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Optische Spektroskopie

Optical Spectroscopy

  • Dr. Yang Pan
  • Dr. Oleksandr Selyshchev

Former Members:

  • Dr. Volodymyr Dzhagan, Dr. Ovidiu D. Gordan, B.Sc. Stefan Moras,
    Dr. Philipp Schäfer, Dr. Li Ding, Michael Ludemann (PhD student),
    Dr. Falko Seidel, Seddigeh Nikipar (PhD student), Dipl.Phys. Eric Schwuchow,
    B.Sc. Oana-Maria Buja,
    Dr. Teresa Isabel Picoto Pena Madeira,
    M. Sc. Lu He,
    Dr. Mahfujur Rahaman,
    M. Sc. Apoorva Sharma,
    Omoragbon Osadebamwen Sandra,
    Rahim Benrali,
    M. Sc. Ilya Milekhin
  • Complex Structures (QD structures, plasmonic nanostructures, metamaterials)
  • Oxides (high-k and wide bandgap materials)
  • 2D-Systems
  • Organic Semiconductors
  • Ellipsometer: M-2000/T-Solar ( 0,7 - 5 eV), VASE  (0,7 - 5 eV), UVISEL HORIBA (1,5 - 6 eV) and RAS setups (home made; 1,5 - 5,5 eV)
  • FTIR: Vacuum spectrometer BRUKER VERTEX 80v and BRUKER IFS 66
  • Micro-Raman spectroscopy and imaging; excitation wavelengths from red to UV, under temperature and atmosphere controlled conditions
  • Raman: Dilor XY triple monochromator Raman system and LabRam HR800 confocal micro Raman system
  • Cryo stages