5518 (2000).

R. Magerle
European Patent EP 1144989 (B1); (filed 17.08.1999; granted 15.01.2003),
US Patent 6,546,788 (B2) (filed June 13, 2001; granted April 15, 2003), 
DE 19859877A1 (initial German patent application, filed 23.12.1998).

R. Magerle
Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2749 (2000); free PDF

Media coverage:

Microdomain Morphology of Thin ABC Triblock Copolymer Films
H. Elbs, K. Fukunaga, R. Stadler, G. Sauer, R. Magerle, G. Krausch
Macromolecules 32, 1204–1211 (1999).