Joachim Krug, Nonlinear Dynamics of Electromigration-Driven Crystal Steps

Nanoscale step morphologies on crystal surfaces can be manipulated by the directed migration of adatoms under the influence of an electric current in the bulk. Theoretical and experimental studies of this process are motivated both by the importance of electromigration as a reliability concern in integrated circuit technology, and by a general interest in nonlinear surface dynamics far from equilibrium. In the talk I will discuss recent results obtained for two model problems: The oscillatory motion of electromigrating islands on metal surfaces [1], and a novel type of dynamic phase transition discovered in a model of electromigration-induced step bunching on Si(111) [2]. The talk is based on joint work with Philipp Kuhn, Frank Hausser, Marko Rusanen and Vladislav Popkov.
[1]  P. Kuhn, F. Hausser, J. Krug, A. Voigt, Complex Shape Evolution of Electromigration-Driven Single-Layer Islands, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 166105 (2005)
[2]  V. Popkov, J. Krug, Dynamic phase transitions in electromigration-induced step bunching, Phys. Rev. B 73, 235430 (2006)