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Professur für Innovationsforschung und Technologiemanagement
Innovationsforschung und Technologiemanagement
Logo der Professur Innovationsforschung und Technologiemanagement

Team, External Researchers & Adjunct Lecturers

Prof. Dr. Stefan Hüsig

(0371) 531 34438
(0371) 531 26229
Thüringer Weg 7, Raum 125 (neu: C33.125)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Hüsig is holder of the chair for Innovation Research and Technology Management at the Technische Universitat Chemnitz, Germany. Before he had several positions in academia such as Interim Professor at the Chair of Innovation Research and Sustainable Resource Management at the TU Chemnitz, as an Associate Professor at the Department of Innovation and Technology Management at the University of Regensburg, Germany or as Deputy Director and founder of a new Institute for Innovation and Technology Management at the University of Economics in Prague (Czech Republic). Moreover, he had visiting positions at the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado (USA), Aston Business School, Aston University in Birmingham (UK), the Clermont Graduate School of Management, Clermont-Ferrand (France) and the Fudan University in Shanghai (China). His teaching portfolio includes EMBA and in-house courses plus teaching experiences in eight countries in Europe, Africa and Asia. In addition to his academic activities Prof. Dr. Hüsig was active in research and consulting projects in collaboration with Mannesmann, Vodafone, Continental or the Fraunhofer Institute. He holds a Habilitation in Business Administration, a PhD in Innovation Management and a Diploma in Business Administration from University of Regensburg.


  • Technologiestrategie und -früherkennung
  • Radikale Innovationen
  • Disruptive Innovationen, Technologien & Geschäftsmodelle
  • Digitalisierung von Innovationsprozessen, z.B. Computer Aided Innovation (CAI)
  • Digitalisierung, Telekommunikation, FinTech & IT, Internet der Werte & Blockchain Innovation, Plattformen

  • Seine Beiträge sind veröffentlicht worden in Zeitschriften wie Research Policy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Journal of Service Research, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, R&D Management, International Journal of Innovation Management, Telecommunications Policy, Energy Policy, Technovation, International Journal of Product Development, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, foresight, European Journal of Innovation Management, Review of Managerial Science, Computers in Industry, International Journal of Mobile Communications und anderen.
  • Weitere Beiträge wurden auf internationalen Konferenzen bekanntgemacht wie Academy of Management Conference, International Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering & Technology (PICMET), R&D Management Conference, Strategic Management Society (SMS), International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) oder der DRUID Society Conference.
  • Übersichten seiner Veröffentlichungen finden sich in der Bibliotheksdatenbank und bei Researchgate, Scopus oder bei Google Scholar bzw. im Google Scholar Profil.

Akademische Gremien
  • He serves as dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and dean of curriculum for the Master of Management & Organisation Studies.