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Professur Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling
Life Cycle Engineering
Professur Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling 

Life Cycle Engineering

The course is held in every summer semester.
For further information, please check OPAL (via the link on the bottom of this page).
This course contributes to recognizing the importance of including multiple objectives from the technical, the economic and the ecological dimension for decision making in early stages of product design. A special focus is given to appropriate approaches and models, and their practical application.
The module provides an overview of the basic ideas and the theoretical background of Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) as well as deeper insights in specific approaches and modeling techniques. Specific topics are, among others:
  • product life cycle models
  • evaluation of technical, economic and ecological performances
  • multi-dimensional performance models
  • material and technology selection
  • case studies
Prof. P. Peças, PhD
Contact person
Written examination

ERASMUS students: See Hinweise für ERASMUS-Studierende (Deutsch) or Notes for ERASMUS students (English)
Access to the course documents and enrollment

For the access to documents a registration as course participant is necessary via OPAL. Please, use the following Link to OPAL.