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Professur Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling
Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling
Professur Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling 

Research Projects

Cooperation in Research Projects


A proposal to the DT-FOF-09-2020 call on Energy-efficient manufacturing system management of Horizon 2020 was submitted in February 2020 by the members of the SustEEM-Group together with additional 24 partners from several European countries. Under the name of “SmartSEED - Smart manufacturing configuration for Sustainable EnErgy Demand” the project proposes a scalable, interoperable and holistic energy management platform that is capable of collecting and pre-processing all energy-related data, taking advantage from the most innovative cyber-physical systems connected along the shop-floor. Additionally, this platform enables access to the most advanced AI-based data-driven services for generation of energy intelligence, which are capable of integrating with manufacturing companies’ legacy systems and leveraging the decision-making at the different levels of the organization. With this approach in mind, SmartSEED intends to explore the concept of energy-efficient tactical and operational decision-making as a holistic and global process, from the machine to the supply chain, as a counterpart to the current silo approach. Despite not being accepted, it was ranked with very high score justifying a future adaptations, improvement and resubmission.

Prof. Dr. Prof. h. c. Uwe Götze (Chemnitz University of Technology) is a principal investigator and Prof. Paulo Peças (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa) member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the project.

Link to the web page of the project: http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/MERGE/

The project "Enhancement of Life Cycle Engineering Methodology by Integration of Management-related Methods and its Application to Complex Systems" is supported by the DAAD with funds of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as well as the Rectors Council of Portuguese Universities (CRUP) and performed within the DAAD program "Projektbezogener Personenaustausch mit Portugal (PPP Portugal)".

In cooperation with the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) it is aimed to the further development of a Life Cycle Engineering and Management (LCEM) framework for a life cycle-related analysis, evaluation, and design of products, processes, and resources from a technical, ecological, and economic point of view. For this purpose, four sub-targets are defined:

  • Improvement of the theoretical foundation of Life Cycle Engineering and LCEM by identification and conceptual integration of appropriate engineering, management-related, ecological, system-theoretical, as well as decision-theoretical theory elements into the framework
  • Extension of the methodology by specification, combination with established techniques of Life Cycle Engineering, and application of concepts and methods of Target Costing, Supply Chain Costing, Business Modeling, Eco-Efficiency, and Material Flow Cost Accounting to strengthen the market-, customer- and supply chain-orientation of LCE and to elaborate a theoretical contribution to the development of sustainable products, processes, resources, and business models which can be used in corporate practices
  • Enlargement of the application fields of LCEM towards complex systems; relevant fields of application with high potential for strengthening sustainability are, e.g., additive manufacturing of composites, injection molding techniques, as well as innovative sports equipment, hybrid railcars, and wind turbines
  • Enhancement of Curricula of LCEM and their refinement supported by educational material and elaborated case studies

As the framework structures manifold LCEM-relevant issues and provides recommendations for analysis, evaluation, and design activities, it is intended to be a work base for researchers and practitioners and to contribute substantially to the advancement of sustainable practices.

Logo BMBF supported by the DAAD with funds of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Logo CRUP Instituto Superior Técnico is supported by funds of the Rectors Council of Portuguese Universities (CRUP)

The project "Life Cycle Engineering und Management Framework" was supported by the DAAD with funds of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as well as the Rectors Council of Portuguese Universities (CRUP) and performed within the DAAD program "Projektbezogener Personenaustausch mit Portugal (PPP Portugal)".

In cooperation with the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) it was aimed to develop a Life Cycle Engineering and Management (LCEM) framework for a life cycle-related analysis, evaluation, and design of products, processes, and resources from a technical, ecological, and economic point of view. Thus, the primarily engineering-dominated approach of Life Cycle Engineering was extended by a profound consideration of economic principles and methodological elements, among others for a situation-specific preparation of decisions.

Further research projects


Chair of Management Accounting and Control (Chemnitz University of Technology)

More information on the Chairs Main Research Areas


Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon, Universidade de Lisboa

More information on Prof. Peças research projects