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Professur Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling
Life Cycle-oriented Management
Professur Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling 

Life Cycle-oriented Management

The course is held in every summer semester.
Participants learn about life cycle-related decisions from an economic perspective and get specific knowledge about corresponding methods enabling an informed decision-making.
Firstly, the module provides an overview of life cycle models and concepts. Thereafter, strategic life cycle-related design tasks and deployable methods are presented. The discussion of life cycle-related decision models and methods is a key aspect of the module. This includes (among others):
  • Life Cycle-related concepts and methods of Strategic Management
  • Dynamic investment appraisal supporting decisions about profitability, useful economic life and replacement timing
  • Life Cycle Costing/Total Cost of Ownership
  • Material Flow Cost Accounting
  • Ratios and Ratio Systems
  • Business Modeling
Contact person
Written examination

ERASMUS students: See Hinweise für ERASMUS-Studierende (Deutsch) or Notes for ERASMUS students (English)
Access to the course documents and enrollment

The access to the course documents and the enrollment for the exercise groups is possible via the platform OPAL. Please use the following Link to OPAL.