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TU Big Band

TU Bigband Pictures


The TU Bigband at Spa concert in Warmbad in Wolkenstein on 30.06.2024


Adriana Alvarez at the graduation-ceremony on 15.06.2024. Foto: Jacob Müller


The small line-up of the TU Big Band for the 11th Alumni Reunion 2024 on April 27, 2024. Picture: Jacob Müller


The TU Big Band under the direction of Marc Hartmann for the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Philisophy on January 24, 2024



The TU Big Band under the direction of Marc Hartmann at the scholarship award ceremony on November 16, 2023. Picture: Jacob Müller


before 2023

TU Big Band with Marc Hartmann. Further information: here. Pictures: Philip Knauth, 10.06.2013


TU Big Band at "Hoffest" on 05.12.2012. Picture above: Christian Schenk; Picture below: Freie Presse Chemnitz, 06.12.2012


TU Big Band performing at "Immatrikulationsfeier" on 08.10.2012. Picture: Christian Schenk


TU Big Band playing at "University Ball" on 14.07.2012. Picture: Christian Schenk


TU Big Band at "Campus- und Sportfest" with singer Bianca Böhme; on 23.05.2012. Pictures: Christian Schenk