Prof. Dr.-Ing. Janet Siegmund, Dipl.-Psych
Email: | janet.siegmund@… | |
Telefon: | +49 371 531 34310 | |
Fax: | +49 371 531 834310 | |
Address: | Technische Universität Chemnitz Fakultät für Informatik Professur Softwaretechnik Straße der Nationen 62 09111 Chemnitz |
Room: | 1/271 (new: A10.271) 1/B216 (new: A11.216) |
Consultation: | Consultation hours will be communicated via e-mail | |
Topics for theses: | Please navigate to "Teaching" > "Theses" in the menu on the left to find instructions. |
Curriculum Vitae
Academic Employment
Since October 2019 | Professor of Software Engineering, Technical University of Chemnitz. |
April 2017–September 2019 | Leader of the ZD.B-funded Junior Research Group PICCARD, University of Passau. |
August 2013 – September 2016 | Post-Doc at the University of Passau, University of Passau, Chair of Software Engineering. |
March – April 2014 | Visiting researcher, Carnegie Mellon University, Brown University, University of Texas at Austin, and University of Waterloo. |
March – July 2013 | Managing the chair for Software Engineering, University of Magdeburg. |
October 2009 – July 2013 | Ph.D. student and research associate, University of Magdeburg, Databases & software engineering group. |
Awards and Scholarships
May 2024 | Distinguished Reviewer, International Conference on Software Engineering 2024. |
2023 | Most Influential Paper Award for Does the Discipline of Preprocessor Annotations Matter? A Controlled Experiment, International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (2013). |
2022 | Most Influential Paper Award for Measuring Programming Experience, International Conference on Program Comprehension (2012). |
May 2021 | ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award for Program Comprehension and Code Complexity Metrics: An fMRI Study, International Conference on Software Engineering. |
August 2019 | ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award for Community Expectations for Research Artifacts and Evaluation Processes, Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering. |
February 2017 | Best Paper Award, International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering 2017. |
May 2015 | ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, International Conference on Software Engineering 2015. |
May 2014 | Distinguished Reviewer, International Conference on Program Comprehension 2014. |
October 2013 | Distinguished Reviewer, International Conference on Software Maintenance 2013. |
December 2012 | Award for the teaching concept “Explorative und interactive learning”, University of Magdeburg, honored with 5000 €. |
October 2010 | Research Award for master’s thesis “Empirical Comparison of FOSD Approaches Regarding Program Comprehension – A Feasibility Study”, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Magdeburg, honored with 1500 €. |
June 2010 | Award for master’s thesis “Empirical Comparison of FOSD Approaches Regarding Program Comprehension – A Feasibility Study”, Metop Research Institute, Magdeburg, honored with 500 €. |
October 2009 | Award as best graduate of the School of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg. |
Third-Party Funding
April 2019 | Linking Program Comprehension to Neural, Behavioral, and Psycho-Physiological Corre- lates, Funded by DFG (SI 2045/2-2), 189,000 €. |
April 2017 | PICCARD: Improving Collaboration and Communication of Developers, Center Digitisa- tion.Bavaria (ZD.B), 1.1 mio.€. |
December 2015 | Understanding Program Comprehension in the Neuro-Imaging Age, Funded by DFG (SI 2045/2-1):2017-2019, 240,000 €. |
Since 2021 | Member of the Editorial Board des Journals for Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE). |
Since 2015 | Co-Organization of the following meetings and seminar at Dagstuhl: FOSD-Meeting (13092), Human-Centric Development of Software Tools (15222), The Human Factors Impact of Programming Error Messages (22052), Foundations for a New Perspective of Understanding Programming (22402). |
2020 | Program co-chair of the Registered Reports track at MSR (MSR-RR). |
2019 | Program co-chair of the Workshop Eye Movements in Programming (EMIP). |
2018 | Program co-chair of the International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC). |
2017 | Program co-chair of the NIER track of the International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME). |
2014 - 2017 | Member of the steering committee of the International Conference on Program Comprehension. |
2015 | Trainer for the Dagstuhl seminar “Empirical Evaluations for Graph Drawing” (15052). |
since 2013 | Member of the program committee/expert review panels for conferences and workshops:, Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH) International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) Visions of 2025 and Beyond (V2025 @ ICSE) Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU) International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC) Symposium on New Ideas in Programming and Reflections on Software (Onward!) Interna- tional Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSM(E)) International Workshop of Feature-Oriented Software Development (FOSD). |
since 2013 | Reviewer for the following journals:, Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodol- ogy, Transactions on Software Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering, IET Software, Human Brain Mapping, Transactions on Computing Education. |