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Chemical Physics Lab

Gruppenphoto 2023

The Chemical Physics Team (Photo: T. Müller)
Name Room Phone E-mail
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Magerle P 162 (0371) 531-38033
Ivonne Schreiber (Sekretariat) P 161 (0371) 531-37286
Dr. Martin Dehnert P 110 (0371) 531-39916
Tiberius Klose P 110 (0371) 531-33133
Andrea Süsselbeck P 110 (0371) 531-37777
Dr. Paul Zech P 110 (0371) 531-36292
Antje Zelmer P 110 (0371) 531-33542
Dipl.-Phys. Mario Zerson P 154 (0371) 531-37479