Publications and Conferences

Referred Publications

``Resonant Breather in Coupled Josephson Junctions System'',
A. Benabdallah; In LOCALIZATION AND ENERGY TRANSFER IN NONLINEAR SYSTEMS Edited by Luis Vázquez Robert S MacKay and María Paz Zorzano World Scientific, Singapore, 2003
``Resonant fluxons in Josephson window junctions: a numerical and analytical study'' ,
A. Benabdallah, J. G. Caputo; In LOCALIZATION AND ENERGY TRANSFER IN NONLINEAR SYSTEMS Edited by Luis Vázquez, Robert S MacKay and María Paz Zorzano World Scientific, Singapore, 2003
``Influence of the passive region on Zero Field Steps for window Josephson junctions'' ,
A. Benabdallah and J. G. Caputo, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 92, 3853-3862 (2002).
``Magnetic field induced control of breather dynamics in a single plaquette of Josephson junctions'' ,
M. V. Fistul, S. Flach and A. Benabdallah, Phys. Rev. E, vol. 65, 046616 (2002).
``The window Josephson junction: a coupled linear nonlinear system'' ,
A. Benabdallah, J. G. Caputo and N. Flytzanis, Physica D, vol. 161, 79-101 (2002).
``Breathers in a single plaquette of Josephson junctions : existence, stability and resonances'' ,
A. Benabdallah, M. V. Fistul and S. Flach, Physica D, vol. 159, 202-214, (2001).
``Laminar flux flow in a Josephson oscillator'' ,
A. Benabdallah, J. G. Caputo and A. C. Scott, J. Appl. Physics, vol. 88, 3527-3540, (2000).
``The window Josephson junctions'' ,
A. Benabdallah and J. G. Caputo, in "Nonlinearity, integrability and all that, twenty years after NEEDS 79", M. Boiti, F. Pempinelli and G. Soliani (Ed.), World Scientific, (2000).
``Exponentially Tapered Josephson flux-flow oscillator'' ,
A. Benabdallah, J. G. Caputo and A.C. Scott, Phys. Rev. B., vol. 54, 16139-16147, (1996).
''Mathematical modelling of superconducting devices'' ,
A. Benabdallah, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Rouen (France), (1999).

Submitted Papers(Preprint)

9. `` Parameter Estimation of Hidden Diffusion Processes: Particle Filter vs. Modified Baum-Welch Algorithm.'',
A. Benabdallah and G. Radons,, submitted to Comp. Phys. Comm. (November 2005).

10. ``From hidden diffusion processes to hidden Markov models'' ,
A. Benabdallah, A. Loeser and G. Radons. Preprint No. 66 of the DFG-SPP1114 preprint series December 2004. Submitted to Phys. Rev. E

Papers in preparation

11. ``Analysis of hidden diffusion processes'' with G. Radons
12. ``Influence of Noise on a Breather in the Sine-Gordon Equation'', with F.Kh. Abdullaev, A.A.Abdumalikov, M.P.Soerensen
13. ``Space effect in half harmonic generation in stacked Josephson junctions'', with N. F. Pedersen and M.P.Soerensen.

Workshops, seminars and conferences

  • September 19-21, 1996, Analyse et modéles stochastiques day, organized by G. Grancher and J. G. Caputo at National Institute of applied Sciences, Rouen, France, Poster presentation : Josephson Junction.
  • May 29-June 3, 1997, International Conference on ``Solitons and coherent structures in Physics and biology'', organizsed par P. Christiansen and M. Soerensen at Technical University of Denmark, Oral presentation: Parameter study for the Eiffel Josephson junction flux flow oscillator, co-auteur J. G. Caputo and A. C. Scott.
  • June 8-10, 1998, International Conference on ``Transmission and Signal Processing in Nonlinear Electronics and Optics'' organized by P. Marquié and J.M. Bilbault at Dijon, France. Oral presentation: An exponentially tapered Josephson flux flow oscillateur, co-auteur J. G. Caputo, A. C. Scott and J. C. Villegier.
  • July 1-10, 1999, ``Nonlinearity, integrability and all that, twenty years after NEEDS 79'', orgonazed by M. Boiti, F. Pempinelli and G. Soliani, at Gallipoli (Lecce), Italy. Oral presentation: The window Josephson junction : a coupled linear-nonlinear system, presented by J. G. Caputo.
  • September 14-17, 1999, 4th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Barcelona, Spain, (2 Posters accepted)
  • October 1999, Seminar speacker ``Dynamics window Josephson junction invited by M. Salez at Observatoire de Paris, France.
  • November 1999; Seminar speacker ``Physics of Josephson junction'' invited by S. Flach at Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany.
  • December 1-4, 1999 Nonlinear science festival II, organized by P. Christiansen and J. Rasmussen, at Risoe National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark.
  • July 1-6, 2000; International Conference on ``Future perspectives of superconducting Josephson devices'', Maratea, Italy (2 Posters presented).
  • May 2001, Seminar speacker ''Mathematical modelling of superconducting devices'' invited by Prof. B. Fiedler at Freie Universitaet Institut für Mathematik I, Berlin .
  • June 13-17, 2001; EU-US workshop on ``Discrete Breathers -Intrinsic Localized Modes'', organised by A.J. Sievers (Cornell) and G. P. Tsironis (Crete) at Heraklion, Crete, Greece, talk: Breathers in a single plaquette of Josephson junctions : existence, stability and resonances, co-auteur M. V. Fistul and S. Flach.
  • September 3-30, 2001; ``Nonlinear Lattice Structure and Dynamics'' , organised by A. Bishop (Los Alamos) and S. Flach (Dresden) at Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, talk + poster, co-auteur M. V. Fistul and S. Flach. Physik, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Chemnitz.
  • November 22, 2001; Seminar speacker ``Breather in dissipative systems'' invited by Prof. H. T. Diep at Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, CERGY-PONTOISE, France.
  • February 8, 2002; Seminar speacker ''Analysis of the Breather in Josephson junction system'', invited by Prof. G. Radons at Institut für Physik, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Chemnitz.
  • February 25 -March 2, 2002; `` 1st annual meeting of Mathematical methods for time series analysis and digital image processing'' at the Reisensburg castle in Guenzburg.
  • June 17th-21st 2002; ``Localization and Energy Transfer in Nonlinear Systems'', organised by L. Vázquez (Madrid) at San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain.
  • Jully 16, 2002; Seminar speacker ''Resonant Breathers in Josephson junction'', invited by Prof F. Mertens Theoretical Physics I, Universität Bayreuth.