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Forschergruppe Theorie ungeordneter Systeme

Mitarbeiterseminar "Order, Disorder, and Chaos"


Di 17.15 -18.45 Raum 2/SR16 Weinholdbau


06.04.2004 Vorbesprechung
13.04.2004 Klaus Morawetz (TU-Chemnitz)
Response und Transport in dichten Fermisystemen
20.04.2004 Workshop "Modelling and Simulation in Molecular Systems, Mesoscopic Structures, and Material Science
kein Seminar
27.04.2004 Alexey Novikov (TUC)
"Time-dependent variational perturbation theory for dissipative curve-crossing dynamics"
(U. Kleinekathöfer)
11.05.2004 Peter Karmann
"Elektronische Struktur von metallischen Punktkontakten: Geometrieeffekte"
01.06.2004 Luis Mancera (TUC)
"Theoretical study of the stability of wurtzite, zincblende, NaCl and CsCl phases in group III nitrides"
(R. Scholz)
08.06.2004 Dr. Rudolf A. Römer (Department of Physics, University of Warwick, GB)
"Weak disorder expansion for localization lengths of quasi-1D systems"
(P. Cain)
15.06.2004 Dr. Vadim Apalkov (Department of Physics, University of Utah)
Strongly Localized States at the Intersection of Phase Slips in 2D Periodic Structure without Bandgap
(V. Z. Cerovski)
29.06.2004 Carsten Olbrich (TU-Chemnitz)
Clusterbildung auf Oberflaechen
(S. Gemming, K. Morawetz)
06.07.2004 Andreas Ficker, Bernd Schmidt (TUC)
Two-particle scattering on finite structures
(Klaus Morawetz)
13.07.2004 Vorbereitung der SFB Begutachtung
kein Seminar