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Further examples

In the manual of the SFB 393 A Dirichlet-Dirichlet DD-pre-conditioner for p-FEM (SFB03-12) several examples considering the performance of the proposed preconditioners are given. On this homepage, more examples are investigated.
For each example, a picture with the mesh on level 0, the approximate solution computed by the hp-version of the finite element method with two steps of uniform refinement and a polynomial degree of 15 and the numbers of iterations of the preconditioned conjugate gradient method are given.
In the picture of the mesh on level 0, a black line corresponds to an interior edge of the coarse mesh, a red line to homogenous Neumann boundary conditions, a blue line to inhomogeneous Neumann boundary conditions and a green line to Dirichlet boundary conditions.
The preconditioner of subsection 4.1. is chosen. The algorithm is stopped if the error in the preconditioned energy norm is reduced up to a factor of 0.00001.
The computations are done by the students Martin Stoll and Daniel Kettner .

Sven Beuchler 2003-06-12