2021 (completed project)
Faculty of Natural Science, MAIN

Chemnitz - wood, light and sound

Science and culture are inextricably linked. This is implemented both in the processing of cognition and knowledge within the scientific disciplines and the interaction of the scientific sphere with society. Light and sound are physical phenomena that can be perceived with the human senses and described scientifically, they have shaped the human process of civilization and hence found their way into arts and culture. The project "Chemnitz - wood, light and sound" tries to enter the topic from different perspectives, from natural sciences to engineering sciences to art, and pursues the following sub-goals:

Photos: Friedrich Blaudeck, Lucia Sosso, Thomas Blaudeck, Tom Witke // Montage: Thomas Blaudeck

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Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt (Professur Theoretische Physik - Simulation neuer Materialien)
Prof. Dr. Ulrich T. Schwarz (Professur Experimentelle Sensorik)
Dr. Thomas Blaudeck (Forschungszentrum MAIN)