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Professur Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling
Investment Appraisal
Professur Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling 

Investment Appraisal

Semester and organization
The self-study course is held in every semester and is awarded with 3 credit points. For registration please get in touch with the contact person mentioned below.
Target audience
The course is offered to undergraduate (bachelor) exchange students.
At the end of the course, students know the basic terms of investment appraisal and are able to apply methods for the support of investment decisions.
  1. Investment planning and investment decisions
  2. Static methods
  3. Discounted cash flow methods
  4. Compounded cash flow methods
  5. Models for economic life and replacement time decisions
Basic literature
  • Götze, U.; Northcott, D.; Schuster, P.: Investment Appraisal. Methods and Models, 2. ed., Berlin u. a. 2015
Oral examination

ERASMUS students: See Hinweise für ERASMUS-Studierende (Deutsch) or Notes for ERASMUS students (English)