- Problems:
- Poisson equation and Lamé system (3D)
(thermoelasticity in progress);
- Elements:
- 4- and 10-node tetrahedra,
8-, 20- and 27-node hexahedra,
(6-, 15- and 18-node pentahedra in progress);
- Mesh generation:
- Generation of a user mesh by special programs with
different capabilities,
hierarchical mesh refinement;
- Solver:
- CG with preconditioning (Yserentant, BPX),
(multigrid in progress);
- Communication:
- Effektive routines for adequate data structure;
- Postprocessing:
- Calculation of error norms via exact solution
(error estimation in progress),
visualization using GRAPE.
Thomas Apel, 02-02-1996
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