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Forschergruppe Theorie ungeordneter Systeme

Topical Problems in Theoretical Physics


Mi 9.15-10.45, Raum: 2/413


10.05.2006 Prof. Nikolai Plakida (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna)
"Antiferromagnetic exchange and spin-fluctuation pairing in cuprates"
(Klaus Morawetz)
24.05.2006 (external speaker at Tuesday afternoon)
14.06.2006 Roman Gorbunov (Universität Frankfurt)
"Quantum-classical calculation of infrared spectra of peptides"
(U. Kleinekathöfer)
28.06.2006 Dr. Carsten Tietz (Universität Stuttgart)
"The Fluctuation Theorem: Experimental Test and Molecular Dynamics Simulations"
(U. Kleinekathöfer)
05.07.2006 Prof. J. Schirmer (Heidelberg)
"Is time dependent density functional theory formally exact ?"
(K. Morawetz)
12.07.2006 Steffen Roethel (FU Berlin)
"Boson-Fermion Mixtures"
(U. Kleinekathöfer)