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Professur Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling
Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling
Professur Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling 

Teaching and Theses

Open Topics for Theses
  • Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment in Industry 4.0-domain - Concept and methods
  • Sustainability Assessment of smart farming - Development of a concept based on a literature review
  • Development of sustainable business models for sensors/sensor systems manufacturer in the agricultural sector
  • Social Life Cycle Assessment - a literature review
Completed Bachelor and Master Theses
  1. Reuniões Diárias 4.0 – Um caso de estudo que visa contribuir para a digitalização no contexto da indústria do papel
  2. A Framework for assessing manufacturing SMEs Industry 4.0 maturity
  3. Life Cycle Assessment of a Hybrid Train
  4. Material Flow Cost Accounting application and its Integration with Lean Tools
  5. Incorporation of Material Flow Cost Accounting in Life Cycle Engineering for product and process design
  6. Economic comparison of new fibre placement methods – Dry Fibre Placement and Tailored Fibre Placement
Joint teaching programm of SustEEM members at Chemnitz University of Technology (in the Master Programs Merge Technologies for Resource Efficiency and Advanced Manufacturing)
Chair of Management Accounting and Control (Chemnitz University of Technology)
  • Chair of Management Accounting and Control is responsible for a couple of courses at Bachelor level and Master level
  • Supervision of about 80 bachelor and master theses per year as well as more than ten ph. D. studies
Department of Mechanical Engineering (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa)
  • Técnico Lisboa Production Management group of the Mechanical engineering department is responsible for several Master programmes courses:
    1. Production Management, 200 students per semester, English language (Link to course)
    2. Project Management, 80 students per semester, English language (Link to course)
    3. Product development and Entrepreneurship, 80 students per semester, English language (Link to course)