Suche im Archiv des Vorlesungsverzeichnisses
Ergebnisse: 160 Veranstaltungen gefunden
Vorlesungsverzeichnis (03/09/2025)
160 Veranstaltungen im Archiv wurden gefunden
Nr. | Name | LVS | Lehrkraft | Gruppen | Zeit | Raum | Semester |
212000-001 |
Physikalisches Kolloquium
[Vorlesung] |
2 | agerle (212055); eyller (212063); Salvan (212058); . Zahn (212058); Deibel (212064); Treyer (212066); ndixen (212067); ellwig (212065); enkamp (212056); nhardt (212034); chwarz (212062); Weigel (212037); emming (212038); ahmann (212011); tschel (212036) |
obl: M_CS__3, M_Ph__3, B_Ph__5 wo: M_CS__1, M_Ph__1, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, M_SK__3, B_MT__5 |
Do (wö.) 15:30-17:00 |
2/N013 | ws2425 |
212000-107 |
Mathematische und physikalische Grundlagen I
[Übung] |
2 | Georg Blanke (212066) |
obl: B_SK1_1 |
Di (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/N106 | ws2425 |
212000-108 |
Mathematische und physikalische Grundlagen I
[Übung] |
2 | Georg Blanke (212066) |
obl: B_SK2_1 |
Mo (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/N102 | ws2425 |
212000-310 |
Oberseminar (M.Sc. Physik)
[Seminar] |
1 | Prof. Carsten Deibel (212064); Prof. Olav Hellwig (212065); Prof. Christoph Tegenkamp (212056) |
obl: M_Ph__1 |
Di (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/W021 | ws2425 |
212000-311 |
Oberseminar (M. Sc. Advanced Functional Materials)
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Dietrich R. T. Zahn (212058); Prof. Carsten Deibel (212064); Prof. Angela Thränhardt (212034); Prof. Ulrich Theodor Schwarz (212062); Dr. Simon Kahmann (212011) |
obl: M_AM__3 |
Mi (wö.) 17:15-18:45 |
2/P033 | ws2425 |
212000-540 |
Physik (mit Experimenten)
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Dr. Herbert Schletter (212011) |
obl: B_IWET1, B_IWMB1 wo: SELADe3, SELAEn3, SELAEt3, SELAMa3, SELAWH3 fak: SGws |
Mo (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/N012 | ws2425 |
212000-541 |
[Übung] |
1 |
obl: B_IWET1, B_IWMB1 fak: SGws |
Do (2.Wo) 09:15-10:45 |
2/W034 | ws2425 | |
212000-542 |
[Übung] |
1 |
Do (1.Wo) 07:30-09:00 |
2/W037 | ws2425 | |
212000-543 |
[Übung] |
1 |
Do (2.Wo) 07:30-09:00 |
2/W037 | ws2425 | |
212000-700 |
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Hans-Reinhard Berger (212011) |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, B_Ph__5 fak: SGws |
Mi (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/N105 | ws2425 |
212000-700A |
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Hans-Reinhard Berger (212011) |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, B_Ph__5 fak: SGws |
Mi (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/N105 | ws2425 |
212000-701 |
[Übung] |
2 | Dr. Paul Zech (212055) |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, B_Ph__5 fak: SGws |
Do (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/N006 | ws2425 |
212000-710 |
Scientific Communication in English
[Seminar] |
2 | James Stuart Bohy (212011) |
wo: B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5 |
Mo (wö.) 15:30-17:00 |
2/W021 | ws2425 |
212000-720 |
Aspekte der modernen Physik: Machine Learning and its applications in natural sciences
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Dr. Björn Brauer (212011) |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3 |
Mi (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
[digital] |
ws2425 |
212000-721 |
Aspekte der modernen Physik: Machine Learning and its applications in natural sciences
[Übung] |
2 | Dr. Björn Brauer (212011) |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3 |
Mi (wö.) 15:30-17:00 |
[digital] |
ws2425 |
212000-900 |
Doktorandenseminar Hyperpolarization in molecular systems
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Michael Mehring (211035); Prof. Georgeta Salvan (212058); Prof. Carsten Deibel (212064); Prof. Olav Hellwig (212065); Prof. Michael Sommer (211033); Prof. Christoph Tegenkamp (212056); Prof. Sibylle Gemming (212038); Dr. Jeffrey Kelling (212038) |
fak: M_Ch__1, M_CS__1, M_CS__3, M_Ph__1, M_Ch__3, M_Ph__3 |
Mi (wö.) 07:30-09:00 |
2/P031 | ws2425 |
212000-D191 |
Exkursion B_SK
[Exkursion] |
2 | Prof. Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer (212066); Prof. Alexandra Bendixen (212067); Prof. Ulrich Theodor Schwarz (212062) |
wo: B_SK2_3, B_SK1_3, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5 |
kA (kA) |
ws2425 | |
212000-D998 |
Methodenpraktikum M.Sc. Sensorik und kognitive Psychologie
[Praktikum] |
6 |
obl: M_SK__3 |
kA (kA) |
ws2425 | ||
212000-D999 |
Methodenpraktikum M.Sc. Physik / Computational Science
[Praktikum] |
6 | Magerle (212055); Seyller (212063); T. Zahn (212058); n Deibel (212064); r-Treyer (212066); Bendixen (212067); Hellwig (212065); egenkamp (212056); änhardt (212034); Schwarz (212062); n Weigel (212037); Gemming (212038); Kahmann (212011); entschel (212036) |
obl: M_CS__3, M_Ph__3 |
kA (kA) |
ws2425 | |
212000-S01 |
Urteilen und Entscheiden
[Seminar] |
2 | Josephine Halama (281531) |
wo: B_Ps__1, B_Ps__3, B_SK1_1, B_SK2_1 |
Mo (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
4/102 | ws2425 |
212000-S02 |
Methodenlehre I, Modul 02, Gruppe 1
[Übung] |
2 | Dr. Johannes Titz (281536) |
obl: B_SK1_1 |
Mo (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
4/101 | ws2425 |
212000-S03 |
Methodenlehre I, Modul 02, Gruppe 2
[Übung] |
2 | Dr. Johannes Titz (281536) |
obl: B_SK2_1 |
Mo (wö.) 13:30-15:00 |
4/101 | ws2425 |
212013-700 |
Seminar zum Physikalischen Grundpraktikum I
[Seminar] |
2 | Dr. Martina Wanke (212011) |
obl: B_Ph__1, B_MTmp1, B_MTip1 wo: B_MaPh5 |
Mo (wö.) 07:30-09:00 |
2/P003 | ws2425 |
212013-701 |
Physikalisches Grundpraktikum I
[Praktikum] |
4 | Dr. Martina Wanke (212011) |
obl: B_Ph__1, B_MTmp1, B_MTip1 wo: B_MaPh5 |
Mi (wö.) 07:30-10:45 |
2/P003 | ws2425 |
212013-702 |
Physikalisches Grundpraktikum I
[Praktikum] |
4 | Dr. Martina Wanke (212011) |
obl: B_Ph__1, B_MTmp1, B_MTip1 wo: B_MaPh5 |
Mi (wö.) 11:30-15:15 |
2/P003 | ws2425 |
212013-710 |
Physikalisches Grundpraktikum II (Teil 2)
[Praktikum] |
4 | Dr. Martina Wanke (212011) |
obl: B_Ph__3 wo: M_MaPh1, B_MTmp3, B_MTip3 |
Fr (wö.) 07:30-13:00 |
2/P003 | ws2425 |
212013-720 |
Seminar zum Physikalischen Grundpraktikum I
[Seminar] |
2 | Dr. Martina Wanke (212011) |
obl: B_SK2_3, B_SK1_3 |
Mo (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/B201 | ws2425 |
212013-721 |
Physikalisches Grundpraktikum I
[Praktikum] |
4 | Dr. Martina Wanke (212011) |
obl: B_SK1_3 |
Di (wö.) 07:30-10:45 |
2/P003 | ws2425 |
212013-722 |
Physikalisches Grundpraktikum I
[Praktikum] |
4 | Dr. Martina Wanke (212011) |
obl: B_SK2_3 |
Di (wö.) 11:30-15:15 |
2/P003 | ws2425 |
212013-750 |
Physikalisches Grundpraktikum (in 2 Gruppen)
[Praktikum] |
2 |
obl: B_IWET1, B_IWMB1 |
Do (1.Wo) 07:30-10:45 |
2/P003 | ws2425 | |
212014-700 |
Physikalisches Praktikum (Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum)
[Seminar] |
1 | Dr. Martin Dehnert (212055) |
obl: B_Ph__5 wo: B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5 fak: B_MT__5 |
Di (wö.) 07:30-08:15 |
2/P031 | ws2425 |
212014-701 |
Physikalisches Praktikum (Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum)
[Praktikum] |
6 | Dr. Martin Dehnert (212055) |
obl: B_Ph__5 wo: B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, B_MT__5 |
Di (wö.) 08:30-15:15 |
2/P006 | ws2425 |
212014-710 |
Fortgeschrittenen-Praktikum II
[Praktikum] |
6 | Dr. Martin Dehnert (212055) |
obl: M_Ph__3 |
Fr (wö.) 09:15-15:15 |
ws2425 | |
212034-320 |
Theoretische Physik: Quantentheorie II
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Angela Thränhardt (212034) |
obl: M_Ph__1 |
Mo (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/N105 | ws2425 |
212034-320A |
Theoretische Physik: Quantentheorie II
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Angela Thränhardt (212034) |
obl: M_Ph__1 |
Di (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/NK003 | ws2425 |
212034-321 |
Theoretische Physik: Quantentheorie II
[Übung] |
2 |
obl: M_Ph__1 |
Di (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/P031 | ws2425 | |
212034-900 |
AG-Seminar Theoretische Physik Simulation neuer Materialien
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Angela Thränhardt (212034) |
wo: M_Ph__3, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, B_MT__5 |
Fr (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/P033 | ws2425 |
212036-125 |
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Martina Hentschel (212036) |
obl: B_Ph__3, B_MTmp3, B_MTip3 wo: B_MT__5, D_MaIn5, D_MaMa5, D_MaTM5, M_MaPh3 |
Mo (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/N105 | ws2425 |
212036-125A |
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Martina Hentschel (212036) |
obl: B_Ph__3, B_MTmp3, B_MTip3 wo: B_MT__5, D_MaIn5, D_MaMa5, D_MaTM5, M_MaPh3 |
Mi (wö.) 15:30-17:00 |
2/N105 | ws2425 |
212036-126 |
[Übung] |
2 |
obl: B_Ph__3, B_MTmp3, B_MTip3 wo: B_MT__5, D_MaIn5, D_MaMa5, D_MaTM5, M_MaPh3 |
Mi (wö.) 13:30-15:00 |
2/P031 | ws2425 | |
212036-901 |
Theorie, Modellierung, Simulation
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Angela Thränhardt (212034); Prof. Martin Weigel (212037); Prof. Sibylle Gemming (212038); Prof. Martina Hentschel (212036) |
obl: M_CS__3 wo: M_Ph__3, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, B_MT__5 |
Mi (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/P031 | ws2425 |
212036-D900 |
AG-Seminar Theoretische Physik komplexer dynamischer Systeme
[Seminar] |
1 | Prof. Martina Hentschel (212036) |
wo: M_Ph__3, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, B_MT__5 |
kA (kA) |
ws2425 | |
212037-120 |
Mathematische Grundlagen der theoretischen Physik
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Dr. Janett Prehl (212037) |
obl: B_Ph__1 |
Mo (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/N006 | ws2425 |
212037-120A |
Mathematische Grundlagen der theoretischen Physik
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Dr. Janett Prehl (212037) |
obl: B_Ph__1 |
Do (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/W034 | ws2425 |
212037-121 |
Analyse theoretisch-physikalischer Probleme
[Übung] |
2 |
obl: B_Ph__1 |
Fr (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/W043 | ws2425 | |
212037-130 |
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Martin Weigel (212037) |
obl: B_Ph__5 wo: B_MT__5, D_MaIn5, D_MaMa5, D_MaTM5, D_MaIn7, D_MaMa7, D_MaTM7, M_MaPh3 |
Mo (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/N105 | ws2425 |
212037-130A |
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Martin Weigel (212037) |
obl: B_Ph__5 wo: B_MT__5, D_MaIn5, D_MaMa5, D_MaTM5, D_MaIn7, D_MaMa7, D_MaTM7, M_MaPh3 |
Mi (wö.) 17:15-18:45 |
2/N013 | ws2425 |
212037-131 |
[Übung] |
2 | Tom Rodemund (212037); Lambert Münster (212037) |
obl: B_Ph__5 wo: B_MT__5, D_MaIn5, D_MaMa5, D_MaTM5, D_MaIn7, D_MaMa7, D_MaTM7, M_MaPh3 |
Mi (wö.) 15:30-17:00 |
2/W038 | ws2425 |
212037-140 |
Numerische Methoden in der Physik
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Dr. Janett Prehl (212037) |
obl: B_Ph__3 wo: B_MTmp3, B_MTip3 |
Do (wö.) 11:00-12:30 |
2/P205 | ws2425 |
212037-141 |
Numerische Methoden in der Physik
[Übung] |
1 | Dr. Janett Prehl (212037) |
obl: B_Ph__3 wo: B_MTmp3, B_MTip3 |
Do (wö.) 12:30-13:15 |
2/P205 | ws2425 |
212037-330 |
Algorithmen, Datenstrukturen, Programmierung I
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Martin Weigel (212037) |
obl: M_CS__1 |
Mi (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/P202 | ws2425 |
212037-331 |
Algorithmen, Datenstrukturen, Programmierung I
[Übung] |
2 | Kallappara Shashank (212037) |
obl: M_CS__1 |
Do (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/P205 | ws2425 |
212037-332 |
Numerisches Umlaufpraktikum I
[Praktikum] |
2 | Dr. Janett Prehl (212037); Prof. Martin Weigel (212037) |
obl: M_CS__1 |
Fr (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/P202 | ws2425 |
212037-355 |
Tutorium Computational Science
[Seminar] |
1 | Dr. Janett Prehl (212037) |
obl: M_CS__1 |
Fr (1.Wo) 07:30-09:00 |
2/P033 | ws2425 |
212037-356 |
Tutorium zur Fachmethodik Computational Science
[Seminar] |
1 | Dr. Janett Prehl (212037) |
obl: M_CS__3 |
Fr (2.Wo) 07:30-09:00 |
2/P033 | ws2425 |
212037-700 |
Computersimulationen in der statistischen Physik (Computerphysik)
[Übung] |
2 | Dr. Tony Albers (212038) |
wo: M_CS__3, M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, M_SK__1, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, B_MT__5 |
Do (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/P205 | ws2425 |
212037-701 |
Computersimulationen in der statistischen Physik (Computerphysik)
[Übung] |
2 | Prof. Martin Weigel (212037) |
wo: M_CS__3, M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, M_SK__1, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, B_MT__5 |
Mo (wö.) 17:15-18:45 |
2/P205 | ws2425 |
212037-702 |
Computersimulationen in der statistischen Physik (Computerphysik)
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Martin Weigel (212037) |
wo: M_CS__3, M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, M_SK__1, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, B_MT__5 |
Mo (wö.) 15:30-17:00 |
2/P205 | ws2425 |
212037-900 |
AG-Seminar Simulation naturwissenschaftlicher Prozesse
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Martin Weigel (212037) |
wo: M_Ph__3, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, B_MT__5 |
Di (wö.) 16:00-17:30 |
2/P033 | ws2425 |
212038-340 |
Wissenschaftliches Rechnen I (ehem. Computational Science)
[Vorlesung] |
3 | Dr. Philipp Cain (212038) |
obl: M_CS__1 wo: D_MaIn5, D_MaMa5, D_MaTM5, D_MaIn7, D_MaMa7, D_MaTM7, M_MaPh1, M_MaPh3 |
Di (wö.) 11:00-13:15 |
2/P205 | ws2425 |
212038-341 |
Wissenschaftliches Rechnen I (ehem. Computational Science)
[Übung] |
3 | Dr. Philipp Cain (212038) |
obl: M_CS__1 wo: D_MaIn5, D_MaMa5, D_MaTM5, D_MaIn7, D_MaMa7, D_MaTM7, M_MaPh1, M_MaPh3 |
Fr (wö.) 09:15-11:30 |
2/P205 | ws2425 |
212038-700 |
Methoden in der theoretischen Physik
[Seminar] |
2 | Dr. Jeffrey Kelling (212038) |
obl: M_CS__1 wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3 |
Mi (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/P205 | ws2425 |
212038-701 |
Methoden in der theoretischen Physik
[Übung] |
2 | Dr. Jeffrey Kelling (212038) |
obl: M_CS__1 wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3 |
Mi (wö.) 15:30-17:00 |
2/P205 | ws2425 |
212038-710 |
Elektronenstruktur- und -transporttheorie
[Vorlesung] Die Veranstaltung findet in hybrider Form statt. |
2 | Dr. Jeffrey Kelling (212038) |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3 |
Do (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
[digital] |
ws2425 |
212038-711 |
Elektronenstruktur- und -transporttheorie
[Übung] Die Veranstaltung findet in hybrider Form statt. |
2 | Nebahat Bulut (212038) |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3 |
Do (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
[digital] |
ws2425 |
212038-900 |
AG-Seminar Theoretische Physik quantenmechanischer Prozesse und Systeme
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Sibylle Gemming (212038) |
wo: M_Ph__3, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, B_MT__5 |
Di (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/W035 | ws2425 |
212038-D902 |
Fundamentals of DFT
[Seminar] |
1 | Prof. Sibylle Gemming (212038) |
fak: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, B_Ph__5 |
kA (kA) |
ws2425 | |
212055-150 |
Tutorium B_Ph, 1. Studienjahr
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Robert Magerle (212055) |
obl: B_Ph__1 |
Do (wö.) 07:30-09:00 |
2/P031 | ws2425 |
212055-500 |
Experimentalphysik I Mechanik und Thermodynamik
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Robert Magerle (212055) |
obl: B_Ch1_1, B_Ch2_1 |
Di (wö.) 13:30-15:00 |
2/N012 | ws2425 |
212055-501 |
Experimentalphysik I Mechanik und Thermodynamik
[Übung] |
1 | Mario Zerson (212055) |
obl: B_Ch1_1, B_Ch2_1 |
Do (2.Wo) 09:15-10:45 |
1/368 | ws2425 |
212055-510 |
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Dr. Martin Dehnert (212055) |
obl: B_ET__1, B_ER__1 fak: SGws |
Do (wö.) 09:30-11:00 |
2/N012 | ws2425 |
212055-511 |
[Übung] |
1 | Dr. Paul Zech (212055) |
obl: B_ER__1 fak: SGws |
Di (1.Wo) 09:15-10:45 |
2/W038 | ws2425 |
212055-512 |
[Übung] |
1 | Dr. Paul Zech (212055) |
obl: B_ET__1 fak: SGws |
Di (2.Wo) 09:15-10:45 |
2/W038 | ws2425 |
212055-700 |
Molekulare Nanotechnologie
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Robert Magerle (212055) |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ch__3, M_Ph__3, B_Ph__5, M_AM__3 |
Di (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/P162 | ws2425 |
212055-700A |
Molekulare Nanotechnologie
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Robert Magerle (212055) |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ch__3, M_Ph__3, B_Ph__5, M_AM__3 |
Do (wö.) 09:30-11:00 |
2/P162 | ws2425 |
212055-701 |
Molekulare Nanotechnologie
[Übung] Die Übung findet nach Vereinbarung mit den Teilnehmenden freitags im Raum C60.128 (alt: 2/P128) statt. |
2 | Mario Zerson (212055) |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ch__3, M_Ph__3, B_Ph__5, M_AM__3 |
kA (kA) |
ws2425 | |
212055-900 |
AG-Seminar Aktuelles aus der Chemischen Physik
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Robert Magerle (212055) |
wo: M_Ph__3, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, M_AM__3, B_MT__5 |
Do (wö.) 13:30-15:00 |
2/P033 | ws2425 |
212055-D992 |
Vertiefungspraktikum in der Chemischen Physik
[Praktikum] |
2 | Prof. Robert Magerle (212055) |
wo: M_Ch__1, M_Ch__3 |
kA (kA) |
ws2425 | |
212055-D993 |
Projektarbeit in der Chemischen Physik
[Projekt] |
2 | Prof. Robert Magerle (212055) |
wo: M_Ch__1, M_Ch__3 |
kA (kA) |
ws2425 | |
212055-D994 |
Forschungsprojekt in der Chemischen Physik
[Praktikum] |
2 | Prof. Robert Magerle (212055) |
wo: M_AM__1, M_AM__3 |
kA (kA) |
ws2425 | |
212055-D995 |
Masterarbeit in der Chemischen Physik
[Projekt] |
2 | Prof. Robert Magerle (212055) |
wo: M_Ch__3, M_AM__3 |
kA (kA) |
ws2425 | |
212056-700 |
Nanophysics Physics of mesoscopic systems
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Christoph Tegenkamp (212056) |
wo: M_CS__3, M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, B_Ph__5, M_AM__1, M_AM__3 |
Mi (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/P031 | ws2425 |
212056-701 |
Nanophysics Physics of mesoscopic systems
[Übung] |
2 | Julian Koch (212056) |
wo: M_CS__3, M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, B_Ph__5, M_AM__1, M_AM__3 |
Fr (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/P031 | ws2425 |
212056-900 |
AG-Seminar Nanostrukturen und Quantensysteme
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Christoph Tegenkamp (212056) |
wo: M_Ph__3, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, B_MT__5 |
Do (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/P033 | ws2425 |
212058-300 |
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Dietrich R. T. Zahn (212058) |
obl: M_Ph__1 wo: M_AM__3 |
Mo (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/N013 | ws2425 |
212058-301 |
[Übung] |
2 | Prof. Dietrich R. T. Zahn (212058) |
obl: M_Ph__1 wo: M_AM__3 |
Mo (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/P033 | ws2425 |
212058-302 |
Lösung experimentell-physikalischer Probleme
[Seminar] |
1 |
wo: M_AM__3 |
Mi (2.Wo) 15:30-17:00 |
2/P031 | ws2425 | |
212058-520 |
Physik (mit Experimenten)
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Georgeta Salvan (212058); Prof. Dietrich R. T. Zahn (212058) |
obl: B_Sp__1, B_MB1_1, B_MB2_1, B_MM__1, B_Me__1, B_BT__3, B_AU__1, B_MaMB1, D_MB__1 wo: D_MaIn1, D_MaMa1, D_MaTM1, D_MaIn5, D_MaMa5, D_MaTM5, D_MaIn7, D_MaMa7, D_MaTM7 fak: SGws |
Mi (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/N012 | ws2425 |
212058-521 |
[Übung] |
1 |
obl: B_MB1_1, B_MB2_1 fak: SGws |
Mo (1.Wo) 11:30-13:00 |
2/N005 | ws2425 | |
212058-522 |
[Übung] |
1 |
obl: B_MM__1, D_MB__1 fak: SGws |
Mo (2.Wo) 11:30-13:00 |
2/N005 | ws2425 | |
212058-523 |
[Übung] |
1 |
obl: B_Me__1 fak: SGws |
Mo (1.Wo) 13:45-15:15 |
2/N002 | ws2425 | |
212058-524 |
[Übung] |
1 |
obl: B_Sp__1 fak: SGws |
Mo (2.Wo) 13:45-15:15 |
2/N002 | ws2425 | |
212058-525 |
[Übung] |
1 |
obl: B_BT__3 fak: SGws |
Di (1.Wo) 11:30-13:00 |
2/W021 | ws2425 | |
212058-526 |
[Übung] |
1 |
obl: B_AU__1, B_MaMB1 wo: D_MaIn1, D_MaMa1, D_MaTM1, D_MaIn5, D_MaMa5, D_MaTM5, D_MaIn7, D_MaMa7, D_MaTM7 fak: SGws |
Di (2.Wo) 11:30-13:00 |
2/W021 | ws2425 | |
212058-700 |
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Dietrich R. T. Zahn (212058) |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, B_Ph__5, B_MT__5 |
Do (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/N102 | ws2425 |
212058-701 |
[Übung] |
2 |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, B_Ph__5, B_MT__5 |
Fr (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/P031 | ws2425 | |
212058-710 |
Aspects of modern optics
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Georgeta Salvan (212058) |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, M_AM__1 |
Do (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/N106 | ws2425 |
212058-711 |
Aspects of modern optics
[Übung] |
2 | Prof. Georgeta Salvan (212058) |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, M_AM__1 |
Do (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/D201 | ws2425 |
212058-900 |
AG-Seminar Aktuelles aus der Halbleiterphysik
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Georgeta Salvan (212058); Prof. Dietrich R. T. Zahn (212058) |
wo: M_Ph__3, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, B_MT__5 |
Di (wö.) 09:00-11:30 |
2/P033 | ws2425 |
212058-901 |
AG-Seminar Spektroskopische Charakterisierung von Grenzflächen, dünnen Schichten und niedrigdimensionalen Systemen
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Georgeta Salvan (212058); Prof. Dietrich R. T. Zahn (212058) |
wo: M_Ph__3, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5 |
Di (wö.) 14:00-15:30 |
2/P033 | ws2425 |
212062-180 |
Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Sensorik
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Ulrich Theodor Schwarz (212062) |
obl: B_SK2_3, B_SK1_3, B_MaSk5 wo: B_Ph__5 |
Do (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/N013 | ws2425 |
212062-181 |
Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Sensorik
[Übung] |
2 |
obl: B_SK1_3, B_MaSk5 wo: B_Ph__5 |
Mi (wö.) 07:30-09:00 |
2/P205 | ws2425 | |
212062-182 |
Naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Sensorik
[Übung] |
2 |
obl: B_SK2_3 wo: B_Ph__5 |
Mi (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/P205 | ws2425 | |
212062-370 |
Fortgeschrittene Themen der Physik und Sensorik / Sensorik und computergestütztes Messen
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Ulrich Theodor Schwarz (212062) |
obl: M_SK__1 wo: M_CS__3, M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, M_MaSk1, M_MaSk3 |
Di (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/N013 | ws2425 |
212062-371 |
Fortgeschrittene Themen der Physik und Sensorik
[Übung] |
2 |
obl: M_SK__1 wo: M_MaSk1, M_MaSk3 |
Do (wö.) 07:30-09:00 |
2/P205 | ws2425 | |
212062-372 |
Fortgeschrittene Themen der Physik und Sensorik
[Übung] |
2 |
obl: M_SK__1 wo: M_MaSk1, M_MaSk3 |
Di (wö.) 15:30-17:00 |
2/P205 | ws2425 | |
212062-700 |
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), Laser Diodes, and Optical Sensor Systems (Optoelectronic Devices)
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Ulrich Theodor Schwarz (212062) |
wo: M_SK__1, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, M_AM__1, M_AM__3, M_MN1_3, M_MN2_3 |
Mo (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/N106 | ws2425 |
212062-701 |
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), Laser Diodes, and Optical Sensor Systems (Optoelectronic Devices)
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Ulrich Theodor Schwarz (212062) |
wo: M_SK__1, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, M_AM__1, M_AM__3, M_MN1_3, M_MN2_3 |
Fr (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/N102 | ws2425 |
212062-711 |
Sensorik und computergestütztes Messen
[Übung] |
2 |
wo: M_CS__3, M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3 |
Do (wö.) 07:30-09:00 |
2/P202 | ws2425 | |
212062-900 |
Arbeitsgruppenseminar "Experimentelle Sensorik"
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Ulrich Theodor Schwarz (212062) |
wo: M_Ph__3, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, B_MT__5 |
Do (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/P031 | ws2425 |
212062-D373 |
Projekt zur Sensorik
[Projekt] |
2 | Prof. Ulrich Theodor Schwarz (212062) |
obl: M_SK__1 wo: M_MaSk1, M_MaSk3 |
kA (kA) |
ws2425 | |
212062-D712 |
Projekt zu computergestütztem Messen
[Projekt] |
2 |
wo: M_CS__3, M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3 |
kA (kA) |
ws2425 | ||
212063-100 |
Mechanik Thermodynamik
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Thomas Seyller (212063) |
obl: B_InPh1, B_SK1_1, B_SK2_1, B_Ph__1, B_MaPh5, B_MTmp1, B_MTip1 wo: D_MaIn1, D_MaMa1, D_MaTM1 |
Di (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/N012 | ws2425 |
212063-100A |
Mechanik Thermodynamik
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Thomas Seyller (212063) |
obl: B_InPh1, B_SK1_1, B_SK2_1, B_Ph__1, B_MaPh5, B_MTmp1, B_MTip1 wo: D_MaIn1, D_MaMa1, D_MaTM1 |
Fr (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/N012 | ws2425 |
212063-101 |
Mechanik Thermodynamik
[Übung] |
2 | NN |
obl: B_InPh1, B_Ph__1, B_MaPh5, B_MTmp1, B_MTip1 wo: D_MaIn1, D_MaMa1, D_MaTM1 |
Fr (wö.) 07:30-09:00 |
2/W038 | ws2425 |
212063-102 |
Analyse experimentell-physikalischer Probleme
[Seminar] |
2 | Susanne Wolff (212063) |
obl: B_MaPh5 |
Mi (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/P033 | ws2425 |
212063-105 |
Mechanik Thermodynamik
[Übung] |
2 | Peter Richter (212063) |
obl: B_SK1_1 |
Fr (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/W059 | ws2425 |
212063-106 |
Mechanik Thermodynamik
[Übung] |
2 | Susanne Wolff (212063) |
obl: B_SK2_1 |
Di (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/N105 | ws2425 |
212063-550 |
Surfaces, Thin films and Interfaces
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Dr. Fabian Göhler (212063) |
obl: M_AM__1, M_AM__3, M_AdPF3 wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, M_MN1_3, M_MN2_3 |
Mi (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/N013 | ws2425 |
212063-553 |
Surfaces, Thin films and Interfaces (combined exercise & tutorium)
[Übung] |
2 | Dr. Philip Schädlich (212063) |
obl: M_AM__1, M_AM__3, M_AdPF3 wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, M_MN1_3, M_MN2_3 |
Di (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/W043 | ws2425 |
212063-555 |
Advanced Surfaces, Thin Films and Interfaces
[Seminar] |
1 | Dr. Philip Schädlich (212063) |
obl: M_AM__3, M_AdPF3 |
Mo (1.Wo) 15:30-17:00 |
2/P031 | ws2425 |
212063-556 |
Advanced Surfaces, Thin Films and Interfaces
[Seminar] |
1 | Dr. Philip Schädlich (212063) |
obl: M_AM__3, M_AdPF3 |
Mo (2.Wo) 15:30-17:00 |
2/P031 | ws2425 |
212063-557 |
Advanced Surfaces, Thin Films and Interfaces
[Seminar] |
1 | Dr. Philip Schädlich (212063) |
obl: M_AM__3, M_AdPF3 |
Mi (2.Wo) 07:30-09:00 |
2/W038 | ws2425 |
212063-900 |
AG-Seminar Aktuelle Probleme der technischen Physik
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Thomas Seyller (212063) |
wo: M_Ph__3, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, B_MT__5 |
Do (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
ws2425 | |
212064-110 |
Atome Moleküle
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Carsten Deibel (212064) |
obl: B_Ph__3, B_MTmp3, B_MTip3 wo: B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, D_MaIn5, D_MaMa5, D_MaTM5, D_MaIn7, D_MaMa7, D_MaTM7, M_MaPh1 |
Di (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/N013 | ws2425 |
212064-110A |
Atome Moleküle
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Carsten Deibel (212064) |
obl: B_Ph__3, B_MTmp3, B_MTip3 wo: B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, D_MaIn5, D_MaMa5, D_MaTM5, D_MaIn7, D_MaMa7, D_MaTM7, M_MaPh1 |
Do (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/N012 | ws2425 |
212064-111 |
Atome Moleküle
[Übung] |
2 | Christopher Wöpke (212064) |
obl: B_Ph__3, B_MTmp3, B_MTip3 wo: B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, D_MaIn5, D_MaMa5, D_MaTM5, D_MaIn7, D_MaMa7, D_MaTM7, M_MaPh1 |
Mi (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/P033 | ws2425 |
212064-560 |
Physics of Solar Cells (Photovoltaics with Nanotechnology)
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Carsten Deibel (212064) |
obl: M_AM__3 wo: M_CS__3, M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, M_SK__1, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5 |
Mo (wö.) 15:30-17:00 |
2/N012 | ws2425 |
212064-561 |
Physics of Solar Cells (Photovoltaics with Nanotechnology)
[Seminar] |
1 | Maria Saladina (212064) |
obl: M_AM__3 wo: M_CS__3, M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3 |
Mi (2.Wo) 15:30-17:00 |
2/N006 | ws2425 |
212064-562 |
Physics of Solar Cells (Photovoltaics with Nanotechnology)
[Übung] |
1 | Maria Saladina (212064) |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, M_SK__1, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5 |
Mi (1.Wo) 15:30-17:00 |
2/N006 | ws2425 |
212064-900 |
AG-Seminar Aktuelles aus Optik & Photonik kondensierter Materie
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Carsten Deibel (212064) |
wo: M_Ph__3, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, B_MT__5 |
Di (wö.) 15:15-16:45 |
2/P031 | ws2425 |
212065-151 |
Tutorium B_Ph, 2. Studienjahr
[Seminar] |
1 | Prof. Olav Hellwig (212065) |
obl: B_Ph__3 |
Mo (1.Wo) 15:30-17:00 |
2/P033 | ws2425 |
212065-152 |
Tutorium B_Ph, 3. Studienjahr
[Seminar] |
1 | Prof. Olav Hellwig (212065) |
obl: B_Ph__5 |
Mo (2.Wo) 13:45-15:15 |
2/P033 | ws2425 |
212065-350 |
Tutorium M_Ph
[Tutorium] |
1 | Prof. Olav Hellwig (212065) |
obl: M_Ph__1 |
Di (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/P031 | ws2425 |
212065-570 |
Advanced concepts of physics
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Olav Hellwig (212065); Prof. Christoph Tegenkamp (212056) |
obl: M_AM__1 |
Mo (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
1/273 | ws2425 |
212065-570A |
Advanced concepts of physics
[Vorlesung] |
1 | Prof. Olav Hellwig (212065); Prof. Christoph Tegenkamp (212056) |
obl: M_AM__1 |
Mo (1.Wo) 13:45-15:15 |
2/D101 | ws2425 |
212065-900 |
AG-Seminar Magnetische Funktionsmaterialien
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Olav Hellwig (212065) |
wo: M_Ph__3, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, B_MT__5 |
Fr (wö.) 13:30-15:00 |
2/P112 | ws2425 |
212065-D351 |
Exkursion Master Physik
[Exkursion] |
2 | Prof. Olav Hellwig (212065) |
obl: M_Ph__1 |
kA (kA) |
ws2425 | |
212066-160 |
Aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten zu Sensorik und Kognition (ehemals Messen, Interpretieren, Verarbeiten)
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer (212066); Dr. Karl Kopiske (212067); Inka Schmitz (212066) |
obl: B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5 |
Mo (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/N106 | ws2425 |
212066-381 |
Visuelle Wahrnehmung und Kognition
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer (212066) |
obl: M_SK__1 wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, M_MaSk1, M_MaSk3 |
Di (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/W017 | ws2425 |
212066-382 |
Psychologische und physikalische Grundlagen von Wahrnehmung und Kognition
[Seminar] |
2 | Jochen Miksch (212066); Dr. Sabine Grimm (212066) |
obl: M_SK__1 wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, M_MaSk1, M_MaSk3 |
Mi (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/N002 | ws2425 |
212066-384 |
Implementierung psychophysischer und kognitionswissenschaftlicher Studien
[Übung] |
2 | Jochen Miksch (212066); Dr. Sabine Grimm (212066) |
obl: M_SK__1 wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, M_MaSk1, M_MaSk3 |
Mi (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/B302 | ws2425 |
212066-700 |
Aufmerksamkeit und Augenbewegungen
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer (212066) |
wo: M_CS__3, M_Ph__1, M_PF__1, M_Ph__3, M_SK__1, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, M_HF__3, M_MaSk1, M_MaSk3 |
Mo (wö.) 15:30-17:00 |
2/W020 | ws2425 |
212066-701 |
Analyse von Augenbewegungsdaten
[Übung] |
2 | Prof. Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer (212066); Dr. Sabine Grimm (212066); Sascha Feder (212067) |
wo: M_CS__3, M_Ph__1, M_PF__1, M_Ph__3, M_SK__1, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, M_HF__3, M_MaSk1, M_MaSk3 |
Mi (wö.) 07:30-09:00 |
2/B302 | ws2425 |
212066-900 |
Forschungsseminar Visuelle Sensorik und Kognition
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer (212066) |
wo: M_Ph__3, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5 |
Do (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/P031 | ws2425 |
212066-D702 |
Praktikum Eyetracking
[Praktikum] |
2 | Prof. Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer (212066); Dr. Sabine Grimm (212066) |
wo: M_CS__3, M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, M_SK__1, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5, M_HF__3, M_MaSk1, M_MaSk3 |
kA (kA) |
ws2425 | |
212067-161 |
Praktische Anwendung statistischer Verfahren
[Übung] |
1 | Dr. Karl Kopiske (212067) |
obl: B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5 |
Mo (1.Wo) 11:30-13:00 |
2/B301 | ws2425 |
212067-165 |
Sensorik und Kognition im interdisziplinären Kontext
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer (212066); Prof. Alexandra Bendixen (212067) |
obl: B_SK1_1, B_SK2_1, B_MaSk5 |
Do (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/W017 | ws2425 |
212067-166 |
Empirische Forschungszugänge zu Sensorik und Kognition
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Alexandra Bendixen (212067); Dr. Nina Coy (212067) |
obl: B_SK1_1, B_SK2_1, B_MaSk5 |
Mi (wö.) 11:30-13:00 |
2/N102 | ws2425 |
212067-170 |
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten
[Seminar] |
3 | Prof. Wolfgang Einhäuser-Treyer (212066); Prof. Alexandra Bendixen (212067) |
obl: B_SK2_3, B_SK1_3 |
Di (wö.) 15:30-18:00 |
2/B302 | ws2425 |
212067-190 |
Berufsperspektiven im Bereich Sensorik und Kognition
[Seminar] |
1 | Prof. Alexandra Bendixen (212067); Patricia Müller (212066) |
obl: B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5 |
Fr (1.Wo) 13:45-15:15 |
2/N005 | ws2425 |
212067-199 |
Studienbegleitende Konsultation B.Sc. / M.Sc. Sensorik und kognitive Psychologie
[Tutorium] |
1 | Prof. Alexandra Bendixen (212067); Christiane Neubert (212067) |
fak: B_SK1_1, B_SK2_1, B_SK2_3, B_SK1_3, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, M_SK__1, M_SK__3 |
Do (wö.) 08:15-09:00 |
2/P140 | ws2425 |
212067-380 |
Auditive Wahrnehmung und Kognition
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Prof. Alexandra Bendixen (212067) |
obl: M_SK__1 wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ph__3, M_MaSk1, M_MaSk3 |
Di (wö.) 13:45-15:15 |
2/W017 | ws2425 |
212067-390 |
Wissenschaftlich-Praktisches Arbeiten, Wissenschaftskommunikation und Berufsorientierung
[Seminar] |
1 | Prof. Alexandra Bendixen (212067) |
obl: M_SK__3 |
Fr (2.Wo) 13:45-15:15 |
2/N005 | ws2425 |
212067-900 |
Forschungsseminar Auditive Sensorik und Kognition
[Seminar] |
2 | Prof. Alexandra Bendixen (212067) |
wo: M_Ph__3, B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5, M_SK__3, B_Ph__5 |
Do (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/P033 | ws2425 |
212067-D192 |
[Praktikum] |
2 | Dr. Karl Kopiske (212067) |
obl: B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5 |
kA (kA) |
ws2425 | |
212067-D700 |
Anwendung psychophysischer Verfahren
[Projekt] |
2 | Dr. Sabine Grimm (212066); Sascha Feder (212067) |
wo: B_SK1_5, B_SK2_5 |
kA (kA) |
ws2425 | |
212068-700 |
Halide Perovskites in Optoelectronics
[Vorlesung] |
2 | Dr. Simon Kahmann (212011) |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ch__3, M_Ph__3, M_AM__1, M_AM__3 |
Di (wö.) 09:15-10:45 |
2/N005 | ws2425 |
212068-700A |
Halide Perovskites in Optoelectronics
[Vorlesung] |
1 | Dr. Simon Kahmann (212011) |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ch__3, M_Ph__3, M_AM__1, M_AM__3 |
Fr (2.Wo) 11:30-13:00 |
2/W035 | ws2425 |
212068-701 |
Halide Perovskites in Optoelectronics
[Seminar] |
1 | Dr. Simon Kahmann (212011) |
wo: M_Ph__1, M_Ch__3, M_Ph__3, M_AM__1, M_AM__3 |
Fr (1.Wo) 11:30-13:00 |
2/W035 | ws2425 |