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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Janet Siegmund, Dipl.-Psych

Telefon: +49 371 531 34310
Fax: +49 371 531 834310
Address: Technische Universität Chemnitz
Fakultät für Informatik
Professur Softwaretechnik
Straße der Nationen 62
09111 Chemnitz
Room: 1/271 (new: A10.271)

1/B216 (new: A11.216)
Consultation: Consultation hours will be communicated via e-mail
Topics for theses: Please navigate to "Teaching" > "Theses" in the menu on the left to find instructions.

Curriculum Vitae

Academic Employment

Since October 2019 Professor of Software Engineering, Technical University of Chemnitz.
April 2017–September 2019 Leader of the ZD.B-funded Junior Research Group PICCARD, University of Passau.
August 2013 – September 2016 Post-Doc at the University of Passau, University of Passau, Chair of Software Engineering.
March – April 2014 Visiting researcher, Carnegie Mellon University, Brown University, University of Texas at Austin, and University of Waterloo.
March – July 2013 Managing the chair for Software Engineering, University of Magdeburg.
October 2009 – July 2013 Ph.D. student and research associate, University of Magdeburg, Databases & software engineering group.

Awards and Scholarships

May 2024 Distinguished Reviewer, International Conference on Software Engineering 2024.
2023 Most Influential Paper Award for Does the Discipline of Preprocessor Annotations Matter? A Controlled Experiment, International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (2013).
2022 Most Influential Paper Award for Measuring Programming Experience, International Conference on Program Comprehension (2012).
May 2021 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award for Program Comprehension and Code Complexity Metrics: An fMRI Study, International Conference on Software Engineering.
August 2019 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award for Community Expectations for Research Artifacts and Evaluation Processes, Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering.
February 2017 Best Paper Award, International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering 2017.
May 2015 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award, International Conference on Software Engineering 2015.
May 2014 Distinguished Reviewer, International Conference on Program Comprehension 2014.
October 2013 Distinguished Reviewer, International Conference on Software Maintenance 2013.
December 2012 Award for the teaching concept “Explorative und interactive learning”, University of Magdeburg, honored with 5000 €.
October 2010 Research Award for master’s thesis “Empirical Comparison of FOSD Approaches Regarding Program Comprehension – A Feasibility Study”, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Magdeburg, honored with 1500 €.
June 2010 Award for master’s thesis “Empirical Comparison of FOSD Approaches Regarding Program Comprehension – A Feasibility Study”, Metop Research Institute, Magdeburg, honored with 500 €.
October 2009 Award as best graduate of the School of Computer Science, University of Magdeburg.

Third-Party Funding

April 2019 Linking Program Comprehension to Neural, Behavioral, and Psycho-Physiological Corre- lates, Funded by DFG (SI 2045/2-2), 189,000 €.
April 2017 PICCARD: Improving Collaboration and Communication of Developers, Center Digitisa- tion.Bavaria (ZD.B), 1.1 mio.€.
December 2015 Understanding Program Comprehension in the Neuro-Imaging Age, Funded by DFG (SI 2045/2-1):2017-2019, 240,000 €.


Since 2021 Member of the Editorial Board des Journals for Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE).
Since 2015 Co-Organization of the following meetings and seminar at Dagstuhl: FOSD-Meeting (13092), Human-Centric Development of Software Tools (15222), The Human Factors Impact of Programming Error Messages (22052), Foundations for a New Perspective of Understanding Programming (22402).
2020 Program co-chair of the Registered Reports track at MSR (MSR-RR).
2019 Program co-chair of the Workshop Eye Movements in Programming (EMIP).
2018 Program co-chair of the International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC).
2017 Program co-chair of the NIER track of the International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME).
2014 - 2017 Member of the steering committee of the International Conference on Program Comprehension.
2015 Trainer for the Dagstuhl seminar “Empirical Evaluations for Graph Drawing” (15052).
since 2013 Member of the program committee/expert review panels for conferences and workshops:, Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH) International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) Visions of 2025 and Beyond (V2025 @ ICSE) Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU) International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC) Symposium on New Ideas in Programming and Reflections on Software (Onward!) Interna- tional Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSM(E)) International Workshop of Feature-Oriented Software Development (FOSD).
since 2013 Reviewer for the following journals:, Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodol- ogy, Transactions on Software Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering, IET Software, Human Brain Mapping, Transactions on Computing Education.